
Rise of king ?

Once upon a time , means 16th century there was a boy name ayan who belong to a shoe maker family his great great grandfather was a king but he got betrayed by his sister who wants to make her adopted child a king then after many revolts she was successful [ she mean king sister ] then king family was expelled from the region and started living in other kingdom but after years past they returned to their bornland and started living on footpath they were so poor that they can't afford a single bedroom for their family [ in ayan family there are 10 people he have 7 brother-sister , very big family 🤔 ] so continue the story .

Ayan joined a union name RAK [ revolts against king ] but no one knows about this union when ayan turned 13 he was able to stand for union elections [ ya minimum age for president of union is 13 , they were modern ] and ayan win the election by making his position strong by this one incident.... continue