
Chapter 2

Beacon Hills

Woods near the Nemeton.

The whole Pack was together today, even Derek was present, in the woods close to the Nemeton to teach Malia how to control her shifting. She was having trouble just getting her claws to come out and Scott had promised to teach her.

For some reason the whole group had come out, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Kira, Malia and even Derek. They were still reeling from having lost Allison so they had stuck to each other closely the last couple of weeks.

"I still don't get it." grumbled Malia as she concentrated on trying to get her claws to come out, they didn't. She looked to Scott to explain to her what she was doing wrong but he wasn't paying attention, as a matter of fact neither was Derek, they were sniffing the air and staring north.

"Do you smell that?" asked Scott with a growl his eyes flashing red as he stared into the woods.

"Yes...there's another werewolf nearby." said Derek his blue wolf eyes flashing as he concentrated on the scent, he was always the better tracker of the Pack.

"And if I'm not mistaken he's hurt." said Derek, and that more than anything seemed to soften up Scott, the boy always having the need to protect people.

"Well? what are we waiting for let's go check it out." said Stiles as he grabbed his bat from the back of his jeep and started making his way into the woods.

"Stiles wait up, don't just go alone." shouted Lydia and Scott at the same time as she both ran after the boy, Kira following close behind.

"Lets go, the faster we deal with this the faster we can teach you how to be useful." said a smirking Derek as he shook his head and started following along

"HEY, I am useful." screamed Malia as she ran after Derek.

It took them a few seconds to catch up to the rest of the group. And from there a few minutes to reach the Nemeton.

"You guys think he's a new enemy?" asked Lydia as she trailed behind Scott, knowing that if they were attacked he was the one with the power to keep her safe.

"Don't think so, he smells young. Not to mention scared." said Derek as he took a other sniff of the air frowning.

"The Blood is old but there's a lot of it, he's up ahead." said Derek as he took the lead.

"Its a he? How can you be sure?" asked Malia with a curious look on her face, Derek just gave her a knowing smile before answering her.

"You'll learn that males and females smell different, a lot different." she didn't get it for a few seconds but when she saw the red faces of Scott and Stiles she knew.

"That's gross." said Malia and Lydia at the same time. They would've said more but that was the exact second they reached the Nemeton they found the injured werewolf, or more like injured wolf. Laying on top of the Nemeton stump was a big black wolf. It was laying on its side as its breath came out hard and heavy.

"He hasn't been here long, his scent is barely in the area, less than twenty minutes probably." Said Derek and even thought he said it quietly the wolf in question heard them.

Instantly it was standing and snarling at them, its glowing yellow eyes glaring daggers at each and everyone of them.

"Calm down, please! we're not here to hurt you." said Scott as he stood in front of everyone. The wolf seemed to not hear him as it kept growling and barking at them.

That's when the wolf whimpered and the smell of fresh blood hit them, apparently the wolf had torn his wounds open when it stood up so quickly.

"Look at his eyes Scott, they're glazed over." said Lydia and she was right the wolf's eyes were indeed glazed over meaning the wolf was probably unconscious, relying on instinct to protect him.

"You're going to have to do to him what you did to me Scott." said Malia quietly as she stared at the black wolf in wonder.

The wolf was to put it simply, magnificent, he was easily twice as large as her in her coyote form, with silky black hair that was black as the night sky. He was dirty and his fur was matted down with dried blood but still he was gorgeous.

"I know." said Scott as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them they were glowing Alpha red and his teeth had changed into fangs. When he opened his mouth a roar so loud it was probably heard for miles around came out.

The effect was almost instantaneously.

The wolf started growing and losing hair and in seconds the wolf was gone, replaced by a really tall and really naked young man, he had black dirty hair and on its side everyone could see four slash marks that were deep and dripping with blood.

"No! leave me alone, Clark, Alpha...they killed him." were the only words the new werewolf manage to mutter before falling face first to the ground unconscious.

"Maybe somebody should have grabbed him." said Stiles as they all stared at the naked young man that was laying on the forest floor.

"At least he has a nice ass." said Lydia causing all of them, aside from Derek, to bust out laughing, actually now that Malia thought about it, Derek hadn't said a word since they found the wolf.

