
Ground Monster

I got closer to, but I still couldn't determine who she was yet.

If this girl was in my real world, I would have done to her what i did to my right hand man daughter.

But that damn promise, that I made for my mother.

Why in the world of ….. this girl is an overwhelmingl beauty.

She finally paid attention to me, looked at me, and said, as she took a step back.

" are you her to punish me and make fun of me like always?"

I was confused "Are you Yama?" I said so, as I looked at her

"Yes, I am. Why are you so confused? Is it because my form has changed? I am 15 years old. When demons turn 15 years old, something happens to them called the demon transformation"

I approached her, put my hand on her white face, and whispered in a calm voice

" you're really beautiful "

She was trying to get my hands off her face, but after she heard that, she no longer moved she only looked at me.

Her eyes are really beautiful, beautifully creative, to a degree that made me keep looking at her for a while, my heart kept beating for some time.

But when I felt that I might not be able to Control myself, I took a step back.

I decided to go, but what I did not expect to happen happened , yama grabbed my hand and turned my body toward her

she did the last thing I could possibly imagine.

She hugged me

I felt like her body and my body had became one. And our feelings also became one

Her body was really warm

"I want to cry and scream from the bottom of my heart. I am not fine inside me is so much pain I want to explode so I can s silent forever.I am all alone. there is no one who loves me or care about me. My father, who used to spoil me throughout my life, he now hates me and he Exiled me to a remote prison. Even My brother's tried to kill me. I just want to die." l She said that with her eyes full of tears, those beautiful eyes this time. I know that these tears are real, her hand was clinging to me.

I don't know why, but I felt pain in my heart when I saw those tears.


I put my hands on her face and wiped her tears away.

She was crying so hard, I don't know what to do, she changed a lot , she never used to show her true feelings.

"I don't want you to see you cry or I will punish you. I don't want to see your beautiful eyes turn ugly." I said after I wiped her tears.

"are you going to kill my father?"

When she said that , I felt like I woke up from the Beautiful dream I was in.

I didn't respond to her, but I pulled her body closer to mine. this girl is so dangerous for me.

I got used too having her around me to terrifying degree.

Yes, I will kill her father and keep her as a permanent slave. I don't care about her feelings or those tears. But I still feel a little pity for her.

I don't really know why she felt so much pain that she could crying, but it doesn't matter.

Damn everything.

This girl is really talent. She is already level 130. I don't know why she has all this talent. There is somethingstrange. About her I still haven't seen anything similar to this girl.

After a while I Headed to the legendary creatures building.

I entered to see the seed of the king of dragons the same as always.

But there was a creature next to the seed drawing out its energy.

When I entered and it saw me. he came to, and began to look at me with a look of love.

I know this creature. Saad gave me this creature as a gift before I went out.

It's a little tiger

He is a grond monster

A brown tiger has black dots on its body

A loyal monster he is average type of pet monster.

Saad has explained to me everything about monsters.

These monsters like to always be next to his master. and he must have a pledge from the monster to becomes it's master. And to increase it's strength.

There are five types of these monsters.

Volcanic type and this the most common.

Ground type,and that's not with everyone

Sky type monsters and this one is rare.

Finally, the space monster, and some say that this type of monster can merge with its master.

there is also a type of star beast that is legendary and is found only powerful places like the Stars Institute.

Saad told me that he found this monster in a crypt somewhere on this planet and that this tiger had not grown a day since he had found it. he gave it to me because these monsters have a distinctive power of healing. they can treat any kind of Wounds.


Name: without

Gender: Male

Type: ground Monster

Level: 50

He was Drawing the energy of the Dragon King egg in the legendary creatures building.

What the hell is this when I got this monster it was level 10. It's a Ground monster how it developed this quickly.

But I felt a shake in my inner range that prevented me from thinking more about this. I woke up to shard voice of saying

"We are under attack"