
Rise above heavens

Cedric Brightmoon was born in a family of cultivators. But in this world, without a spirit mark, nobody could cultivate. And that's exactly what Cedric lacked. But a mysterious ruins he stumbles upon in the forest changes his destiny forever.

Atlas_Fall · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Cedric Brightmoon

To the east of the city of Lakemont, stood a mansion big enough to house a small village. It spread through several acres of land with beautiful green gardens surrounding it.

This mansion belonged to the Brightmoon family. A family of cultivators that rose to prominence around 300 years ago. They were famous not just in Lakemont city, but also in all the surrounding cities. While it wasn't one of the most prestigious families in the kingdom of Foreland, it was still a well-respected family in the region.

Currently in a corner of that mansion, in a small courtyard, a teenage boy around 16 was seen practising his sword skills. He was frail even for a boy at his age. He was wearing a brown coloured robe that the youngsters of the Brightmoon family usually wore during their training sessions. He had black hair and dark brown eyes. His hands and legs were thin. But his movements were swift and precise.

"Cedric", a voice called from inside the mansion. "Your father is looking for you"

Cedric stopped practising. He breathed heavily as he replied.

"I'm coming"

Cedric put away his sword. He wiped his sweat off with a towel and made his way into the mansion.

Cedric's father was a man in his late forties. He had a muscular physique and a moustache that he always kept twirled upwards. He was Albert Brightmoon. A peak stage expert and the second strongest member of the Brightmoon family.

Albert was sitting on a chair in his study, deeply in thought as Cedric made his way in. The room was filled with tomes, mostly related to cultivation. As a cultivation family, they had a huge collection of these tomes.

"Greetings father, you called me?" Cedric asked respectfully.

"Ah…Cedric, my son" Albert said with a sigh. "I called you for a very important reason."

Albert paused for a moment and looked into his son's eyes hesitantly. Cedric sensed his father's hesitation. Albert was not sure whether to tell Cedric the matter or not.

"Father, tell me whatever it is," Cedric said. "Is it about what Uncle Abel mentioned before?"

Albert breathed deeply and nodded. Cedric smiled wryly.

"I know it's hard to accept son," Albert said with a hint of sadness. "But Able is right. At this age, you are yet to awaken your spirit mark. Combined with your weak body, you have almost….no hope of becoming a cultivator. We spent too many resources trying to awaken your spirit mark. And Gregory…."

"Father, it's alright. I understand." Cedric said gloomily, "I am thankful for everything that the family did for me till now. Gregory is a genius. Groom him to become the next family head."

Gregory was Cedric's younger brother. He was two years younger than Cedric. But unlike Cedric, who had yet to awaken his spirit mark, Gregory was a genius. He awakened his spirit mark a year ago. And it was the rarely seen full moon spirit mark. The moon spirit mark was the speciality of the Brightmoon family. But even Albert only had a Half-moon spirit mark. And his brothers, Abel and Alastair had new moon spirit marks. From the new moon to the full moon, the speed of cultivation and strength in each stage would increase. That was why Gregory's future was limitless. He was sure to become their second master rank warrior after their patriarch.

Cedric on the other hand, was unable to awaken his spirit mark even after his family invested plenty of resources in him. The number of spiritual medicines they fed him was enough to raise two expert-rank cultivators. But no matter how many medicines he had, no matter what kind of resources they used, Cedric remained ordinary. Forget about being unable to awaken his spirit mark. He even had a weak body on top of it. It was just due to Albert's stubbornness that the family kept giving him more and more. But now, even Albert had to accept the bitter truth. His elder son had no sprit mark.

Albert looked at his son sorrowfully. He was pained to see him accept his fate so easily. Deep down, he hoped that Cedric would argue with him and insist on continuing to try and awaken his spirit mark.

"Don't get depressed son" Albert said finally. "A cultivator is a prestigious career. But not everyone can embark down that path. You don't need to be a cultivator to live a meaningful life."

"I understand Father, don't worry about me" Cedric said as he forced a smile onto his face.

Albert was aware Cedric wasn't all right. From a young age, cultivation was the only thing Cedric was interested in. Becoming a cultivator was his dream. But in this world, Cultivating wasn't possible for those without a spirit mark. The awakened spirit mark was the sign you have officially become a cultivator. Unless you awaken your spirit mark, you won't be able to sense the spiritual energy. Naturally, without being able to sense spiritual energy, cultivation was impossible.