She looked over and saw him frowning at the unconscious man and if she wasn't mistaken she could feel shock coming from him. Apparently Scott felt it too since he was glancing at Derek with worried eyes.

"What is it Derek?" asked Scott as he moved to stand next to the former Alpha. Derek just pointed at the unconscious werewolf.

"He can shift in to a wolf, that's rare, not to mention the trait of an exceptionally powerful werewolf." said Derek as he turned his worried eyes to Scott. Out of everyone's notice Malia seemed to take a keen interest in the young teen.

"Maybe he can help me." thought Malia as she took off her jacket and draped it over the downed werewolf.

"We should be careful around him Scott, we don't know what's he's capable off and those slash marks, if the haven't healed yet must be from a powerful Alpha." said Derek as he moved over to the young man and hefted him up into a fireman's carry.

"I will, don't worry, now come on lets take him to Deaton." said Scott as pulled out his cellphone and started texting the vet/emissary. Walking behind him and Derek were the rest of his friends all had their attention on the unconscious werewolf on Derek's shoulders.

"His penis is on your shoulder." said Stiles while trying in vain to hold in a laugh...it didn't work.

"Sometimes, I really hate you Stiles." muttered Derek as he kept walking towards the cars. The rest of the Pack held back their laughter put it was not possible from hiding the grins from their faces.

"Lets go, Deaton is already at the office." said a smiling Scott as they reached were they had parked their cars, or in the Alpha's case his dirt bike. Scott, Stiles and Derek got in his jeep with the passed out wolf while Malia and Lydia left in Lydia's car, Kira would take Scott's bike to the vet's office.

Deaton's Veterinary Clinic.

Stiles drove like a mad man so much so that they reached the clinic in less than ten minutes. Deaton was already outside waiting for them when they arrived. He looked worried and from the things that had gone on the last few weeks he had a right to be. It had been less than a month since all the trouble with the Nogitsune.

"Come on, bring him in and...could someone cover him up please?" said Deacon as he covered his eyes when Malia's jacket had fallen off revealing more than he was comfortable in seen. Stiles instantly picked the jacket back up and wrapped it around the teen's waist.

They dragged the teen wolf inside the clinic and placed him in Deaton's examination table. Deaton walked over to one of the cabinets and pulled out a pair of sweatpants with the vet's logo on it.

"What? I thought some promotion would be good for business." said Deaton when everyone stared at him and the pair of pants in his hand. The girls and Stiles instantly left the room leaving Scott and Derek with the uncomfortable task of dressing the sleeping werewolf.

When the young man finally had some pants on Deaton didn't waste any time in starting to look over the teen, he started with the slash marks on his side before moving up to taking his temperature and listening to his heartbeat.

"From what I can tell he's fine, just exhausted. He is also very dehydrated and those two things are the main reason he hasn't healed yet. I'll put in an IV and start stitching his wounds." said Deaton as he moved over to a different cabinet and started pulling supplies out.

"Those wounds were definitely from an Alpha though, you think he was thrown out of his Pack?" asked Deaton as he connected the naked teen to the iv and started cleaning the wound on his side.

"If he was, it must have been for something real bad, no Alpha in his right mind would exile a werewolf that can fully shift from their Pack." said Derek as he stood by the back wall, his arms crossed as he glared at the unconscious teen wolf.

"Fully shift? Really?" asked Deaton as he looked from where he was cleaning the wound to where Derek stood. Derek for his part just nodded.

"When we found him he was transformed into a really big wolf." said Scott as he moved to help the vet out.

"The being big part isn't really that surprising since this young man is quite...well huge, but the fact that he can shift into a full wolf, now that's amazing, the last werewolf I met that could completely shift like that was, well it was your mother Derek." said Deaton in wonder as he looked from the teen laying on his table to the sullen man leaning on the wall.

"Laura could do it too, she had just learned the skill a few weeks before she came back here." said Derek and that's when Deaton and Scott understood why Derek was acting the way he was.

This new werewolf brought back memories Derek would rather not remember.

"Malia can do it too remember." said Scott as he dipped a towel in alcohol to disinfect the wounds on the teen's side.

