
Chapter 5: Hogwarts Express

September 1st 1991

"Why did you have to drop me off an hour early?" said Mihal.

"Just cause, have fun bye," said Uncle Ben.

Hearing the annoying reason from Uncle Ben Mihal grabbed his luggage and headed inside. He found an empty compartment in the back. 'Seems nice enough' thought Mihal.

After he put away his trunk onto the rack above him, he sat down. Once he got comfortable, he opened the notes that Mr. Ollivander gave him, on the day.

"Wonder if you can use runes and alchemy to further enhance a wand?" Mihal said to himself.

As Mihal lost himself into the book of wand woods written by Ollivander, a boy with messy brown hair, and horn-rimmed glasses asked him, "Is it okay if I sit here?"

"Sure go ahead, name's Mihal Gregorovitch," said Mihal.

"Harry Potter, nice to meet you," said Harry.

As Harry sat down an awkward silence soon took place. While Harry sat in silence, the train started to move forward. He saw the book in Mihal's hands.

"What kind of book is that?" asked Harry.

"A book on wand woods," replied Mihal.

"I think wands are interesting things, must've gotten it from my grandpa," said Mihal

"Can I see your wand? Just wanna see if I can examine it properly." Asked Mihal.

"Sure go ahead" replied Harry.

As soon as Harry pulled out his wand, and was about to hand it over to Mihal. A ginger with dirt on his nose walked in.

"Hello, is it okay if I sit here, everywhere else's full." asked the Ginger.

"Names, Ron Weasley," said Ron as he sat down, and put away his trunk.

"Names, Harry, Harry Potter," said Harry

"Names, Mihal Gregorovitch," said Mihal

However, it seemed like Ron was a little shocked by hearing Harry's name, to pay attention to Mihal's name. It looked like Ron got excited, because soon he started to ask questions to Harry.

"Are you really Harry Potter?" Ron blurted out.

Harry simply nodded.

"Do you have the mark?"

Harry lifted his bangs to show Ron.

"Wicked," said Ron.

Right as Ron finished questioning Harry, a pair of boys that looked identical opened the compartment door.

"Listen we're going down the middle of the train, Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there."

"Right," mumbled Ron.

"Hello, did we introduce ourselves?" asked the twins, looking at Harry, and Mihal. "Fred and George Weasley, and this is our brother Ron. See you later, then."

"Bye," said the boys in the cabin.

"Oh, Harry can I see your wand now?" asked Mihal.

"Sure, sorry about that, got a little distracted," said Harry.

"It's all good," said Mihal as he grabbed the wand from Harry.

"What you doing with the wand?" asked Ron.

"I'm going to see if I can get the wand wood, and wand core, right," said Mihal.

"Wicked" said Ron.

"Hhhhmmm, 11 inches, made of Holly, and ... " said Mihal as he closed his eyes to sense the magic in the wand.

"A phoenix core, also ... " said Mihal as he tested the nature of the wand.

"nice and supple. "

Harry just looked at Mihal in amazement, while Ron looked to Harry to see if Mihal got it right.

"Did he get it right?" asked Ron

Once Ron asked the question, it took Harry out of his amazement.

"Yea he got it right, "said Harry

"Sweet, " said Mihal with a small smile on his face.

"How'd you do that," asked Harry

"Learned from my grandpa, he's a wandmaker, " said Mihal.

" Wait is your grandfather, ' The Gregorovitch', one of the best wandmakers around, Gregorovitch?" asked Ron

"Seems like you know my grandpa, " said Mihal

Harry and Ron both looked at him with amazement in their eyes.

"You want me to do you too?" asked Mihal

"Sure, here, it was my older brother Charlie's old wand, " said Ron while handing Mihal his wand.

As Mihal grabbed it, he could tell the wand was in poor condition. He could see these things not just because he grew up around wands, but rather that he could see the unicorn hair sticking out from the top of the wand.

"Hhhhhmm 12 inches long, made from ash, and ...." Mihal said as he closed his eyes again to sense the core, " also unicorn hair."

"You said it was passed down to you right?" asked Mihal while handing the wand back to Ron.

"Yea," answered Ron in a confused tone.

"You might want to get a new wand, because ash is one of the worst woods to pass down to others." said Mihal

"Oh, " said Ron while looking at his wand.

As Ron looked dejected, Mihal was about to say something else to cheer him up. When a lady pushing a trolley appeared.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?" asked the nice lady.

"No thanks, " said Ron while grimacing and holding up a sandwich.

"We'll take the lot, " said Harry while pulling out a shit ton of Galleons.

As the boys talked, made jokes, and got to know each other a little better.

"Wanna see a spell," Ron said.

"Sure," said Harry and Mihal

As Ron was about to cast his spell, the compartment door burst open.

"Has anyone seen a toad?" asked a bushy-haired girl.

"Oh it's you again. " said the girl in a bossy tone.

"Hi, Herimione" said Mihal

Hermione turned and looked at Ron who was about to do a spell and said, "Oh you're about to do a spell. I can only do a couple of the first years. Well go on," Hermione sat down next to Mihal and faced forward towards Ron. Ron cast the spell. However the spell simply caused the box scabbers were in to fly away.

"Are you sure it's a real spell?" asked Hermione, "Well you should get dressed we're arriving at Hogwarts soon."

Soon Hermione got up and walked out of the compartment.

"Whatever house I'm in, I hope she's not in it," said Ron getting a few laughs from the boys in the compartment.