A person who awakened a spirit mark was superhuman. Their strength surpassed ordinary people. They could even take on a tiger or lion unarmed and win. An ordinary person wouldn't be a match for even the weakest cultivator.

"Our family business in Oreus City is flourishing." Albert said, "I want you to go there and learn to run a business. That way, you can both make a name for yourself and also contribute to the family."

Cedric nodded silently.

"Alright then," Albert said. "If there's nothing else, you may leave now and prepare for the journey. Oreus City isn't far. But you will have to cross the Blackwood Forest. I will send someone to escort you through the journey."

"As you say father" Cedric said. "I will start preparing right away"

As Cedric left his father's study, his mind was filled with disappointment.

"In the end, I failed, eh?" Cedric murmured as he took a deep breath. "Mother used to say that everyone has a destiny. Maybe my destiny is not to become a cultivator"

Cedric tried to convince himself as he walked towards his room.


That afternoon, Albert was summoned by his father. Nathaniel Brightmoon was the patriarch of the Brightmoon family and their only master-rank cultivator. As Albert walked in, Nathaniel was sitting in a meditative posture. His face was serene with his legs crossed. He had a white beard that went down to his chest. And despite his age, he had an impressive physique.

"Father, you called me?" Albert asked.

"Albert", Nathaniel said in a calm tone. " Are you sending Cedric to the Oreus city?"

"Yes," Albert nodded, "I thought since he has no hope with cultivation, it is better to learn some business."

"So you have finally come to your senses," Nathaniel said. " You knew he had no hope with cultivation. Yet you wasted tons of resources on him. I was starting to think you had lost your mind."

"He is my son," Albert said, "I just didn't want him to end up as a….."

"A wastrel?" Nathaniel asked. "But if that's what he is, can you change it?'

Albert felt anger rising within him. He gritted his teeth.

"Father, did you call me here to hear you insult my son?' He raised his voice.

In the entire Brightmoon family, only Albert would dare to raise his voice before the patriarch. Because he was the only one from his generation with any hope of entering master rank. His brothers or cousins had no hope of achieving that. His status was much higher than Able or Alastair.

Nathaniel Laughed.

"Don't get angry my son," he said smiling, I have no malice towards my grandson. I just don't like how you wasted tons of resources on him, Including extremely rare ones. Do you remember that spirit nurturing pill? You gave it to Cedric when everyone advised you against it. Did it do any good? What if you gave it to Gregory instead?"

Albert was silent. He had no answer. The sprit nurturing pill was worth a fortune. Nobody was happy that he used it on Cedric.

" Our family would have another expert rank cultivator if you gave it to Gregory," Nathaniel said. "But, of course, that's all in the past. No point in thinking about it now. I am glad you have finally given up on him."

Albert wanted to say that he hadn't given up on his son. But Nathaniel quickly interrupted.

"Leave all that, I called you here for a different reason." He had a pleasant look on him now. "Elder Wallace accepted our request. The Astral radiance sect will take Gregory in as a disciple."

"That's amazing!" Albert was overjoyed. Astral radiance sect was one of the strongest forces in Foreland. Gregory being accepted into it would give the Brightmoon family a huge boost in status.

"Yes, it's great news", Nathaniel smiled. "At least now you understand why I told you not to waste time on Cedric?"

Albert didn't reply. Nathaniel chuckled.

"Anyway." He said. "Tomorrow, take Gregory to the Astral Radiance sect. The Blackwood forest is in the way, so I want you to take him yourself. I don't want him to run into a demonic beast on the way."

"Understood Father. I will take him myself" Albert said. Then he thought about something.

"Oreus city is in the same direction." He said. "Shall I take Cedric with me as well? We will drop him off at Oreus City and continue our journey."

Nathaniel furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well", he said. "Take him, but don't waste your time in Oreus City. Drop him off and leave right away. You shouldn't make Elder Wallace wait."

"Understood father, I will take my leave now and prepare for the journey."

Albert respectfully said. Nathaniel waved his hand dismissively. Albert walked out of the room happily.