"Yes I remember, quite the number of powerful shifters that are gathering in Beacon Hills huh?" smiled Deaton as he picked up a needle and started stitching the wounds shut.

"You can say that again." said Derek as he stood from were he was and walked out of the room, probably to go inform the others of the doctor's prognosis.

"You think this has to do with what we did? With the sacrifice?" asked Scott as he held the unconscious teen down, the second the doctor started stitching the teen had started squirming.

"Maybe, it can't be coincidence that just after the sacrifice so many powerful supernatural creatures started gathering in Beacon Hills.

"The Yukimura's, Malia and now this young man, I wonder what we'll see next." said Deaton and for some reason Scott couldn't help the hot ball of dread that settle into his stomach.

"That's what I'm afraid off." said Scott, and as if hearing them, in that second the unconscious teen eyes flew opened and he sat up on the table with a loud roar as the teen threw Scott and Deaton to different sides of the room as it stood up and backed away from them.

"Who are you? What are you doing to me?" questioned the teen with a snarl as his wolf features started coming out, his gold eyes told Deaton and Scott that while hostile the werewolf had never actually taken an innocent life before.

"Please calm down you'll open your wounds." said Deaton as he tried his best to calm the young man down.

As Deaton was talking the others came in the room at a run. First Derek then Malia and Kira followed by Stiles and Lydia. When the young man saw them his eyes glowed brighter before his claws came out and hair started growing from the sides of his hair.

"We mean you no harm, you're hurt, please calm down." said Scott his eyes glowing red as he tried to us a small amount of his Alpha power, like he did before, to force the teen to calm down. It didn't work.

The young man looked down at his wound before closing his eyes and, shocking everyone, the wounds on his side started steaming and healing before their eyes.

"Amazing, he has full control over his body." said Deaton informing the rest of them what the unknown werewolf had done.

By this point both Malia and Derek had shifted and gotten ready to fight to defend their Alpha. That didn't help things. When the unknown werewolf opened his eyes back up and noticed the color of both Malia's and Derek's eyes he seemed to grow agitated, but know to only Scott and Derek the teen was was also terrified.

"You're all killers." snarled the werewolf in front of the McCall Pack as he backed away till his back hit the wall of the vet clinic.

"I know what the color of your eyes mean." said the werewolf before his eyes started drooping, apparently having healed himself had taken all the energy the hungry and dehydrated teen wolf had left.

"You won't kill me, not like Clark, I won't die like Clark." mumbled the teen before his eyes closed and he slumped to the floor. The rest of the people in the room just stared at the passed out werewolf on the floor of the clinic.

"Well...that was anti-climactic." said Stiles getting glares from everyone else in the room.

"What?! it was! I was expecting an awesome werewolf fight not some dude growling, healing and them falling sleep." muttered Stiles, everyone was still glaring at him.

"Anyhow, at least we can now begin to guess at what happened to him." said Deaton as he moved to get the young man back into the examination table, when he went to pick him up he looked over at Scott and Derek and lifted one of his eyebrows.

"A little help would be nice, this young man is quite massive." said Deaton and a sheepish Scott instantly moved to help him.

It was after Deaton had the young man back into the table and had re-connected the iv that Lydia asked the question they all wanted to know.

"What do you think happened to him?" asked the Banshee as she eyed the young man's chest and stomach, more specific the place where the claw marks used to be.

"I don't know if you kids manage to see it, but he wasn't scared of Scott, even after he recognized Scott as an Alpha, this young man grew scared the second he saw the color you both Derek and Malia's eyes." said Deaton as he brought out a blanket from the somewhere and draped it over the teen, it was quite cold inside the office.

"If I was to guess, this young man and someone named Clark, his Alpha probably, took on a Pack of werewolves with eyes like you two and lost. Resulting in the death of Clark and his terror at wolves with blue eyes." said Deaton as he motion for everyone to follow him.

"Better let him get some rest, after he wakes up, I'll talk to him." said Deaton as he walked them to the front door of the clinic.

"Now I think its best you all go home and get some rest I'll text you the second he wakes up." said Deaton as he ushered them out of his clinic. Scott was the only one that stayed behind to talk with him.

"You think its safe?...being alone with him I mean, he could wake up and attack you?" asked Scott worried about his friend and mentor, Deaton for his part just gave Scott a smile.

