
Rise of a New Beginning

He has nothing back on Earth. His life is a monotonous repetition of the day before, but fate gives him a second chance, a chance to start life anew. Now, reincarnated in a fantasy world, Ardiel Elrond can try again. He can become stronger, and not waste this new life away as he did with his previous one. But strength is not only obtained through the sword and magic, and the longer Ardiel lives, the more he sees that there is more to this world than he initially thought.

Piixelbyte · ファンタジー
51 Chs


Ardiel Elrond

I made my way to my friends after getting my ass absolutely handed to me by my dad. I found them near their home Celestial, just sitting on the grass, casually talking.

"Something feels off about you, Ard."

"I agree. It is like your magic presence seems stronger."

They have a keen eye, I thought to myself. No point in lying, and I did want to brag a bit to lighten my mood. "Oh yeah, sorry. I'm still not used to controlling my mana output. I broke through to the gray stage a few days ago."

That was a lie. It's not that I couldn't suppress my mana signature to make it more natural for an eight year old. It's just that I really wasn't in the mood for it, and in all honesty, just felt lazy to do so. 


"Wow Ard, no way. Are you serious?"

"Oh, that was probably difficult right? Congratulations."

Galen, Tariel, and Faelar. Makes sense that they would be shocked by this news. I don't think I should have told them, at least not yet. But my mood was sour after being absolutely toyed with by my dad that I wanted to brighten the mood somehow. And what better way than to brag a little about your achievements. If they weren't appreciated in a fight against dad, then perhaps they will be between my friends.

"That's amazing Ard! How did you do that? What does it feel like? Do you feel like you can level mountains now?"

Tariel began bombarding me with questions. This bubbly and overly curious girl was always en garde about anything interesting or peculiar. Whenever she found out something she was interested in, there was no stopping her until she got all her desired questions answered.

"Well I uhh…"

I looked over at the others. The twins never said a word ever since I arrived, even after I spilled the beans about my newly purified mana flow.

Galen kept looking at me with a frown on his face. Faelar, on the other hand, was curiously examining me.

"It does feel like I can control the flow of mana better, but I don't feel like I can level mountains yet, Tariel."

My response was short and boring, and Tariel noticed that too, visibly pouting at my answer.

"Well, be sure to tell me later in detail when you feel better. By the way, what is with your sour mood in the first place?"

"Sorry, yeah you are right, I am not really in the best of moods today. I thought that with my newly purified mana flow I could at least fight against my father on equal terms, but our spar was so one-sided it feels embarrassing."

"That is because you were way too confident, Ardy." 

The one who responded was Galen. 

"Just because your mana flow transitioned into the next stage, does not mean that you will be able to fight against a seasoned fighter such as your father."

Exactly as dad said, I was too confident going into that match. The thought of acquiring additional power clouded my mind, and I truly convinced myself that I stood a chance against him. Now that I think about it, it truly would be silly for an eight year old to defeat someone who honed his skills for decades. I was drunk on the idea of power, and my dad saw it, hence why he so easily defeated me, to bring me down from my fantasies and back to reality.

'Just because you now have more mana than you did before, does not mean you are all powerful, nor does that mean you can defeat someone much more skilled than you.' That was the lesson dad taught me today.

"I suppose you are right. I was too ahead of myself."

"Oh don't look like that, Ardiel," Galen responded. "You must not get discouraged. Your father is an adult, and you are not, of course he will be stronger than you, but that does not mean you are weak. I myself would not want to fight you because I am sure I would get planted into the ground. I am serious." Galen smiled and fire bumped my shoulder.

"Alright, now that Ardy is here, I was thinking we could all get a cup of tea at the nearby shop that just recently opened. I heard my mom saying that it tasted amazing."

Way to brighten the mood Tariel, always with a suggestion on her mind. Her smile and cheerful voice were enough to snap anyone out of their sorrow. Her attitude was almost contagious. 

"Ah, I went there with my sister a few days ago. It really is delightful," the twins chimed in. 

"Well then it's decided, let's go everyone!"

Tariel ran over to drag Faelar off the bench. Then ran over to me, grabbed my wrist, grinned from ear to ear, and then began pulling me in the direction of the cafe she mentioned. 

