
Rise from the Blue Moon Pack

Follow Anabelle along her journey of escaping her abusive family and coming into her own personality and goals. Read along to see what happens to annebelle as she escapes the Blue Moon pack and follows her family to the Dark Wood pack. Will she find love or misfortune? Will she achieve her goals or find heartache and misery? A happy ending or a treacherous encounter? Family or war? Annabelle is on a journey to find out why her life has been set on the path it is on and to discover what that means for her future. Will she make it through the long path ahead of her is the question burning in her mind.

Ashley_Coyne_3933 · SF
16 Chs

Dungeon rat

Anabelle spent the evening playing with the pack orphans. This was something she always enjoyed doing in her old pack, and she wanted to continue this activity in this new pack. It took her mind off her troubles, at least for a short time. Soon enough she knew the names of each orphan by heart. They all loved Anabelle and looked forward to her visits. Anabelle had been given a credit card by Kayden. She didn't feel right spending his money on herself. Instead, she chose to bring gifts, clothes, and snacks to the orphanage each time she visited.

She felt okay about using the card to purchase items for the orphans, as Kayden was their Alpha, and their care was his duty. It made sense in her mind. Of course, she did not know she was already carrying out her duties of Luna. Under pack law, the women and children in the pack are under the care of the Luna. Anabelle felt an immediate connection to a young baby in the orphanage.

Her name was Millie, and she was just six months old. Her parents had been living on the outskirts of the pack borders. There was a rogue attack a few days after the baby was born, and her parents locked her in the basement of the house, while they fought. Sadly, they did not survive, but pack warriors arrived in time to fight off the rogues before they found the child.

Anabelle felt drawn to baby Millie and found herself dreaming of a family. She began to think about the possibility of adopting the baby, but she would have to discuss it with Kayden first. After all, they had not even mated yet. She was thankful that Kayden was being patient with her. Anabelle was struggling to clear a path through the muddy thoughts in her head. It wasn't that she didn't want to mate with Kayden -she did. She just needed time to accept and come to terms with all that had happened to her in just a few weeks.

Kayden was filled with happiness when he spotted Anabelle sneaking off to the orphanage with bags of goodies. He knew she would be an excellent Luna. He had decided to hold off on marking her for the moment, as her whole world had been turned upside down in the last few weeks. She had lost the only family she knew and was now living in an unfamiliar place and was thrown into a mate bond. Kayden could not find any sense of discomfort when he talked with Anabelle, but he still worried for her.

Kayden was going through files in his office when Annabelle knocked on the door. she entered the room and sat down on the chair in front of Kayden, nervously wringing her hands. "What's wrong?" he asked her, concern filling his mind. Anabelle took a deep breath before she said, "I would like to visit Evan in the dungeon. It's been a week and I need to know why, why they hated me, and why they brought me here if they were just going to try to kill me".

"Okay, you may visit him, but I will be accompanying you. I do not want you alone with that man for one second. Chained or otherwise." He paused for a moment and then continued, "Are you prepared for what you will see?" Annabelle looked confused and Kayden clarified. "Due to the severity of what he did, to ensure my title was not undermined by simply jailing him, I had to punish him as well. He has spent the last week in silver chains, and I've been told that those who love Beta Daniel have made his stay in the dungeon… uncomfortable".

Kayden watched Annabelle carefully. He had hoped she would not wish to see him, so he could spare her from seeing how the pack warriors treated traitors. There was no mercy, especially not if you attacked a leader in the pack.

Anabelle did not seem fazed by this information. "I knew that the warriors would be angry. Daniel is beloved by all the pack members. Even the orphans in the pack are fond of him. I'm not naive enough to think he would not be harmed."

Kayden was amazed at the strength and bravery of the woman standing in front of him. Everything in her life had been turned upside down in a few weeks, her entire family betraying her, and yet here she stood strong despite them all. "Okay follow me".

Anabelle followed Kayden down to the dungeon. It was located below the kitchens, and the bunker the women and children stayed in during an attack was located behind the dungeons. She could hear Kayden typing in the passcode into the electronic lock on the door and wondered how secure that was. It would only be secure if only a few people knew the code, but she suspected that every warrior on guard knew the code. This made her uneasy.

Kayden led her down to the very last cell in the dungeon, and in it sat her brother. He was muddy, bruised, and bloody, and looked defeated. That was until he looked up and saw Anabelle. It was instant. The colour came back to his face and his eyes lit up, but not with love. His eyes lit up with hatred.

His silver chains prevented him from moving, but Anabelle knew if he was able to, he would have lunged at her. "You B****! You killed my mother; you'll pay for this! I swear to God, I'll make you pay!"

At that moment Kayden let out a low, menacing growl from behind Anabelle. "The traitor was Anabelle's mother just as much as she was yours. I would also like to say, I killed your mother, not Anabelle. As Alpha that is my right. Accept the laws of this pack or you will be cast out in exile, to become a rogue. Out of respect to your sister, my mate, I have let you live for this long, but know this – if you attempt to harm my mate, I will kill you without hesitation."

Evan spat on the ground while keeping his eyes trained on Kayden. This was a direct show of disrespect and Anabelle was shocked. To act that way towards an Alpha, no matter how merciful, was practically begging for a death sentence. Kayden growled and yanked the cell door open in fury and stormed toward Evan. "You dare to disrespect your Alpha!", he roared. To Anabelle's horror Evan spat right into Kayden's face. The love Kayden had for her would not be able to save him after that. Kayden extended his claws and slashed at Evan's side and stormed out of the cell and up the stairs.

"Oh Evan, why?" Anabelle whimpered. A pack warrior slammed the cell shut and locked it just as Evan replied. "Because of you my mother is dead. Dad would kill me if he lay eyes on me again. Thanks to you I have nothing. I should have left you with the monster at least then my life would be good". Anabelle let the tears roll down her cheeks but said nothing. She nodded at the warrior at the door and exited the dungeons.