
Rift in Reality (NaNoWriMo 2022)

A young superhero steals a ring of a god, making friends with a wannabe hero the pair start a mission to unearth the unimaginable powers and save the multiverse from falling apart.

DaoistcCu8zY · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 1: A horse with a Broken Leg

Pain splashed over his face like water as he was shoved into the table in front of him. Anger burned through his veins as a large teenager held him down. The large teen's arms pulsated with power. They stood in the middle of a school cafeteria with children of all ages surrounding them who egged the large teen on. The smaller one struggled under him before blinking and vanishing from under the man's hand. He appeared beside him, using all his might to slam his fist into the brute's face. He winced at the pain in his knuckles. The larger teen didn't budge from the punch, causing the smaller one to swallow hard.

"Stop being a shit head," the bigger teen snarled, turning to face the other. "Just because you're Father's favorite doesn't mean you can say shit like that."

"I don't know, Fifty Eight. Maybe if you had more than a fourth of a brain, Father would actually like you."

Fifty Eight snarled loudly; his muscles flexed under the skin. The veins pulsed and you could see the blood moving as rage rampaged through the bigger teen's body.

"I'm going to rip you in half," he snarled. "Eighty six, Seventy Seven." Fifty Eight snapped his fingers causing two of the kids to push from the crowd. Seventy Seven snarled, her body shuddering with power as scales raced up her arms. Her dark skin covered itself in brilliant blue, her teeth sharp and pointed.

"Come on Seventy Five," she said, putting her hands out. "Just calm down."

"Don't send your minions after me, Fifty Eight," Seventy Five growled at the man. He could feel the universe pulsating under his palms. A tall, thin boy giggled beside the other two. His body shook involuntarily from the hours of electrotherapy. "Get 'em Fifty Eight," he whispered, hopping a few times.

"I don't want to 'get' anyone, I want Seventy Five to apologize for calling Eighty Three a monster. Just because you're Father's biological son doesn't mean you should keep getting special privileges," Fifty Eight said, his muscles growing as he spoke despite his calm demeanor.

"Wow, so noble," Seventy Five said with a scoff, clapping his hands sarcastically. "A true Superhero. She is a monster," He pointed towards her. Half her face had been burnt off; she hid herself from his finger. Gold glowed in his palms, "I'm not apologizing because Father loves me and not you."

Fifty Eight roared, slamming his fist into the table beside him. It collapsed under his strength. Smoke flew from his nostrils as rage burned deep in his gut. "I'm sick of your attitude," he hissed. "It's about time someone put you in your place. Father won't do it, so it looks like I have to." Fifty Eight leapt forward at the other, his muscles glowed a vivid red as he attempted to push all his weight into Seventy Five only for the teen to vanish.

"I can jump through time and space," Seventy Five shouted as he appeared behind the other, hands in his pockets. "I know you can't wrap your walnut-sized brain around that but surely you unders-"

Eighty Six leapt on Seventy Five, causing him to gasp in shock and vanish. The two appeared only a few paces away; Eighty Six was attempting to drag Seventy Five to the floor. The man struggled and shouted against him as Fifty Eight stomped towards them.

"Get off," Seventy Five shouted, slamming his elbow into the other a few times before Seventy Seven joined in. The pair attempted to hold Seventy Five down but he vanished from their grip causing Fifty Eight to growl in frustration.

"Coward," Fifty Eight hissed. "Father doesn't love you. He'll never love you. He'll never love any of us."

"Take that back. He loves me," Seventy Five spat, appearing on the table beside them with his arms over his chest. "He doesn't love you. If he loved you he wouldn't have thrown you in isolation," Fifty Eight yelled back.

"I deserved that," Seventy Five spat. "I didn't open the right portal."

"So perfect Seventy Five fucked up? In front of Father? No wonder you were isolated. He must fucking hate you now," Seventy Seven snorted out, causing a few collective chuckles from the bystanders.

"Fuck you," Seventy Five hissed through gritted teeth, pointing a finger at the other and dropping back to the floor. He probed her chest, "Father loves me because I'm useful. What use are you? A mermaid couldn't save the world."