"Don't worry Scott, I might not look it but I have a few tricks up my sleeve to deal with unruly werewolves." said Deaton with a wink making Scott smile back at him. Scott gave his mentor a pat on the back before he left to go after his friends.

"Things are getting interesting around here again." thought Deaton as he put up the closed sign and walked to the back again.

Next Day.

It took the young man a whole day to wake up. Apparently he was even more tired than Deaton had thought.

It was early in the morning before Deaton heard a groan coming from his back office, he picked up the food he had brought in and walked to the back. There he saw the young man sitting in the examination table rubbing his eyes.

"I see you're finally awake." said Deaton as he placed the food on one of his instrument tables, the one with wheels at the ends and rolled it towards him, it was just a simple burger and fries but from the way the young man attacked them was like it was the tastiest food in the world.

It took the young man less than five minutes to eat all the food in his plate and the grateful look he shot Deaton assured the doctor someone that he wouldn't be mauled any time soon.

"I didn't harm anyone did I?" asked the teen with a grimace. Deaton shook his head before he took on of the stools and sat in front of the young man.

"You didn't, you mostly slept." said Deaton as he sat and waited, until it became apparent that the teen wouldn't be the first one to speak.

"My name is Alan Deaton, but most of the people in this parts just call me Deaton." said the doctor with a reassuring smile. One that thankfully was returned.

"I'm Alexander West. My friend called me Alex." said Alex with a smile that quickly turned into a grimace.

"At least he did." said Alex as he looked away but not before Deacon caught the pain in his eyes.

"Was your friend's name Clark?" asked Deaton softly trying not to freak out the young, but very powerful, werewolf. Alex head snapped back towards Deaton and his eyes started glowing but thankfully that's all that happened.

"How do you know that name?" said Alex as he glared at Deaton. The doctor for his parts just put his hands up as a sign of no aggression before speaking.

"You woke up before, don't you remember, you said his name, you said he died." said Deaton as gently as possible.

"He didn't die! He was murdered, murdered by a psychotic bitch of an Alpha and her Pack of blue eyed fuckers!." snarled Alex as he jumped off the table and started pacing in front of Deaton.

"We didn't even do anything, we accidentally crossed into her territory and she killed him for it, made one of her fucking Beta's kill him to they could take his power." snarled Alex as a small tear slipped out. The teen wiped it off away furiously before turning to look at Deaton.

"I'm not still in Canada am I?" asked Alex fearfully. Deaton was quick to assure him that he was not, but something in his story seemed familiar.

"The Town you and your Alpha where attacked in, it wouldn't happen to be called Devil's Kettle by any change would it?" asked Deaton with a frown on his face. Alex just stared at him for a few seconds before nodding.

"That explains it, your Alpha, Clark, he was new wasn't he?" asked Deaton and Alex was beginning to suspect Deaton of reading minds.

"How do you know?" asked Alex as he took a seat in front of Deaton waiting for an answer.

"The town of Devil's Kettle is infamous in the werewolf community." said Deaton as he stood and moved into his personal office or a few minutes become coming out with a small book. It read 'Devil's Kettle on the spine. He handed the book to Alex before sitting back down on the stool.

"On 1834 a werewolf named Annalyn became an Alpha after killing her own. She proceeded to slaughter each and every member of her old Pack..." said Deaton seriously, Annalyn had become a legend among the werewolves, the Original Demon Wolf, just like the Beast of Gevadan and the Black Dogs of Ireland.

"... after that she moved back to her old home town of Devil's Kettle and bit and turned every single member of her family...they became known as the Devil's Pack from then on." said Deaton with a grimace on their faces, the Devil's Pack was even more infamous than the Alpha Pack.

"Not even Deucalion was crazy enough to go there." thought Deaton as he stared at Alex, the boy was staring at the spine of the book in his hands with hatred in his glowing gold eyes.

"They don't allow any outside influence in their town, that's why they attacked you. The current Alpha, a werewolf named Agatha is know for her overwhelming hatred of outsiders, the second you entered the town, you were marked, it's a miracle you manage to get out." said Deaton amazed at the werewolf before him, to escape that hell almost unscathed was truly amazing.

