
Esdeath in tensura

After esdeath kill honest inside of the Throne room she go home to grab her stuff

Rimuru is waiting outside of the city

Tama is sitting in top of rimuru head

Rimuru see esdeath walking to them

Esdeath store all of her stuff inside of her storage of her ultimate skill goddess of ice Khione

Rimuru: my lovely esdeath are you ready to go to a another

Esdeath: I am ready darling

Rimuru teleport himself and esdeath to the world of tensura

the time in the world pass for three hours after rimuru return to the world

Rimuru see Alanaka is still sleeping

Rimuru kiss Alanaka four head

Esdeath is jealous of Alanaka

Esdeath: darling who is this girl

Esdeath said with a cold tone

Rimuru: she is Alanaka the goddess of dreams and love and my lovely wife

After rimuru answer esdeath first question she ask him another question

Esdeath: what do you want to do next

Rimuru: i will need to introduce you to my a others subordinate then you will train the soldiers for a month then we attack the kingdom of Falmuth

Esdeath: that a great idea my darling

Rimuru call his subordinates to go to meeting room

Rimuru see Benimaru, Souei, Shuna, Hakuro, Shion, Rigurd, and Treyni inside of the meeting room

Rimuru explain his plan to let esdeath train their soldiers

Benimaru: rimuru sama why did you want to train the soldiers for what

Rimuru: to attack the kingdom of Falmouth because they are planning to attack us so we attack them first

Rimuru subordinates knows what to do they leave the meeting room

Rimuru: esdeath are you ready for your job tomorrow

Esdeath: yes darling let's have fun to day

Rimuru see esdeath new uniform he gave to her

Rimuru: you look so beautiful my lovely lets have a date to day

The uniform that esdeath wearing is old uniform but black and gold outline

Esdeath: that a wonderful idea my darling

Esdeath kiss rimuru in his lips like he kiss her

Treyni see rimuru and esdeath making out inside of the meeting room

Treyni: rimuru sama did you forgot I'm still here

Rimuru broke the kiss of him and esdeath

Rimuru: sorry treyni I forgot you are still here

Treyni have a cold smile on her face

Treyni: is that so

Her voice is cold

Rimuru knows if treyni is angry she will my the person pay

Rimuru: sorry sorry please don't be angry treyni if you want I can do whatever you want for a day

Treyni: let have a date tomorrow

Rimuru and esdeath was shock to what they hear from treyni

Esdeath place her rapier one inch away from treyni head

Esdeath: don't seduce my man

Esdeath voice is cold and evil

Trenyi didn't even care about the rapier one inch away from her head

Trenyi: rimuru sama do you agree on are date

Rimuru see trenyi and esdeath cold glare at him

Rimuru: sure darling

Trenyi immediately blushed red

Rimuru then kiss her in her lips with passion and love and care

Author: thank you for reading my novel if this novel have 5000 views in a month of October I make the top comments in this chapter a part of this novel please don't comment BL