
Rise of a New Beginning

He has nothing back on Earth. His life is a monotonous repetition of the day before, but fate gives him a second chance, a chance to start life anew. Now, reincarnated in a fantasy world, Ardiel Elrond can try again. He can become stronger, and not waste this new life away as he did with his previous one. But strength is not only obtained through the sword and magic, and the longer Ardiel lives, the more he sees that there is more to this world than he initially thought.

Piixelbyte · ファンタジー
51 Chs


Leotriul Elrond

It's amazing just how fast my boy is growing. Though, after our last spar I did say that his attack kind of hurt, I actually lied. His mana-clad punch was really painful, comparable to that of an adult. I just did a great job of hiding that fact because I wanted to teach him a lesson to never be overconfident when going into a fight. Give my son a few more years and I am not sure I would be able to repeatedly win our sparring sessions anymore.

'Grey stage mage, huh?'

I myself am at the gray stage, still not able to get to silver. Once I got there a couple decades back, I just remained stagnant. What could be the case is that I focus more on my swordsmanship rather than on magic. But obtaining the silver stage is quite rare after all, the palace guards and the king and queen themselves are the only ones I heard of to be at such a level.

Though my son is already at the gray stage, and despite being a genius, he is still an eight year old, a little child. Simply due to his physical body he can not be as strong as I am now. But if he were to be an adult right now, I wouldn't even stand a chance. I per-say, would never be able to concentrate as much mana in one single punch as he did that time. Just looking at my son, I realized that I am nowhere near becoming a silver mage, seeing as how ineffective compared to him I am at utilizing my current mana flow.

"Ready Leo?"

"Almost, I'll be out in a moment."

Me and Haldir planned to go out hunting for Deer Rabbits for dinner today. Peculiar little creatures, with small deer-like antlers on their heads. They're very quick, and their hearing is impeccable, making them very difficult to approach. That is why Haldir and I did not expect much out of this outing, and we planned it to be more of a fun activity on our day-off from our outposts.

Equipping a combat knife on my waist, and swinging a bow over my shoulder, I made it to the front door.

"I'll be out for some time dear, possibly for the whole day." I called out to my wife.

"Alright then, enjoy your outing Leo, but don't come home too late."

I smiled and waved her goodbye, then left the house.


"What took you so long?" Haldir rebuked me as I stepped out the front door.

"I couldn't find my knife."

"You could have just used mine if you were so keen on having one by your side."

"I feel more at ease when I have my own, and you need to have one on you at all times as well, Haldir. Who knows what could happen?"

"You're the expert."

"I was an adventurer before I settled down, you know."

"Yes, I remember that."


Yeah that's right, I was an adventurer in my youth. After finishing the academy, I disobeyed my parents, and fled to the human city. I guess you could say I was a rebel.

Contrary to the popular belief amongst the older generation that humans and elves are hostile to one another, during my time as an adventurer, and even nowadays, our two races have long forgotten the previous animosity to each other, which followed after the Kingdom of Radiver was pressured to sign peace by their impending loss in the war, especially after the Dwarven Kingdom of Oreh-Dore threatened to lend resources to the elves. Besides, the war ended hundreds of years ago, and it would honestly be silly to continue to harbor ill feelings towards one another after so much time has passed.

Anyways, I found myself in the human citadel of Farway. It was a town enclosed within a fortress with a population, at the time of my stay, of a couple thousand residents. The town was fairly clean and tidy, not comparable to Aveildar, but still good enough. There I learned the human mannerisms of speech, some of their cultural dances, and just had a blast exploring their culture.

The food there was phenomenal. I especially gawked at the amount of meat products and dishes they offered, as well as the different kinds of alcohol. Not that we don't have such things back here, but we absolutely can not compare in variety. 

Humans are actually much more resilient to alcohol than I was. It took me only two or three glasses before my face reddened and I began feeling giddy. The locals really enjoyed seeing a drunk elf in a bar. To them it was a unique, and a hilarious spectacle. 