Pain exploded like a hot fire as Seventy Seven slammed her forehead against his with full force, the scales on her face keeping her safe from the impact but it caused Seventy Five to yell out and stumbled back. His body shook from the sudden shot of pain; his head already hurt from the previous scuffle and now his vision blurred from it. The two kids grabbed him and shoved him to the ground, the pain made it impossible for Seventy Five to jump. His vision continued to swirl as Fifty Eight towered over him. His heart stopped. He was about to die. A few more shots of pain as the large man landed a blow to his head causing him to taste iron. Anger raged through Seventy Five as the large teen landed a few more blows. He could tell the other was holding back.

"Say sorry," Fifty Eight hissed into Seventy Five's ear. "Or I'll beat you within an inch of your life."

Seventy Five spat on the other, blood flecking the bigger man's dark skin. "Only a coward shows mercy," Seventy Five snarled. Despite the pain, he could feel the universe rolling around him but it was growing so quickly he started to lose control. Pale hands starting to glow vivid gold, he could sense other universes flashing through him as Fifty Eight lifted his fist. Seventy Five grabbed the first universe and tore it open with a flick of his head, the tear in the air appeared small at first causing everyone to freeze and glance at it. Seventy Five could feel his entire body tense; it was suddenly as if his blood was on fire. The rage was too great. He couldn't hold onto the universe properly, causing him to scream in agony as all the blood in his body rushed to his hands.

The small portal flickered and exploded open. Rain started to fall on the kids causing them to scream in shock before a monstrous creature tore through the rift. Its long, sharp beak slammed into the floor just a few inches from Eighty Six who leapt away as the monster's massive head pushed fully through the portal. Its long neck is attached to a massive body. The kids screamed in shock and stumbled away, leaving Seventy Five laying on the floor. His body glowed bright gold. More portals started to open everywhere and the rain and mysterious screaming were getting worse.

"Seventy Five, close them!" Seventy Seven yelled. Security was now rushing up to the group. "Close them!" Fifty Eight screamed. Seventy Five struggled to open his eyes, seeing the prehistoric creature attempting to pull its beak from the floor below. More of its body was starting to come through. He took in a few deep breaths. Shakily, Seventy Five held a hand up to close the portal but the pain was too much. He yelled out in agony again as the monstrous being yanked its beak from the floor below and turned its attention to the screaming boy.

Fifty Eight didn't hesitate, he raced forward and slammed full force into the monster. It let out a yowl of agony as it was halfway shoved back into the portal. "Seventy Five you have to close these!" he growled out to the other as he grabbed the monster's beak and attempted to force the being back to where it came from. The bird-like creature fought against Fifty Eight, but the teen was far stronger, his muscles screaming in agony. A few more beaks started to force their way through the portals around them. Eight Six scampered towards Fifty Eight, attempting to help shove the monster backwards.

"Seventy Five, please," Fifty Eight was begging now. "You're strong, I get it. Please!"

Seventy Five shuddered. Sitting up painfully, he sucked in air and forced himself to calm. Slamming his first against the ground a few times, the glowing in his body started to fade. He grabbed the air, latching onto the universe and with a sharp tug the portals vanished one right after another. Fifty Eight screamed as the beak came out of his arms. The monster twisted its head violently and slammed its head into Eighty Six sending him flying backwards.

"Close it!" Fifty Eight hollered again at Seventy Five, the teen struggling up to a standing position as the large man grabbed the beak and started shoving it up again. Seventy Five felt his anger burning. He knew Fifty Eight would be seen as a hero after this and it made him not want to close the portal. He debated on keeping it open, letting this creature tear the man apart. Father always taught him, if their death helps you then it's not a waste. Fifty Eight screamed as the monster ripped at the man's skin with its sharp beak. He bit his lip and shook this thought off.

Grabbing the fabric of the universe and yanking it closed, the monster screamed as its head was cut off and fell to the floor. Dark red blood pooled against the concrete floor below. The portal let out a soft sigh as it fully closed and vanished. Security made their way over to Seventy Five and Fifty Eight. The teen sucked in air as his body shook from the agony of the overwhelming power.

"The great Seventy Five just lost control of his powers," Seventy Seven said with a small scoff. "You know the rules."

Seventy Five eyed her, "If you hadn't attacked me I wouldn't have!" he shouted at the other as security grabbed him and forced him to his knees. "No, you can't! I've never lost control! Please, this is their fault!" Seventy Five gasped, attempting to struggle away but the pain was too great. "Please, talk to Father! This is their fault!" He spoke quickly as he glanced between the two guards.

