
Rise of ITIRI (The andromedian wars)

Billions of years into the future, when the long predicted collision of the Milky Way galaxy had finally come. Technology had reached unbelievable levels but there was still no way to stop the collision. It was left to a 22 year old undergraduate and his friend with special abilities to stop the collision. The suspicious collision leaves them with a question, is it a coincidence? Was someone, somewhere manipulating the galaxies? If so, then why? Was the andromeda galaxy created, in the first place to get rid of Milky Way? Was it all a revenge plan by some angry god?

Krystal_george · ファンタジー
12 Chs

battling itiri ll

Chukwu tried using fire, water and electricity to battle the clone. but none of these worked. as a atter of fact, the fire even seemed to make them stronger.

Just then, chukwu figured out something. fire, water and electricity didn't work against them because they were smoke. and neither of these three elements could possibly touch smoke.

Itiri's dark energy could take any form it liked. solid, liquid. the only difference was that it's core didn't change. it was still smoke...

coming to terms with this facts, uche blasted air into these clones. there forms were immediately destroyed. even though they came right back together, chukwu was happy that he had found a remedy.

A big smoky hand suddenly materialized and grabbed chukwu by the neck.

smoke flowed into his nostrils and he was suffocating fast.


Chuwku's hair danced in the strong wind that suddenly blew. the smoky hand was immediately blown away.

Chukwu smiled as he surrounded himself with an airball.

The smoke was blown to different directions, but somehow, bit of the smoke still managed to fly into chukwu's airball.

That won't hurt anybody. chukwu ignored the tiny bit of smoke that managed to breach his shield.

In an instant, his opinion changed and he was now wishing he hadn't been so careless.

Itiri suddenly appeared inside the airball. it didn't take chukwu up to a second to realize what had happened.

Itiri had materialized from the little smoke that penetrated the airball. The same litle smoke that was ignored by chukwu, the smoke now possessed a threat large than life.

it was a threat to existence.

Itiri headbutted chuku angrily. Somehow, chukwu flew out of his own airaball. an airball that was supposed to move with him. Chukwu was blasted out of it.

Chukwu usually controlled the airball to move in any direction that he moved, but if he moved too fast then the airball wouldn't be able to move with him. and that was the case right niow.

Chukwu used air pressure to mitigate the damage, and thereafter he balanced himself just fine.


Itiri was in front of him again. Itiri had kicked him away. this time, he spun so fast that he didn't know where he was facing. the darkness and vastness of space helped to confuse him further. chukwu couldn't see himself and so he wasn't even sure that he was standin upright. worse more, chukwu didn't know the distance he had covered.

Is that Anyawu over there? chukwu saw a tiny light that was constantly turning off and on so he guessed it was anyawu. But why was the light Anyawu generated so tiny...Have I flown that far?!


Chukwu felt it. he was sure he hit a hard surface. and judging from his environment, it could ony be a rock that he hit.

Somehow, chukwu was thankful. he didn't know if he was ever going to stop if he didn't crash into the rock.

Maybe when he eventualy stopped he might be lost and so he won't know his way back. that way, everything fought for so far wouold be wasted.

Chukwu jumped of the rock.

wait is that....?

Chukwu was shocked by the sight of a planet below him. There was a familiar ring around the planet, it was very beautiful. but chukwu had no time to appreciate or even notice the beauty of the planet because he knows he had just caused another damage.

that means the rock earlier was a.....

Chukwu immediately turned around to see the rock again and he was shocked by he saw, or rather...what he didn't see.

Chukwu couldn't see the rock again. the rock which had just been there a few seconds ago.

No! not another destruction again!

what the hell!!? At this rate, the milky way would collapse before the collision!

Chukwu was frustrated as he realized that the rock he bumped into was actually a satelite, Saturn's satelite. and now, the satelite had left it's orbit and was drifting away slowly.

Can I really save milky way?


Chukwu noticed that saturn's satelite was had picked speed and it was flying towards the sun very fast.

Chuwku sighed. if this fight dragged on, life on milky way might as well just go exstinct. Right now, earth has probably lost a quarter of it's population.

Chukwu gritted his teeth as he flew towards the light he suspected to be anyawu.


is he fighting?

Is anawu fighting with....Itiri!!?

Damn! chukwu cursed out loud in frusration. Anyawu's only power was light. a light that he could change it's temperature....But could this really be effective against smoke and dark matter....?

Anyawu stood no chance against Itiri.

Anyawu was bleeding badly, but somehow, chukwu was happy that he was still alive and not decapacitated.

Black matter rose high above the already weak anyawu.

seeing that the end was near, Anyawu concentrated all his power into pushing the blackhole.

One more attack, and anyawu was sure that he was going to collapse.

Anyawu noticed that he couldn't even control his light properly anymore.