When I was there, I registered myself in the local guild, and joined a quite friendly and outgoing group composed of a dwarf, two humans, and a half elf. I adventured with them for about a decade or so, mostly slaying beasts within large underground caves. Once I achieved the title of a B rank adventurer, I bid my farewells, and headed back home, where I joined the army by demonstrating my combat abilities I honed during my adventurer days, and getting a severe reprimand from my parents to whom I only sent letters. 

There in the army I reunited with my old friend Haldir, who in turn introduced me to, now my wife, Eleanor.


"I also remember you coming back, speaking and acting strangely. Were those mannerisms you still act upon today the ones you picked up when you lived with the humans?"

"Well, not completely. I did mention to you that I traveled with a dwarf, didn't I?"

"So it came from there as well?"

"Oh yeah friend, you betcha!"



"Please Leo, never do that ever again." Haldir said with a grimace of disgust.

"Hahahahaha! I just wanted to see your reaction!"

Haldir sighed with exhaustion.

"Just whom am I friends with?"

"Only the best man in the world, ain't that right pal?"

"Leo, I said stop!"


Bickering like that, we made our way into the forest and began looking for rabbit tracks. These animals were territorial, and they liked to leave scratch marks with their antlers on tree trunks. Once you see a tree trunk with fresh scratches at its base, you know that there could be a rabbit nearby. Mostly likely, you could stumble on a small herd. 

"Hey Haldir, over here."

I gestured to Haldir to come over after I found scratches that looked like they were around a day or so old.

"It seems like you found a lead."

All that was left to do was to examine nearby trees for scratches, and use them as checkpoints to skim through the rabbits territory, and eventually find them.

As we examined the trees, Haldir found the next one, and the one after that. I found another one right after. We began making progress to pin-point the location of the herd, until.

"Did you hear that Haldir?"

"I did. Sounds like a fight."

"Should we go see?"

"Yes. I suppose hunting rabbits can wait."

We abandoned our search for the rabbits, although I was quite dejected seeing how much progress we made. Just a little more and we could have caught a few, but I suppose we first have to see if everything is ok in the direction we heard the signs of distress come from.

As we made our way towards the direction of the sound, we saw an elf boy, around the age of fifteen or so, seemingly exhausted, his left arm bleeding, and holding a sword in his right arm. In front of him was a striped panther.

These were dangerous tree-top predators. Although they kept their distance away from elven settlements, they were very hostile if you got unlucky enough to encounter one in the wild.



I dashed to stand in between the panther and the boy, knife at the ready, while Haldir settled him down to the ground and began casting healing magic. I took a small peek back. The boy was in terrible condition. Not only his left arm, but his stomach and face were also covered in scratches and oozing blood at life threatening amounts. His breaths were fast and shallow, his eyes wide with fear, and his face pale.

"See Haldir? This is why you bring a knife." I said, teeth clenched, and in a battle ready stance.

I turned back to the growling beast in front of me. These animals never went for the throat, preferring to exhaust their prey by causing it to bleed out, which this poor boy experienced first hand. It's dark purple body was lean and muscular, with black stripes like a Tiger. The panther's dark, obsidian eyes gleamed in a predatory glare, as it bared its pearly-white teeth at me in a rumbling growl.

It paced side to side in front of me, not daring to strike. Seeing as there were two more opponents to deal with, it became more cautious. But I knew, I knew it as clear as day that the panther was hungry, and it would not back down.

"Haldir, take the boy, and go back the same route we came before."

"What about you?" Haldir asked, his hands bloody, but still casting the green healing spell on the boy. The wounds visibly stitched themselves back together, and the boy's breathing became more steady.

"I will deal with this thing here and head back. Don't worry. I dealt with worse as an adventurer."


What an easy man to talk to. No need to argue, or plead, or convince this man. He had my full trust, and I had his, and if I tell him to go, he will go.

He picked the boy up in his hands, and slowly made his way back without any sudden movements, so as to not aggravate the animal any further.