Fifty Eight was also forced to the floor beside him. The teen snorted, "Horse with a broken leg can't run." Eight Five shot the other a glare, blood from the sharp beak rolled down the other's arms. "If it applied to Thirty One, it applies to you too."

Two other security officers came up and a hidden gun was pulled from its holster.

"Talk to Father!" Seventy Five's voice grew louder. It cracked as tears started to roll down his cheeks. "Please, I can't die yet! I-"


Everyone froze, glancing to the door where a man stood. He wore a suit, his short hair pushed back with round glasses on his face.

"Father," Seventy Five let out a sigh as the man walked his way towards them, his arms crossed behind his back as he looked down at his son and Fifty Eight.

"Father, they started this fight. I didn't lose control! It was them! They-"

"Seventy Five, you know the rules," He said, taking the gun from the guard. Seventy Five's mouth went dry as he watched the short man make his way towards him. Seventy Five bowed his head; tears continued to roll down his cheeks and drop into the blood that was now staining his knees. He shook violently as the gun clicked. He could feel the eyes of everyone on him. The only noise that he could hear was his own heartbeat and the sound of an axe against wood outside.

"Such great power," Father whispered. He pressed the gun against Seventy Five's temple. It was so cold, unnaturally so. The teen let out a choked sob. He didn't want to die.

"Let this be a lesson to you all," Father said to the group around them. He pushed the gun against the other's temple hard, sending a jolt of pain through Seventy Five's body. Silence followed this. It felt like an hour, but couldn't have been more than a few heartbeats. Father let the gun drop to his side and Seventy Five blinked in shock, glancing up at his father with eyes wide as dinner plates.

"Take him to his room."

"What? If that was me you'd ha-" Fifty Eight started only for Father to turn on him, tilting his head to the side. "I'd have what?" He leaned down to the other, talking through his teeth, "If you were half as powerful as Seventy Five maybe you'd have been spared."

He stood up tall, handing off the gun. "Let this be a lesson. If you keep working, if you get strong enough, perhaps you'll have more privileges too." Father snapped his fingers. One of the guards grabbed Seventy Five and started to drag him from the room.

"He's not strong, he's spoiled," Seventy Seven hissed to Seventy Five as they passed. "He'll never be a hero."

Seventy Five's heart fell. He didn't understand why the others didn't like him. He glanced back at Fifty Eight who was being surrounded by the others, giving him comfort. Why is he so loved? Seventy Five thought, 'I'm more powerful than him. I'm smarter. Why does he get it all?'. As they entered the hallway he couldn't help but notice a few of the guards outside of the facility. They were chopping wood, chatting, the loud thwack of the axe echoed in his ears.


"Why didn't you punish me?" Seventy Five asked as he sat in a cold, dark room with only a tiny cot. The walls had been painted blue. A tiny window showed the outside, but it hardly brought in any light or comfort.

"Experiment Seventy Five, you have made a grave mistake," Father said, standing with his arms behind his back. Seventy Five sat on the bed, rolling his fingers through his long hair in the front and against the shorter hair on the sides.

"Are you listening?"

"Yes, Father."

Father eyed the other, grabbing his head and tilting it up. Seventy Five's eyes were red. The blood vessels had popped, staining the whites of the teen's eyes.

"You're not supposed to be like them, Seventy Five," Father whispered.

"You're supposed to be better than them." He dropped the teens chin, standing up straight. Seventy Five spat blood on the floor, his teeth felt loose from being punched in the mouth.

"But these migraines of yours," Father pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, using it to mop the blood off the floor.

"You need to get rid of them, they make you lose control,"

Seventy Five nodded, brushing his face with his sleeve, staining the uniformed shirt red. "I'm trying, Father. I've read countless books on migraines. I'll fix it."

"See that you do," Father said as he pocketed the cloth. "You're a brat. I've spoiled you with that window. I'm just trying to be a good father and you make it so hard sometimes."

"I know, Father. I'll never lose control again. I promise." Seventy Five bowed his head at the other which caused Father to smile. His smile was one of Seventy Five's favorite things.

"I'm holding you to that."