Tariel Saeltria

Ardy seemed down, and that was no good. Nobody is going to feel sad on my watch! So as soon as I saw his glum look I began racking my brain with ideas on how to cheer him up. He did not seem in the mood for any games, so it had to be something calm, but interesting! 

That was when I realized it. The newly opened tea shop that my mom complimented a few days ago. I never really got the opportunity to suggest we go there, so now that I got this chance, I will be taking it. And it worked, Lyra and Nariel seemed fond of the idea, and that was enough for me. I did not care much what the boys thought, we were going there even if it meant dragging them there. Perhaps it will even cheer Ardy up, but now I caught myself at the thought that I am doing this more to satisfy my own curiosity about the place, than out of concern for Ardy's sour mood.

I pulled Faelar off his bench, snatched Ardy's hand, and made my way, following the route my mother explained to me. Ardy's face lightened up a bit, and the tense mood began to disappear. We made small talk along the way, at all costs avoiding anything that relates to magic, so the conversation was mostly light hearted. Before we knew it, we made it over to the tea shop.

Lyra took the initiative, immediately going up to order. Thankfully the shop was fairly new, and there wasn't much of a line.

"Six cups please." She ordered.

"Sorry I will pass, I don't really have any money." Ardy protested.

"Nonsense! My idea, my treat, so I will pay today! You and the other boys just carry the cups!"

"Oh um, sure then I guess. Thanks," he timidly answered, scratching the back of his head and looking to the side. 

"That will be two marks miss." The clerk replied. I pulled out a small brown leather back out of my pocket where I store some change that my parents sometimes give me. I picked out two marks, and placed them on the table.

"Me and the twins will wait outside for you guys. Pick up the cups for us ok?" After I addressed Galen, Ardy, and Fairy, I made my way outside the tea shop, and took a seat on a wooden bench standing nearby. 

"The last time I went here, the flavor was so rich, it was absolutely delightful." Lyra began.

"Was it?"

"Oh yes, of course. And the aroma that went along with it was so enriching, I almost felt bad drinking it. I can say for sure that this tea shop is one of the best, perhaps in the entire city."

"It can not be that good, can it?"

"Oh it sure is, you will see." It was Nariel who replied this time.

My curiosity peaked even more, now that both my mother and my friends were complimenting the drinks here so much. I began fidgeting in my seat in anticipation.

"Oh? Are you girls all alone here?"


A group of boys, around five of them approached us.

"Have you ever seen them around here before?" Lyra leaned in and whispered to me.

"No, never. Judging by their clothes, are they perhaps from the city center?" I replied.

"Some rich noble kids?"

"Yeah that, but why would they be here?"

"Hey! I was talking to you." The boy standing at the very front snapped.

He looked older than us, at least by a couple of years, and roughly the same height as Galen. His somewhat gold-ish hair toppled down in waves onto his shoulders, and his blue eyes gleamed with self absorption and a hint of narcissism. 

'Wow, when I picture the face of a noble kid, this is exactly what comes to mind.' I thought to myself, whilst looking at him.

He was dressed in a beige silk tunic, lined with white stitching. A white ribbon uwa obi belt, white linen pants, and leather sandals with a silver buckle. He wore a snow white cloak, with golden stitching at its bottom, and buckled at his collarbone. On his left side, somewhat hidden beneath his cloak was a rapier with a golden handle that looked like it could fetch at least an entire crest, if not more. 

Behind him, the other four boys were dressed fairly similarly. The only distinguishing feature was the coloring of their clothes, and the design of their sandals and rapiers. 

"Well anyways, since the three of you seem to be alone here, you wouldn't mind joining us, would you?"

I see where this is going. This guy is just trying to use us for his own image, nor more, no less. As nothing but mere accessories to his and his group of friends' little trip along the outskirts of Aveildar, and even perhaps to indirectly mock us and flaunt his riches on the way. Lyra and Nariel seemed to pick up on his real intentions just as swiftly, as they immediately presented an unapproachable facade that almost said something along the lines of, "you dare lay a finger on me and I will break it". And by no means were they just weak little girls. Although they could only wish to be as prodigious in magic as Ardy was, by no means were they pushovers despite their usual shyness, and could definitely plant at least a couple of these nobles into the ground should things go south.