"It was no miracle, Clark saved me, he held them off as I escaped, as I ran like a coward..." snarled Alex as he gripped the book in his hands tightly.

"I ran while he stayed behind and fought them all off." cried Alex before dropping the book on the floor and gripping his head tightly.

"I should have helped him." muttered Alex as Deaton picked up the book.

"You would've died if you had, your Alpha did a noble thing." said Deaton as he tried to make Alex feel better.

"He did didn't he, who knew the ol' bastard had it in him huh?" said Alex with a watery smile as he talked about his dead Alpha, his deceased friend.

"He was an idiot you know, he was violent and liked to fight way too much, and he couldn't get another Beta if his life depended on it." cried Alex as he wiped the tears from his eyes. Deaton just smiled waiting for the young men to finish talking.

"But he was a great friend, a great Alpha, he taught me all I know, helped me control my power, he was even trying to help me learn how to talk to girls." said Alex with a sad grin on his face before he broke out in tears as he cried for his friend, for the big brother he had lost.

After a couple of minutes his tears dried up and he looked up to see Deaton had moved away a bit so Alex could mourn in private.

"If I'm not in Canada, where am I?" asked Alex as he picked up a nearby towel to dry his face.

"Well my friend, I don't know how but you manage to make your way to Beacon Hills." said Deaton as he handed Alex a white long sleeve shirt with the Clinic's logo on it, Alex gave him a grateful look and quickly put it on since the exam room was quite cold.

"Beacon Hills, I heard of it, Clark said something about a rare Alpha here...a Real Alpha?" asked Alex as he tried to remember the words his old Alpha had used.

"A True Alpha, in fact he was the one that found you and brought you to me." Deaton helpfully supplied as he moved towards.

"Yeah that." said Alex as he looked around the exam room.

"What is this place?" asked Alex before he caught sight of the writing on the leg of the sweatpants he was wearing.

"Deaton's Veterinary Clinic?...really, a vet." asked Alex with a twitch in hie left eye.

"Well in their defense they really couldn't take you to a hospital and...well you were an actual wolf when they found you." said Deaton with a grin, Alex seemed to understand the irony in the situation as he laughed as well.

"You said the True Alpha was the one that found me?" asked Alex after they had stopped laughing. Deaton nodded his head as he brought out a cellphone from his pocket and started texting someone.

"In fact he told me to text when you were awake, he wanted to talk to you himself." said Deaton as he finished typing and hit sent. Before too long passed a reply ding was heard.

"He'll be here in ten minutes, he also said he's coming with his Pack." said Deaton as he put his phone away and watched for any reaction on Alex's face.

"What are they like?, I've only met another werewolf Pack before and as you know, that didn't go too well." said Alex as he started nervously playing in his thumbs, showing that while quite big and scary looking he was just a young teen.

"They're not anything like Agatha and her band of killers, I can assure you of that, they are all very nice kids." said Deaton and that shocked Alex.

"Kids?" asked the teen wolf as he stared at Deaton stunned.

"Yes, they all your age or close anyway, how old are you?" asked Deaton curiously, he had forgot to ask before while they were talking.

"I'm Seventeen." said Alex with a grin, people usually thought him to be much older due to his height.

"Then they are all your age aside from Derek, he's a few years older." said Deaton as he stood from the stool to stretch his legs,

"So he's the True Alpha?" asked Alex and Deaton actually laughed at the question.

"Derek? Gods no, he's a Beta, like you use to be, Scott's the True Alpha." said Deaton like that explained everything.

"Can you tell me more about them?" asked Alex and Deaton happily did, he looked almost like a proud father. He talked about the surly Derek, one of the last three remaining werewolves of the Hale family, the shy Kira, a thunder Kitsune, the still somewhat wild Malia, a Werecoyote that had spend a great portion of her life wondering the woods as said animal, of Lydia, a Banshee that had the power to speak to the dead, of Stiles, the only human in the Pack that was as smart as he was resourceful. But mostly he spoke about Scott, the True Alpha and his veterinary assistant.

Alex was about to ask some more questions but before he could he heard a commotion outside on the street, he could hear the opening and closing of doors and he heard someone say the name 'Scott'.

