

After winning the election ayan conducted many railies [ union were not banned in Gujarat at that time ] but , because of to much railies gujarat king banned the union and ayan union RIG [ revolution in Gujarat] [yes , ayan changes the name of union because after he became leader the union became very popular] was totally banned but within the weeks he again setup this union and make sevral decisions for his union like members have to pay fees , setting up bussiness with the help of money then making a head office , giving employment to members of this union it was very secret union but after this decision it became very popular they were getting public their members were arrested by guard of king but they soon setup a arms factory [ weapons factory] they started production of arms but ayan was caught by guard and he was imprision for life but his union members started creating army and they attack whole kingdom ........ to be continued.

This series rise of king and conquering the universe are of Same universe and interconnected if you are reading this story then read that too .