I on the other hand was not as gifted in magic, but if the situation called for a few punches to be made, then that would be my time to shine. Let's hope at least that it does not come to it.

"Sorry boys, but we are not alone, so we can't provide you additional company." I made sure to have my tone leveled and calm, without any kind of mockery, and a smile on my face.

"Oh really? With whom if it is not a secret?"

"They are currently in the tea shop behind you."

"Well that is fine. Who cares honestly? We would be a much better company to you than whoever is inside."

Wow, could this kid act any more snobby and immature? I looked at him with a calm expression on my face, and with a slightly noticeable frown.

"I am sorry, but I would have to refuse," this is where I began to let my frustration slip. "And whenever you come up to somebody and ask for their company, you introduce yourself and ask for their name."

The grimace of shock like someone just threw the worst possible insult at him was what appeared on the boy's face. I barely controlled myself to not let out a snicker at the sudden change in his attitude. Perhaps nobody from where he is from didn't even dare talk to his overly self absorbed highness in such a way.

"You…how dare someone like you educate me on manners!? You, peasant!" He spat.

"You should have been honored to have me personally invite you!"

"Honored? How exactly? By being your accessory?"

His face reddened with anger. His fists clenched, and his body visibly tensed up. The other boys began to shuffle closer towards him, their facial expressions also plastered with disdain. He leaned over to me, placing his left hand on the back of the bench.

"Do you even have any idea who you are talking to?" He said through gritted teeth.

Lyra and Nariel seemed to have had enough, as they synchronically stood up, and gave the boy a warning glare.

He looked slightly over to the right, his lips curling into a snide smirk, but before he could say anything.

"What is going on here?"

Ardiel, Galen, and Faelar, each carrying a cup of tea in their hand, exited the tea shop, and were making their way towards us.

Ardy's expression for a moment was of surprise, but after seeing the boy leaning over me, and feeling the obvious animosity exuding from his presence, his face grew cold and expressionless, but his eyes burned with annoyance.

"And who are you? Are you with them?"

The boy straightened back up, and slightly puffing out his chest, questioned Ardy. 

"Yes I am. Ardiel Elrond, pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

"Oh, an educated one perhaps? My name is Celeborn Tinuviel, of the Tinuviel family!"

"Ok great." Ardy seemed to take no interest in what Celeborn just said, and his question was just purely mannerisms. "Now would you mind answering my previous question?"

"Do you know who I am to speak to me in such a tone?"

"I couldn't care less who you are Celery, just answer my question. I am not in the best of moods right now, so if you have nothing else to say or do here besides causing discomfort to my friends here, leave." 

Ardy's words were sharp, and his glare exuded confidence. Galen too, picked up on the nature of the situation, and offered an intimidating look as well. Unfortunately, given that these boys were older, they all were about his size, and his efforts weren't very effective.

"Ce…Celery?" Celeborn stammered.

"Listen here you little brat." Celeborn said, his voice sounding more like a hiss. He shoved his cloak out of the way, revealing his rapier. "Last chance. While I'm still being nice, why don't you scoot off somewhere far, alright?"

Ardiel walked over to Lyra and handed her the cups in his hands. Then he walked closer over to Celeborn, almost as if squaring him up.

"Oh, nice looking sword you got there. Do you actually know how to use it or is it just to flaunt your wealth? I would actually suggest you getting out of here because I really am just not feeling it today, alright? And I am sure you have more concerning things to tend to instead of swatting the dust off your behind after I plant you on it."

The other boys behind Celeborn moved forward. Galen and Faelar placed the cups on the bench, and made their way to Ardy's side. Galen wore a calm but confident look, while Faelar was obviously scared, yet despite this he still faced the group of the older boys, so I have to give him credit for that.

Celeborn gritted his teeth, tore the cloak off of himself and threw it into the arms of one of his friends. He reached into his pocket, withdrew his handkerchief, and declared.

"I, second son to the Tinuviel family, Celeborn Tinuviel, challenge you to a duel!"

