
Rise of a New Beginning

He has nothing back on Earth. His life is a monotonous repetition of the day before, but fate gives him a second chance, a chance to start life anew. Now, reincarnated in a fantasy world, Ardiel Elrond can try again. He can become stronger, and not waste this new life away as he did with his previous one. But strength is not only obtained through the sword and magic, and the longer Ardiel lives, the more he sees that there is more to this world than he initially thought.

Piixelbyte · ファンタジー
51 Chs

Reality Check

Loueras chose to drive the wagon not along the slopes of the mountains, but down the path near the river at the bottom of the valley. One was for safety, because it would be difficult to maneuver a wagon on those small paths and not allow it to tumble down. And the second was after Loueras saw Faelar's pale face at the mention of driving through the mountains.

So with the river noisily streaming to our left, our wagon rattling down the dirt path, and the horses occasionally huffing and puffing, we were making our way towards the human Kingdom.

One thing was different though. Instead of the chatter between my friends, everyone was concentrating, and scratching at their heads in a confused way as they stared at the weird human symbols and words which were the human language.

The book did offer translations and pronunciation, but there was no way a ten year old would be able to learn a language in just three weeks. Did Loueras get spoiled with all the prodigies he taught that he just naturally assumed I, and the rest of my friends would learn a language in the time frame he gave us? I was not sure, but my impression was exactly that.

Either way, naturally it was Faelar who had his nose buried in the book, with Lyra and Narial to either side of him. Normally he would be flustered should such a situation happen to him, but the guy was so engrossed in the book that he probably didn't even notice.

Galen and Tariel were quietly conversing about the absurdity of this task so that Loueras doesn't overhear them shit-talking his teaching methods. I found it quite amusing every time they froze at any kind of movement that Loueras made. Any shift or cough that came from him made them pale in anticipation of whatever Loueras would do to them if he overheard. It was honestly amusing to watch, and I would have just watched this spectacle unfold before me if I myself was not faced with the same task as my friends.

'Just how the hell am I supposed to learn a language?'

Back in my past life I only spoke english. The highschool curriculum made it obligatory for me to learn spanish as well, but the moment I graduated with a marginally passing grade, I forgot every spanish word besides hola and gracias. 

That just basically means that there is no way that I will learn the human tongue before we arrive at the nearest town. I already find it amusing that I am so capable not only in magic, but the sword as well, despite not having any interest or experience in either of the two, besides watching it being performed on TV. I can't be that gifted that I can also grasp foreign languages as easily as it is taking a shit, right?

'You are correct. You can not.'

'Thanks for the words of encouragement, Vie.'

Vie interrupted my internal monologue the moment I thought that. Everything has a limit, and so do I. No matter what kind of overpowered freak of nature I reincarnated as, my true self, that is who I was in my past life, can't be that easily erased.

'So that is it?'

'What is?'

'Because you can not erase who you remain on the inside, you will not even attempt to change?'

'It's just a language Vie.'

'It's always the simple things that will keep piling up, more and more. If you can not overcome even something this simple, if you can not overcome yourself not just physically, but mentally too, then what strength are you even wishing for? True power is not given, it is made. Even something as forcing yourself to learn a language, to go against your previous failures, is already true strength. Overcoming who you were, is true strength.'

I could not respond to that. Saying that I would rather just give up on the language suddenly angered Vie.

'Had you been like this when you learned the fire element? You studied for years to finally be able to cast it. You went against your own elven nature to be able to do so. Then there is the sword, and fighting. You had no previous experience, yet you persevered and are now hailed as a young prodigy. So why are you giving up now? Why do you select to overcome some challenges, but not others, and offer ridiculous excuses? If you just pick and choose to either succeed, or run away from a challenge that life throws at you, how will you truly become strong? You can not continue to run from hardships, because life is simply one big hardship to begin with. You must face every challenge, whether you fail or succeed.'

'Ok Vie, I get it, I get it. No need to get angry over just a language.'

'No, there is a need. Because if you run from this, you will run from the next hardship, and the next, and the next. You will keep spoiling yourself by convincing yourself that doing so is ok, and when a real challenge occurs, you will be scared. You will be scared of it, and you will run. That is what's scary. You will never learn to overcome hardship, so when something truly serious will come at you…'


I interrupted her, knowing what she would say. That I will just become a coward. Despite the silly reasoning such as me refusing to learn a language, the message she conveyed to me was like cold water splashing in my face, a reality check.

I believed myself to be strong just because I am better than anyone my physical age, and even older. But I improve myself where I want to, and run away from where I must. Just by having power, does not make me strong. It was obvious when I was so upset after dad gave me a great ass kicking after I transitioned into the gray stage and became full of myself. That failure showed me my mental weakness.

I can not be swayed by my own self confidence in the power I achieved now. I will come across failure, and I will come across obstacles that I must overcome. That is the message that Vie was trying to tell me. It is not about learning a new language, but about overcoming myself, my laziness and cowardice.