Seventy Five glowed from the comment, "You can, I'm the best superhero here. I also have a plan to take care of Fifty Eight's bullying." He tilted his head and grinned. The comment caused a dark smile to kiss the lips of Father who tilted his head and arched an eyebrow dramatically.

"Oh, have you?"

"Yeah, I have a plan. You won't have to worry about him being so stuck up anymore." Father nodded slowly at this, reaching forward and lightly brushing Seventy Five's hair back. At first the teen winced away but when the touch wasn't harsh he leaned into it, nearly falling when the hand was withdrawn within seconds.

"I trust you, my boy." Father pulled out a pocket watch before turning on his heels and grabbing the door, leaving Seventy Five alone to take care of his bloodied body.

"Oh and Seventy Five," Father called over his shoulder.

"Yes, sir?"

"Mercy isn't shown to those who don't deserve it."

As Father left the room he leaned into the guard standing just outside of it.

"Is Fifty Eight still planning on rebelling?," he whispered. The guard nodded at this.

"We will take care of him tonight, sir," the man said.

"Give it a day," Father whispered. "I have a plan."


"Stay quiet," Fifty Eight whispered to Seventy Seven as they darted past Seventy Five's door. The hallway was dark. It was very late in the night and everyone had been sent to bed an hour or two ago. The guards were on a rotating shift, but for some reason they hadn't come back yet. Seventy Five laid in his cot, his eyes on the ceiling. He was listening as a few more kids made their way through the hallways. The rebellion, a group of kids that didn't believe what Father was doing was right, run by Fifty Eight who Five felt was getting too heroic for his own liking. He knew if Fifty Eight and the others attacked they could easily kill Father. It didn't help that Seventy Five despised everything about Fifty Eight. The man was brave, strong, and kind. It was sickening to Seventy Five who rolled a few times in his bed. He thought about Fifty Eight a lot. It was starting to drive him up a wall. He couldn't explain the intense feelings that caused him to burn.

The feeling drove him wild. He didn't understand why it was happening and it just made him angry. How dare his body not listen to his brain. He was smart enough to solve long math in his head and read a thick book in only a day while retaining the knowledge. He was like a supercomputer, yet he couldn't make his emotions listen to him. He cried today; he was afraid. That also made him angry, fear is for cowards. He slammed his fist against the wall, hissing from the pain and rolling to sit up.

Tears started to race down his cheeks, sending another fit of anger through his bones.

"Don't wake up Seventy Five," Someone whispered as they moved past. Seventy Five knew what he had to do.


Seventy Five grabbed the axe behind him. It wasn't heavy but the loud noise it made caused his heart to jump in excitement. He'd do this and save Father from Fifty Eight and he'd never think of the man again; never worry about him again. He pulled the axe up as he made down the last hallway out into the cafeteria. He held it up as he kicked the door in. A handful of kids had collected in the darkness with large flashlights out.

Everyone turned to look at him. It was too late. He blinked. He was beside one of the kids who scrambled to get away only to get his head smashed in, the sound he made caused Seventy Five to stop. For a heartbeat he was back with his Father, looking at the ring in his hand.

"See this ring, Seventy Five? You're special. When I created the others I used this gem that was on the ring to make them." He placed a tiny piece of a gem on the table. "I sanded it down, used the particles, and created them. But you? I made you directly from the ring," He pulled the ring off, placing it in Seventy Five's hands. Seventy Five brushed his fingers over the gold, "Some day… are you going to give it to… someone?" He asked as he let the ring fall around his finger. Something inside him was different at that moment. Something changed. When the ring met his skin, he swore he felt it breathe. Suddenly, he felt at home, as if someone had placed new life into him.

"I would never give it to you. I just don't trust you," Father said coldly, taking the ring from him.

"What? Why not? I've done everything right."

Father tsked a few times, shaking his head before sighing. "Well, you'll have to prove it to me. Kill him."

Seventy Five glanced down at the child on the floor who'd recently lost control over his powers. He couldn't continue anymore. "A horse with a broken leg can't run," Father whispered, holding the gun out to Seventy Five.

"Do it, Experiment Seventy Five. Maybe someday you'll earn this."

Seventy Five eyed the ring. All he wanted was to feel its breath against his skin again. He'd never felt so in tune with the universe until he wore that ring. He needed it.

"You'll be proud?"

"No. But it's a start."

