
Rise from the dead as Diablo's Crusader

The topic of what happens after death is a commonly discussed topic by many. Religious men would speak of the afterlife ruled by God, Atheists would say that there was nothing. But no one could deny that death was real. In the end of my life, I found out what happens after death. With the help of a God, I had to decide. Whether to carry out their will in another will with newfound powers, or to sink into oblivion and return as another life. I chose the latter. My name is Slade Dara Bridge, and this is my story as I rise from the dead as a game character in my old time favorite game. Diablo 3. +++ This was a commentors idea so I'm not exactly well versed on the topic so feel free to point out a few flaws that I might've missed.

TreeBriarWood · ゲーム
23 Chs

Diablo III's character selection.

Snapping his fingers, the card slipped out of my grasp and floated in the air.

Glowing an ominous red color, the card suddenly darted right into my heart.


Slade didn't even have the chance to curse as the God of Fun smiled and spoke "Well then Slade, I'll be seeing you later, hopefully the next time we meet again you won't be dead"


Without getting the chance to even complete his sentence.

Slade felt his body/ soul get whisked away but some unknown force.

Seeing his surroundings darken immediately.

He soon started his adventure into another world.


Seeing that all of the souls had finally been sent away including the first soul the God of entertainment had aquired.

All the Gods in their avatars descended to greet the God of Distractions once again.

Fun, upon seeing them smiled brightly and kept their previous incarnation much to the others curiosity.

"Fun, what is the reason that you have given those mortals your authority? From what I remember you usually refrained from such acts."

"Can't I just do it for fun?"

"..." The goddess covered in nothing but flame backed off while staring at the places where the souls previously were.

Taking her place, the God of Oceans and storms spoke "But why did you find so many people who had the capabilities to become an apostle? Even in my long life I have only seen a couple gatherings of apostles, and even then they were rare"

"Unlike you who usually sends your incarnations with a fraction of your strength to other worlds and can only designate a few apostles, I don't really have many incarnations"

"So it's just a matter of quality over quantity then?"


The God of death gestured to the place where the souls of the designated apostles previously were, a dark halo continuously spinning behind their head.

"But what goal do they have? and where have they gone?"

"Well" The god of entertainment and distractions smiled in a child like way as they waved their hand. "It's easier to just show you then tell you"

Several screens appeared in the air as they displayed several worlds in various states.

Some were completely desolate, giant sand dunes covering all there was to cover.

Some were burning, the world itself being set alight in eternal orange flame as it devoured everything there was.

Some were frozen, a deep chill that was able to permeate to the bone continuously attacked the world in a blizzard.

All of these worlds were different in their uncontained chaos of war, plagues and suffering.

But the one thing they had in common was that they were all nearing complete destruction.

"The fallen worlds" The God of Time and Change stole a glance at the child like boy. "You wish to regain them"

"Yes" A distinctly melancholic look flashed through the boys eyes. "I always regretted the fact that we as Gods couldn't do anything for them"

"The world's causality would-"

"Yeah yeah, the world's causality would shatter underneath the weight of our power, I understand" The God of Distractions interrupted the Goddess of Judgement and Justice.

Sighing the God of Entertainment stole a look at the Fallen worlds before a light smile rose on their face.

"But with the appearance of apostles carrying my authority, they will be able to do what we weren't able to."

He stole a glance at the Other Gods and Goddesses who were deep in contemplation, the Goddess of Matter and Void who appeared as an endless galaxy spoke up.

"But wouldn't the apostles also be chained by causality as well?"

"That's the beauty of it my friend Void" The God of fun winked at the tall woman.

"Because they are nothing but seedlings currently, they aren't chained by causality."

The whirlpools representing the eyes of Ocean widened as they saw the direction that the God of Entertainment was pointing at.

"...And because your authority was only acting like a fertilizer for the small seedling, when they completely grow they can act as our apostles!"

"Yeah! You got that right Ocean... Wait what?"

The God of the Sea and Abyss's whirlpool eyes stared deeply into the God of Fun's own before a smile rose on their face.

"We can't let you bear the burden all by yourself can we?"

The God of Games took a look at their companions that also nodded from the side.

"As Gods we cannot just stand by and let our friend suffer by themself"

"Aw guys... if you really think that way of me..."

Smiling brightly he waved his arms and opened up a separate reality similar to the one they were currently in, except it had several Amenities for the God's enjoyment.

"...Great news then! I already had a reality for this kind of occasion!"

This caused a sense of confusion in the myriad Gods as if the God of Games had already planned this ahead of time.


They took his offer and entered the strange room and began to look at the soon to be apostles the God of Fun had made.


After falling for what felt like eternity.

Slade felt his body slow its descent before what looked like a campfire burnt in front of him.

Blinking at the sudden brightness that appeared in the impenetrable cloak of darkness, Slade flinched before trying to quickly adjust his eyes to the sudden brightness.

And upon doing so, he could finally appreciate his surroundings with even more focus.

He was in what he would like to call a clearing in some sort of gnarled and withered forest, the crackly brown branches looking like the claws of demons cast by firelight in the darkness.

The night sky dotted with stars doing nothing to soothe the creepy feeling that the forest itself gave.

And besides the creepy forest that even gave a trained special forces soldier like him a few chills down the old spine.

Only the moon that quietly shone in the distance cast a bright light on the stone hills.

Although Diablo III was slightly disappointing due to its colorful appearance, which was unlike the darker tones that the world setting had displayed.

Apparently the God of Entertainment had heard his prayers and made things look even darker.

'Hopefully I won't actually have to fight hordes of monsters.'

Recalling the hordes of monster that would fill the screen and sometimes crash the game system he was using, a tinge of cold sweat fell down his forehead.

Something he noticed he actually noticed he now had now that he wasn't just a manifestation of the soul.

But, if the world stayed mostly true to the original, it would be a nightmare to fight the monsters that he had struggled against from a third person perspective in first perspective.

The screen wide effects were of no joke in the slightest.

The multitude of technological repairs that had to be made could attest to that fact.

Staring at the seven tabs that floated in the air which contradicted the medieval vibe, Slade was surprised to find that upon focusing.

A large pentagram like structure manifested in front of me and summoned what looked like to be the character classes that belonged in Diablo.

Something he was surprised to find out about was that they all had one thing in common.

His face.

Safe to say, alongside the surprise.

A giddy childlike happiness welled up in me as I felt like I was back in my childhood where he imagined a world where he lived as my game characters.

Except he was actually experiencing the game in reality.

The large pentagram shined once again as it took away the Demon Hunter me and replaced it with the Necromancer me.

Seeing the bone armor cover my form, which replaced the mixture of wood and metal he was instantly delighted.

Turning his attention to the other classes, another function took my attention.

Seeing that he could turn female, he instantly made sure to ignore that option and instead focused on the myriad of classes he could instead make.

The problem was.

Which one should he choose?


Voting time!

The classes of Diablo III are as follows


The tank type that likes getting up close and personal with very damaging melee weapons. Bloody warrior.


The tank type with lots of defense and is very hard to kill amongst large groups of monsters. The Great Defender.

Demon Hunter

The ranged attacker with lots of speed and evasiveness but is relatively squishy in terms of health. Fast glass cannon.


A Brawler type that isn't good at taking damage but is the best and giving it out, Very Close range.


The magic class that uses enemies to protect themself with an army of undead. Certified badass.

Witch Doctor

The Glass cannon that uses spells while shining in long range and close range. Loves Dot damage.


The Glass cannon with lots of damage and shines in mid to long range combat with the right tactics. High planning needed.

Credits to DankBuzz Gaming for summarizing everything for me easily.