Once he disappeared from sight, and all the attention of the panther was now focused on me, I let out a relieved breath, and smiled.

"Now it's only you and me you beast."

The panther, which just lost out on two possible meals, growled, and pounced. I pivoted to the left, so as to let the trajectory of the panther miss me, and when it came close enough, I clad my arm with mana, and punched it right in the temple.

The panther spun in the air, and tumbled down onto the ground, rolling a few times before hopping back onto its feet, ears back, mouth open, teeth showing, and violently hissing. 

"Tough bastard." I muttered under my breath, and augmented my body via the pure mana manipulation body strengthening technique, preparing for another strike.

The panther pounced again. This time, I caught it in the air, wrapped my arms around its neck, and drove my blade into it.

The panther roared in pain, desperately flailing in my choke hold while it bled out. With a final push, I snapped its neck, its body went limp in a matter of moments, and I released it as it tumbled to the ground in a heavy "thump".

"Phew. It's been a while since I fought with beasts."

Pulling my knife free, I picked up a leaf, rubbed the blade clean, then shoved it back into its sheath.

"I guess it's about time I made my way back."


I found Haldir kneeling next to the boy, who was desperately clinging to his waterskin. Little droplets rolled down his cheeks as he drank.

"The boy seems more lively." I greeted Haldir.

"We made it in time. Had we hesitated, he would have bled out."

I looked back at the boy, and although he was moving more actively, his body was still deathly pale. It makes sense given how much blood he lost.

"Hi there. What's your name, boy?"

He let go of the water skin, and looked up at me. His emerald green eyes looked tired, and his silver hair was disheveled and covered in blood and grime, as was his face. But this face seemed oddly familiar.


Elvedriel. Like our kingdom's name. Yes, that's right. This is the royal prince. That's how I know him! I remember seeing him a few years back when he and his majesty visited our garrison. Despite looking older now, I still thought I recognized him from somewhere, and I was right.

"Pardon our ignorance, your highness. We failed to recognize the prince of Elvedriel." 

Haldir apologized on his and my behalf, and we both bowed.

"No…there is…no need to…apologize." 

"It seems you are in no condition to talk right now, your highness. We shall make our way to the palace immediately."

Haldir quickly found a carriage, and helped the prince into it. We made our way in, sat on the opposite side, and instructed the driver to make way to the palace, as quickly as possible.


Once we arrived at the palace gates, the soldiers, seeing the condition of the prince, quickly signaled for the servants of the palace to tend to him, and escort us inside. A man dressed in a silver and white butler's uniform approached us, and motioned for us to come with him.

"Please follow me, I will guide you to the waiting room. His majesty King Elvedriel requests an audience with the men who rescued his son."

"He won't pin the blame on us, right?" I leaned in to whisper in Haldir's ear.

"I doubt that," he whispered back. "If that were to be the case, we would already have been detained."

We made our way to one of the palace's waiting rooms. The room itself was magnificent, no less fancy than the rest of the interior of the palace. The floor and walls were made from pure white marble. The walls were engraved with masterful carvings of Celestial trees. A row of yellow tinted windows lined the far side of the room, as tall as a grown man, casting a warm bright golden glow inside the room. On the floor was a fine wool carpet. Within the room itself was a couch for the guests, and a single seat across from it for the king himself. In between was a dark wood table, filled with fruits and pastries.

"His majesty will arrive soon, so please make yourself comfortable in the meantime." Said the butler as he closed the doors behind us.

"This looks amazing. I have never been in the palace before!"

Haldir on the other hand, was silent. 

Captivated by the beauty of the room we were in, we went and had a seat on the couch. It was a delicate balance of softness and springiness, making it very comfortable to sit on. Time flew by so quickly as we examined the room that the knocking on the door caught us off guard. 

The same butler as before opened the door, and announced.

"His majesty, King Elvedriel, has arrived."

The two of us stood up, placed our right palm on our heart, and offered a bow.