Seventy Five switched off the safety and shot. The student had already been knocked out so no noise came of it. Only blood.

"Seventy Five!"

The voice jolted him from the memory, pain flashed through his body as he was knocked back. He slammed the head of the axe into the floor to steady himself, ripping it out. Blood covered his body, the white button up with the sweater vest soaked. Red spotted his glasses, blocking half of his vision but he didn't give himself time to think. He didn't even see who hit him as he leapt, vanished, and reappeared behind them.

The students scrambled in panic as Seventy Five ripped the axe out of the back of one of them.

"Seventy Five, stop," Fifty Eight growled, leaping in front of the crowd. Taking a few steps towards Seventy Five. "Come on, this isn't you. I've known the real you."

"Shut up," Seventy Five shouted, vanishing and coming in behind Fifty Eight. The other had caught on already, turning and grabbing the head of the axe only seconds before it landed in his back.

"Stop it," He shouted, crying out in agony as the blade sliced deep into his palm. Blood rolled down his hand, but the other didn't budge. "You're pissed. Me too. We have to work together!"

"You're just saying shit so I won't-" He vanished and appeared on the opposite side of the man. "-Fucking kill you!" he shouted as he landed the blade into the other's arm. He'd turned just in time to catch it. Seventy Five roared in anger. He ripped it from the other's skin. Fifty Eight sucked in air, "Stop it, Seventy Five! Stop!"

"Why? So you'll kill Father? He's saving the world, Fifty Eight!"

Tears rolled down Fifty Eight's cheeks as he realized something, "You're so brainwashed you never stood a chance, did you?" The pity in the other's voice made something snap in Seventy Five. He raced forward, but this time Fifty Eight didn't have enough of a chance to react. The blood loss has started to set in as Seventy Five blacked out.

He came to a few seconds later, staring down at the bashed-in face of Fifty Eight. He was gone. Seventy Five scrambled away from it, staring at the body in horror. Part of him couldn't fully understand what was happening. It was as if he'd lost all control again and now Fifty Eight was dead.

"F-Fifty Eight," Seventy Five whispered, tears burning in his eyes as he stared at the body. He wasn't angry anymore. Instead, he was filled with a more confusing emotion. Guilt.

"What have you done?"

The voice caught him off guard. He glanced over to the doors to see Father standing with a small group. "Father!" He scrambled to stand up. Trying to brush the blood off his clothes, he suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe as Father stormed over to him.

"I-I st-stopped the problem," he stuttered out. His eyes went to the ring around Father's neck. He'd recently started to sleep with it around his neck, tucked under his shirt, but for some reason it wasn't in the safety of the fabric.

"Get the children, I'll take care of him," he spat at the security beside him. Seventy Five couldn't understand why Father wasn't happy, why he suddenly seemed angry. That's what Father wanted, wasn't it?

"I thought you wanted to-"

"This is how you take care of things?" he snapped. He got close to the other's face, speaking through his teeth. Seventy Five bowed his head to the other.

"If you had just killed Fifty Eight it could have been written off as an accident, but instead you come in here and kill three of them?"

Seventy Five opened his jaw to speak but was shushed, "You will never be a hero, Experiment Seventy Five. But I have a place to take you where you might learn."

Father sighed, standing up straight. Seventy Five followed, grabbing the sides of Father's robe and fixing it. He placed his hand on the other's chest. Father was watching the bodies as if he expected them to stand.

"Oh Seventy Five, I'm exhausted. You've given me so many wrinkles."

"You're perfect, Father."

Father nodded at this, brushing Seventy Five back, grabbing the ring and placing it back under his shirt.

"Go take a shower. We will meet in your room, ten minutes,"

"Yes, Father," Seventy Five said, vanishing from where he stood. He opened his eyes in the shared restroom. Seventy Five made his way towards the showers and stopped. He pulled the ring from his pocket, his eyes glowing with pride as he looked it over.

"I don't care what Father says. I defeated my biggest villain. I deserve this." He whispered to himself, slipping the ring on. He let out a sigh as it breathed against his skin, sending a shutter of cold through his body that turned warm when it hit his chest. He hoped Father wouldn't notice the fake ring he'd gotten from a vending machine. He only recently learned to make physical items jump with just a touch.

He didn't know what the ring would do, but he knew it was meant for him too. Now he just had to prove it to his Father.