'Sorry Vie. Thanks for the reality check.'

'As long as you keep my lesson in mind going forward, I forgive you for this act of foolishness. But I will not, should you step away again.'

'Right, of course.'

'Much better.' Her voice softened from her previous disappointed and angry tone.

'Unlike Loueras, I do not expect you to be able to succeed in the time frame he gave you. But I want to see you give it your all, without giving up or reducing the effort you put into it. Show me that you can persevere over something other than fighting and magic.'

I agreed, and made my way over Faelar, leaning over Nariel.

"Any progress?"

"Just the basics such as 'you', 'you are', 'we are', well…you get the idea." Faelar responded with a leveled and focused tone. Why is it that the guy can only speak without stuttering or nervously stammering when he is focused on something? It's like he is more comfortable with talking to the book than with us.

"May I join?"


I sat down, and began repeating after Faelar. Faelar read off the book, first the elven version, then the human translation, and then the three of us, me, Lyra, and Nariel, repeated. This continued for a couple hours before we had some of the basics literally imprinted into our heads. It is kind of like having a song stuck in your head on repeat, but instead of the song, it was Faelar's voice.

Exhausted from all the studying, the four of us slumped down on the wagon's bench for some time. We stayed like that until Loueras stopped the wagon for lunch, and began once again after we started moving. 

Galen and Tariel finally scooted over, feeling left out in this whole ordeal, and also tried to repeat after Faelar. Loueras was either silent, or humming some tune to himself the whole way while he listened to us practice.

After continuing for an additional two hours or so, Faelar closed the book, and we made a plan to talk to each other, replacing elven words with the human words and phrases we remembered. Galen and Tariel barely remembered anything, seeing as they just skipped the first half of our "lesson", and slacked off in the second half. Me, Tariel, and Nariel did better, and remembered some basic phrases and words. Naturally, Faelar was the one who knew the most human out of all of us. We all studied the same thing, but he simply remembered the most. Even after we were done talking to one another, and just quietly sat in our places, plainly staring at the river without a single thought in our eyes, Faelar began a conversation with Loueras, using as much human language as he could. Loueras also taught him new additional words and phrases, which Faelar grasped almost immediately.

I had no doubt that it was right to assume that Faelar would be the one who would be the best out of all of us when it came to speaking the human language. I would have just let him do all the talking in our place when we arrived if not for Vie keeping a watch over me and making sure that I am putting in all my effort. It now felt like Vie was some kind of portable pocket inspector, who was present by my side at all times and evaluated me and my actions. Like my conscience, sitting on my shoulder and either praising or rebuking me for my choices.

'Hey Vie, are you there? Can I take a break now?' 

I probed for an answer, but she did not respond. I guess she was either not present at this time, or just silently agreeing. Either way, this means I can rest for a while. I mean I put in a lot of effort, no need to be a tryhard like Faelar, right?

'No. If you were like Faelar you would be absolutely priceless.'

'AHHH! Damn it Vie. Why did you not respond?'

'I was just testing to see if you would follow through with your promise, and I can see that my lecture did bring results, although you still tried to make an excuse now.'

'C'mon Vie, you should have seen how much effort I put in.'

'Only because I told you so.' She responded severely. 

'Had I not kept a watchful gaze over you, would you have put in as much effort? Answer honestly.'

I thought about it for a few moments.

'Maybe…not.' I admitted.

Silence. Vie said nothing more after that. Perhaps I disappointed her, and honestly if I was in her place, I would be disappointed too. If I tried to teach someone something, and they only did it because I said so and made sure of it, then I would get pissed as well. The mental fortitude of this woman must be insane.

'I really must improve myself.'

With this, I made my way over to Faelar and Loueras, who were engaged in a conversation, utilizing human words. Faelar already had a wider vocabulary than he did after he closed the book and went over to Loueras. I could not help but be impressed with this guy's brain. If only the kid was more confident in himself in other areas, perhaps learning magic, then I am sure he would be able to rival even me.

'Maybe I should get him hooked on learning magic during our adventuring together.'

We will spend the next couple of years together, so why not teach him? I am sure having another capable mage in our team would definitely be helpful. Casting magic requires focus and understanding of the principles of mana, so I was sure that Faelar has what it takes to become a powerful mage sometime in the future, if he uses this potential.

'That is a good idea,' Vie chimed in, 'the boy is really smart, and perhaps will have great understanding of the workings of magic should he indulge himself in learning it. I can sense his potential.'

Considering Vie's words, I intervened in Loueras's and Faelar's conversation.

"Can I join too?"

"Yes, of course. Me and sir Loueras were just discussing topics regarding adventuring."

Loueras only nodded. I just leaned over the front side of the carriage, instead of seating myself next to Loueras like Faelar did, and participated in their discussion of the adventurers life using what simple human words I still remembered, and learning from Loueras along the way.