He gave Ardy a confident toothy grin, but it was anything but friendly. Ardiel on the other hand just shrugged his shoulders.

"I, Ardiel Elrond, accept the duel."


Duel's were a very rare occurrence, as usually any argument was resolved with words, or by some third party. As a matter of fact, duels never occurred between adults, and were usually initiated between the younger members of society.

Such sanctioned fights were used as the most radical, and the absolute last resort to settle a dispute between two opposing sides. They were very old fashioned, and a long abolished tradition of the past. Hence, whenever someone initiated a duel, they were looked at like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum. However, if the other side were to reject the duel, they were looked at like a coward, and with disgrace. Because of this, such a practice was very rare, and two-sided. 

As soon as Celeborn proclaimed these words, all the people around us stopped in their tracks, and began looking in our direction. I began feeling quite uncomfortable with all these eyes pointing in our direction. Meanwhile, a middle aged man made his way out of the crowd, and towards us.

"Who was the duel initiated by?"

"Me, Celeborn Tinuviel, against that boy."

"And your name is?" The man asked.

"Ardiel Elrond, sir."

"Do you accept the duel, Ardiel?"

"I accept the duel from Celeborn Tinuviel."

The man nodded, looked over Ardy, and then Celeborn.

"You," he pointed at one of Celeborn's friends, "lend the boy a sword".

He unsheathed his rapier, and handed it over to Ardiel. The man proceeded.

"Duelists, stand five meters away from each other. Get into position, with rapiers pointed upward. Shall you engage in the duel before the signal, victory goes to your opponent. Do I make myself clear?"


"Yes sir."

Ardiel and Celeborn each went their separate ways, turned around, and faced each other, both in a ready position.

"Oh? A peasant from the outskirts knows his battle stances?"

"A pampered noble knows how to hold his sword?"

"Tch. I will show you a pampered noble."

"Silence! On the signal of the little miss here," he handed me Celeborn's white handkerchief, "the duel will begin."

"Here you go child."

I took the handkerchief into my hand, and raised it above my head. The crowd grew absolutely silent in anticipation, and only the ruffling of the canopies of the Celestial trees, and the sound of the nearby stream were all that was heard. Some had worried expressions on their faces, seeing the age difference between Ardy and Celeborn, but no one dared to interrupt.

I took in a breath, and then waved my hand down.



"Hahaha, this will be over before you…"

Before he could even react, Ardy already closed the distance between them in a fraction of a second.


Ardiel's rapier collided with Celeborn's with so much power that it thrust out of his hand, and went flying above the heads of the spectators, evoking a few surprised gasps.

Holding the rapier in his right hand, he stepped forward with his left leg, and drove his left elbow right into Celeborn's stomach.


Celeborn stumbled backwards clenching his stomach. On his face a grimace of pain.

Before he could even react, Ardiel ducked down, and in a 360 degree spin he performed a low sweep kick to Celeborn's legs, knocking them out from under him, and causing him to fall down on his behind. As he looked up, Ardiel's rapier was already at the side of his neck. He lost.

"Victory goes to Ardiel Elrond." The man announced. "Duelists, bow to each other, and shake each other's hand."

Ardiel threw the rapier back to the boy, and stood over Celeborn, who was busy making his way off the ground. His hair disheveled, and still clenching his stomach, he mustered a shallow bow, and with a grimace of embarrassment and fury he shook Ardiel's hand. Without saying anything else, he snatched back his cloak, and stormed away through the crowd of the spectators, followed by his group. 

Ardiel Elrond

'Yeah, that really allowed me to let off some steam after losing to dad.' I thought to myself as I watched the noble kid storm away, his head down in embarrassment and still clenching at his stomach. Perhaps I hit him too hard? But I didn't augment mana in anywhere else but my legs to make the initial leap in his direction when we dueled. 

Just as I was thinking this, Tariel ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck while squealing in joy and reciting how amazing the fight just now was.

"I knew that it was over before it even began, I just did not think it would be over quickly." Galen chimed in.

"That's true. I just hope I won't need to deal with any angry noble parents at my doorstep tomorrow." I let out a little laugh.

And then we enjoyed our already cooled tea.