His majesty was just as I remembered him. About my height, long silver hair, and emerald green eyes. He was dressed in a fine white robe with gold and silver lining, and wore a white and silver corona civica atop of his head. But his expression was placid, his look, grave, and he exerted an aura of confidence and authority. 

"Please, sit." He gestured to us.

"Firstly, on behalf of the royal family, I would like to express my gratitude to the both of you for rescuing my foolish son from certain death. He snuck out into the forest by himself, and caused trouble for the two of you, and myself."

"There is no need to apologize to us, your majesty."

I will be leaving the conversation mostly to Haldir. He knows better how to respectfully converse with those of a higher authority.

"Though, his initial state in which we found the prince was concerning. What would be the state of his highness right now?"

"Rest assured, thanks to your efforts, my son is in a stable condition. If you would be so kind, could I please know the names of the saviors of a member of the royal family so that you may be rewarded accordingly."

"Thank you for your kindness, your majesty. My name is Haldir Thalion, and on my left is my dear friend, Leotriul Elrond."

"Elrond, you say?"

The king raised his eyebrow in surprise. Does he know me? But why is he so surprised to hear that surname? I am sure there are many in this kingdom who have the same last name as I do.

"If I may ask. Do you know of a boy by the name of Ardiel Elrond?"

What? Did he just say Ardiel? As in my son? Ardy? But how and why does he know him? Wait, let's calm down. Calm down, and take a deep breath.

I couldn't muster a single word in response. Beads of sweat began forming on my forehead as I stared directly at the king in a way that it almost could be considered as rude. I didn't know what to say. Should I say yes? Should I deny the fact that I know him? I mean if you think about it, how would he find out what Elrond family Ardy belonged to. It's not like he would organize a search party right? But if he did, and if he found my son, wouldn't he find out I was lying to him? Ok, let's admit it, and see where this goes. Last resort we can flee the country and find sanctuary in Farway. My adventuring friends might still be there.

"I uh, um, ye…yes your majesty. He is my son."

"Is he? I heard he is quite talented. Just a few days ago I overheard the head of the Tinuviel family complaining that his son lost a duel to some boy younger than him from the outskirts of the capital named Ardiel Elrond."

My son dueled the son of the Tinuviel family and won? I never heard of that. When did that even happen, and why didn't he tell me?

"My son did not cause any trouble, right?"

"Of course not." The king replied, amused. "I actually found it interesting that Celeborn was defeated. He is known in the capital academy as one of the most promising students, so it was quite surprising to overhear that he lost a duel."


"If I may ask, how old is your son, Leotriul?"

"Eight years old, your highness."

"Unbelievable! An eight year-old defeated a thirteen year-old academy honor student? And so easily at that? Even my ten year old daughter who I regard as quite a capable mage and fighter for her age does not win against Celeborn that easily.."

"Easily, your highness?"

"Yes! Has your son not told you?"

"He did not."

"Peculiar. It was my understanding that a child would surely brag to his parents about such an accomplishment. I see he is not only strong, but mature at that. Yes, you heard me right, Leotriul. Your son won the duel in a matter of moments. It's also surprising that young Celeborn admitted to such a defeat, hahahaha!"

I was at a loss for words. His first spell at the age of three, a gray mana flow mage at the age of eight, and now he is defeating noble children much older than him from the capital's academy, and gaining recognition even from the king himself!

"I never knew we had such a young talent growing up amongst the young generation." The king continued.

He then looked up, and examined me closely, as if almost trying to read my mind.

"Leotriul, I have a favor to ask of you."

"Anything in my power, your highness."

"If you have not already known, not to sound self-righteous, but my daughter is a quite capable mage herself. She has great teachers, to whom I have no complaints, but she considers the lessons somewhat boring. I thought that having someone closer to her age in this aspect would be for the best."

"Your highness, could you perhaps be more specific?"

"Right, sorry. What I am trying to say is, would your son be interested in tutoring my daughter in magic and swordsmanship for some time?"