


The sky was gorgeous, a kaleidoscope of hues, and hazy in the distance. The glistening sun smiled as it slowly dipped below the horizon. However, a massacre occurs in the Hyvaneas forest as the sky's incredible colours spread across it.

The forest is littered with blood, gore and wounded fighters. Red, blue and silver are the new colours of what was once a harmonious, lush forest, which has now become the stage of a disastrous fight. The air which would normally be delicate and quiet is now heavy with the screams of agony elves and the scent of their blood, hell has descended upon this area.

An army of rebels and an army of warriors fight each other for resources, but with no side on the winning hand, this battle could go on for a long time. The wounded on one side are spread around the forest and the faces of the fighters are hopeful with eyes searching their surroundings and boots stepping firmly, they push harder and harder on the enemy.

With the chaos of battle concealing any sense of victory or defeat the other side courageously fights their enemies with the hope of being the stronger side. Some have succumbed to rage and are recklessly charging toward the enemy with only the aim to kill all, while others just wish all this was over. The toll on both nature and the elven race is unimaginable. It'll likely take a lifetime before this forest will have recovered. 

Silver, wavy hair in a ponytail reveals a chiselled, scared face. Wide blue eyes, set low within their sockets, running for her life as she watches the forest being destroyed slowly while holding a child. A birthmark reaches from the right side of the forehead, running towards the other eye and ends on her right cheek and leaves a burning memory of a former life.

she has no choice but to escape the battlefield. Fighting them will not help anything because Dymas have already conquered their kingdom. Together with her brother, they run away in the forest of the Hyvaneas. 

"We will come back Dymas!"