
Attempted Divorce 1

The time I went to check on her after recovering I didn't get her so I had to go back home. I'm sorry for all I have caused; also I never wanted my wife to know that I had an affair with my house help. I knew she could get upset and leave me alone so up to now she is not aware of this. I beg you my in-laws to forgive me. I'm also here to take back my children with me, I'll accept all the fines, and punishments you are going to give me, For Miriam I am sorry please forgive me".

 The room remained quiet for some time; you could hear a pin drop. The spokesman proceeded and it was agreed that I should go back home to notify my wife and parents. This was a difficult decision to make and I had no other choice but to do as the elders had suggested. I departed from the compound late evening. I arrived home by 9 pm. I found my wife restless .she didn't know where I was coming from, my mobile phone was switched off and I did not tell her where I had gone. After creating a story about where I was she welcomed me for supper hence I proceeded directly to the bed. 

I was so tired that I was not able to talk much. The following morning my wife picked me up for breakfast. After having a tasty breakfast I told my wife that I have something we need to talk about. I was afraid and I was nervous about how to start telling her. Having that in mind she never seemed to settle. She didn't know what we were going to discuss. Afterwards, a few minutes later the table was cleared and we were ready for the talks. "My wife, I'm sorry for what I'm going to tell you, please have a place in your heart to forgive me.

 I made a mistake which deserves not to be forgiven but I request, kindly I have to tell you" There was tension in the room, she was almost crying yet I haven't told her the rest of the story. I knew I had jumped from a hot frying pan to direct fire. I continued, "My love, I have two children. I got them with our previous maid. I was tempted to sleep with her; certainly, I regret having done such horrible actions on your back. Please forgive me" before I could finish I felt a hot slap across my face, Blood started coming out of my nose. My wife was screaming in a loud voice that made me also cry due to the pain from that slap and emotions. She went to our bedroom and fell to the pillow sobbing tears. I felt her pain; I knew she was cursing me inward since her words were not able to come out.


Blood started coming out of my nose. My wife was screaming in a loud voice that made me also cry due to the pain from that slap and emotions. She went to our bedroom and fell to the pillow sobbing tears. I felt her pain; I knew she was cursing me inward since her words were not able to come out. I felt her pain.

 This made me remember one of my friends in high school, who got engaged to one of my classmates. Their love started as a joke not knowing it will escarlet to another level. Teachers tried to warn them that they will fail their exams but they never listened despite their young age, they were behaving like a couple of years in marriage. They progressed in a relationship, we used to admire them but at that time I could not utter a single word to ladies.

 I was so cowardly that I could not even kill a dumbfounded frog, that was during my early secondary school. Boys used to laugh at me that I was never caught even sitting next to a girl. I was not able to approach even an ugly lady.

One day, these two guys who were in a relationship raised tension all over the country. The man caught the girl whom she calls her fiancé in action with another man. He was so disturbed both mentally and emotional that forced him to commit suicidal actions. He committed suicide leaving a long well-handwritten letter. That it was spread all over social media, it stated 

"Dear Sheryl.

My love, I thought you were mine forever. I lived by loving every bit of our relationship together. I loved you with all my heart and my body parts including the soul. I'm leaving this early because of all that happened last night when I saw you. You don't get surprised after getting caught with somebody who loved you so much. You just know very well that it will hurt me even more whenever I see you. I am escaping this shame, disrespect, and memory that could have hurt me for the rest of my life. I thought I was the better one not knowing you got the best.

 I gave you all I had only to betray me. I have just known that you never loved me, only wasting my time. I had an ambition to be a doctor. I hope you fulfill it. You make sure that my parents are happy. Not forgetting all the expenses they cost me. I'm leaving you behind so that you don't get worried about me. Hope you will be happy for the rest of your life. Thank you so much, may God bless you. I wish you success in your studies till we meet again.

Yours betrayed Love ISHMAEL." 

This letter left so many people in thought why should one get hurt until reaches the point of committing suicide? Love can be so painful, making the heart bleed hence feeling depressed. Love can make one lose hope. 

I followed Mary to the bedroom; she did not want to see me whenever our eyes met. "My love I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me; I will not repeat the mistake. I know it hurts but helps me solve this". I went forwards and started caressing her hair. She had fine blonde long hair. Mary was such a beautiful lady once again I admired her beauty but this time we were not on good terms. So I had to "eat" by staring at her.