Albert soon informed Cedric of Gregory being accepted into the Astral Radiance sect. He told Cedric they would take him to the Oreus city with them. Cedric felt conflicted. He was happy for his brother. But he and Gregory had a very complicated relationship. Gregory didn't hate Cedric. But he wasn't happy about Albert's bias towards Cedric. Just like other family members, he believed that if Albert had given him the resources wasted on his brother, he would have reached further heights.

But regardless, there was no enmity between the brothers. Gregory always just ignored him.

Cedric was also relieved that his father, an expert rank cultivator would be travelling with him. That made the travel through the forest much safer.


The next day in the morning, Cedric got ready and walked out into the front hall. He saw his uncles, aunts and cousins all gathered around a boy in his early teens. He had a similar appearance to Cedric. But he was younger and already had the aura of a cultivator. He was Gregory. Cedric's younger brother. He was currently listening to a tall man with a bulky figure and a thick beard. He was over six feet tall and had a deep voice. He was Abel Brigtmoon. One of Cedric's uncles. Abel liked Gregory, but he didn't like Cedric.

"Gregory, this is a huge opportunity for you," Abel said. The Astral Radiance sect can provide you with opportunities we can never hope to give you. Use this chance well."

"I know uncle," Gregory said smiling. "I will try my best"

"Gregory, don't forget about your cousin" Abel's wife Isabella reminded.

"Aunty, I am currently only an outer sect disciple. If I can get to the inner sect, I can probably help Lucas enter the sect" Gregory replied.

"That's all I ask" Isabella smiled. "as for entering the inner sect, I know you will. It's just a matter of time"

Cedric was already there. But Abel and Isabella paid him no attention. Nor did his other uncle Alastair or his wife Amelia. His cousins, on the other hand, looked at him in disdain. Especially Lucas, who was the second-best genius in their generation after Gregory. Lucas was about the same age as Cedric. He was already at late-stage novice rank. He treated Cedric like an enemy and always insulted him. Sometimes even beat him up. Cedric didn't know why he was so hated by Lucas. Maybe he was venting his frustration for being overshadowed by Gregory to his elder brother.

"Where are you going?" Lucas asked staring at Cedric's backpack. "Are you probably admitted to Astral Radiance sect too? Genius?"

Cedric sensed the mockery in his tone. He chuckled. Usually, he would just endure, but today he was in a different mood.

"No Lucas," Cedric replied. "Just like you, I also have no hope of entering the Astral Radiance sect. Everyone can't be a genius like my little brother."

Lucas was stunned. Then he started fuming with anger.

"Just like me?" He asked coldly. "You think me and you are the same?"

"I don't think I said that Lucas," Cedric smiled. "Why did you think that way? Do you find us similar?"

"Similar?" Lucas scoffed. "You think there's any similarities between a wastrel like you and a cultivator like me?"

"Surely not Lucas," Cedric said, still smiling. "I don't find myself similar to you at all. I don't vent my frustrations on those weaker than me. That's the sign of a weakling"

Lucas was enraged.

"Me? A weakling?" He sneered. "Then how about we test it?"

Cedric thought he would be beaten up. But at that moment, a voice was heard.

"Lucas, come here"

It was Abel who called. Lucas was startled and gave Cedric a sharp look.

"You're lucky", he growled before walking off.

Cedric chuckled.

"You wouldn't dare to attack me before everyone." He thought. "Furthermore, I am leaving today. Who knows when we will see each other again."

A moment later, Nathaniel also came down to the front hall. Gave Cedric a cursory glance before approaching Gregory.

Gregory listened intently to Nathaniel's pieces of advice and promised to work hard on his cultivation. Gregory and Cedric's cousins also took turns giving their well wishes to Gregory. Alastair and Amelia also tried to curry favor with their nephew hoping to help out their own children. Cedric was completely ignored. Only Albert paid attention to him. But that was only to ask if he had prepared everything for his journey.

"It's about time Albert," Nathaniel said. "You guys better set off now"

"Yes father," Albert said. Then he turned to Gregory and Cedric. "Follow me you two"

Before entering the horse-driven carriage, Gregory turned around and waved at his family members. It would be a long time until he returned. As for Cedric, he didn't turn his head at all as he entered the carriage.