"They're here." said Alex as he sat on the edge of the exam table looking nervous, Deaton seemed to take pity on him since he stood up and started walking towards the door.

"Wait here, I'll talk to them first." said Deaton before leaving.


"Scott are sure it's safe?" asked Stiles as he, Scott, Lydia and Malia got out of his jeep, next to them Derek got out of his own car.

"I mean, last time we saw him he was very angry, not to mention very, very big." said Stiles as he grabbed his bat from the back of his jeep and followed behind Scott and the rest of the Pack.

"He was scared the last time, besides Deaton said he was awake and calm." said Scott as he focused his hearing trying to hear anything going on inside, to his pleasant surprised he could hear Deaton talking about him and his Pack.

"SCOTT, don't ignore me man, what are we going to do if he gets violent, he's fucking huge." said Stiles and when Scott turned around he could see all of his Pack waiting for an answer. Even Derek seemed a big apprehensive about fighting someone of that size.

"Then we'll handle it, me, Derek and Malia." said Scott before they all turned to look at Malia, who last night had finally learned enough control so bring out her claws whenever she wanted too. She smiled back at Scott showing she was unafraid to fight.

"But hopefully it won't come to that." said Scott as he and his Pack entered through the front doors of the clinic, there they found Deaton waiting for them with a smile.

"It won't, I promise, he's awake and he's much calmer than he was yesterday." said Deaton as he opened his counter to let them through the mountain ash barrier. Before they could cross Derek spoke.

"Has he said anything?" asked Derek as the rest of the Pack paused in their steps and waited to hear what the doctor would say.

"He did and I was right, the Clark he spoke about yesterday was his Alpha." said Deaton as he turned a grave eye to the rest of the Pack before focusing on Derek.

"A inexperience Alpha that died when he and Alex inadvertently stepped foot inside Devil's Kettle." said Deaton and from the hiss that Derek made Scott and his Pack knew the place was bad.

"What's Devil's Kettle?" asked Lydia always the curious one. It was Derek who answered her.

"Its where a rather feral Pack of werewolves live, think the Hills Have Eyes but with werewolves instead of mutants, they're called the Devil's Pack, a name they more than live up to." said Derek with a frown, even his mother wouldn't have stepped foot in there with out at least another Pack as backup.

"How is he alive?" asked Derek in wonder, he had heard stories about the town since he was a little boy. Peter had been fascinated with it and made sure to tell everything he learned about it to Derek. It was their own brand of ghost stories.

"My Alpha, Clark, he stayed back and held them off while I escaped. He saved me." said a voice behind Deaton, when the doctor moved aside Scott and his Pack could see Alex.

Now that he was standing on his own and not being carried or crouched low ready for a fight they all were rather intimidated by his size.

"He really is big." thought Scott as he almost had to look up to see Alex's face. He wasn't the only one, Lydia and Kira being the shortest of the group actually had to look up to see his face and Stiles was holding his bat so tight his hands were shaking.

"I hear you're the ones that found me..." said Alex as he glanced at each and everyone o them.

"Thank you, I don't remember much but what I do remember it, it wasn't good." said Alex as he moved forward and stuck his arm out towards Scott.

Scott stared at his hand for a few seconds before giving Alex a smile and shaking his hand. A smile that Alex returned gladly.

"I'm Scott." said Scott as he let go of Alex's hand and moved back to stand with his Pack.

"The True Alpha, Deaton talks a lot about you,." said Alex with a grin as they all turned to look at the embarrassed vet.

"Now that you're awake and healed, what are you planning on doing?" asked Derek as he eyed the younger werewolf with almost knowing eyes.

"I know what I would do." thought the sullen man as he stared at the giant before him waiting for an answer.

"Me, I'm going back to Devil's Kettle to get my Alphas body back." said Alex as his eyes glowed gold. His answer didn't seem to surprise Derek and Deaton but it did surprise the rest of the McCall Pack.

"And what about the Devil's Pack, they won't just let you take him, if what Derek says is true, they'll try to kill you." said Scott hoping to dissuade the young wolf from his suicide mission.

"Then I'll kill them all." said Alex, his eyes glowing even brighter as he looked at Scott dead in the eye