
Rich Women

Moon Sheikian. Ki, is a multi-billionaire who has raised herself to the top after losing her mother, she was put out with a beaten by her father and his mistress. She became heartless and doesn't believe in love, after witnessing what happens to her mother. Jaes Du Han aka J, can barely keep a job regardless of his high IQ of 140 due Shen Sue his girlfriend is the reason for all that. When Ki hired J as her husband to be, falling in love with him was not apart of her plan.

Hopesophine · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 3; Meeting the future in-laws.

I open my eyes and saw Hyesun walking towards me, I got up and started screaming in fear, father rush into my room. Ki thoughts.

"What are you doing in here?"

"I came to wake her up!"

Father, it's lies she wants to kill me! Look father she's holding syringes, she trying to kill me.

He grabs her and turned her around after seeing the needles, I smile a little as father gets angry at her! Of course, he will without second thoughts he need me for this Corporations nothing must go wrong. I'm gladly pushing his buttons and of course, taking advantage of the opportunity. Now he's blinded by money, tsk tsk tsk. Ki thoughts.

Hyesun, I won't say anything about you trying to kill me, father please, forgive her she didn't mean it.

"Shut up, how dare you speak for her this heartless woman or you planning to make me family-less huh? Now she's speaking for you after you try killing her twice."

She turns to me and I step back! Pulling her into my trap I keep telling her I was to tell father, and that she shouldn't be upset with me! Ki thoughts.

"Shut up, you're lying tell your father the truth!"

Hyesun, what are you talking about? Because of last night, I thought you were-

"Shut up, you're making up stories."

She yelled at me. I stepped back and open the locks on the windows, it's not that far down plus I fell from here once I didn't break a bone. Mom and I promise to keep it a secret because I was only ten years old then, I loved the word secret even now. She walked closer and grabbed my shoulder shaking me, she keeps telling me to tell the truth. What truth? I ask her. Which was making her very angry and that's what I needed from her, she doesn't need to push I will do myself, and now that dad started watching us time for some tears. Ki thoughts.

What did I ever do to you?

"Stop lying, you are lying!"

Ready… Almost there come on! Ki thoughts.

"Leave her, stop it! I said"




Ah!!! Mom~

"Kian it's okay, your father is here!"

God I love myself! Time to cry like a baby. Ki thoughts.

Ah!!! Ah!!! Ah!!! Ah!!! Why do you want to kill me?

Father stop comfort and went to her slapping her badly! This is only the beginning three days, in three days both of you are going to wish you were never born! I will make you two pay bit by bit. Ki thoughts.

"I didn't push her, honey you have to believe me!"

"Believe you? After I saw it with my own eyes? What is wrong with you? Are you trying to kill my daughter?"

"I swear it honey, I didn't push her!"

"Get out of my sight!"

Hmmm~ Hmmm~ Mom~ Mom~ Mom~

"It's okay, I will protect you okay! Go get ready for school dad will take you!

Father!!! Why does she hate me?

"My baby has suffered a lot, please don't cry anymore father will teach her and she will know better not hurt you again!"

Maybe, I should go back if I'm here she will be unhappy, I don't want her to be unhappy.

"You haven't changed! You still grow up put people first, now you should put yourself first and no one else."


Father don't blame me, but yourself for encouraging me even further. Ki thoughts.

"Get ready, I made breakfast!"


(He got and help ki up then, he walks towards the door he stopped immediately when ki called him.)

Father... Thank you!

"For what?"

For saving my life, I'm thankful! Let's invite my future in-laws over for dinner, I will cook.

"Okay, dear, come down soon!"

He left closing the door behind him and I smile, I am not easily intimidated! Killing mom when she was perfectly fine, he said and I never disregard it. Father, I will give to you what you give to mom nothing less but increasing. I went to the bathroom and take bath afterward I got a dress for school, I was passing their room and she was pleading with my father. I can't let him forgive her, at least not yet I guess I am currently afraid of high places hehe what do they do now. Ki thoughts.


(Her father rushed out to see ki kneeling at the staircase, she put her foot on the step below telling herself it's okay.)

Don't look down, you won't fall, just don't look down, mom! Help me! Please mom help me!

(He froze as he remembers when ki was just five, she was afraid of the stairs and her mother would tell her not to look down. "Don't look down, you won't fall, my baby, just don't look down, I will be your hero if you look down I'll save you!" Her father, re-enter back into reality as he was about to step to ki, he realizes that she reaches the end of the stairs. Regret fills him up inside but it disappears the moment tears fell from his eyes, he wiped them and set his mind back to getting the company up! Ki gets up after eating and went outside to wait for her father, he came out immediately and hug ki walking her to the car. She suddenly becomes confused but it didn't lost more than a second, she thought he was doing all this to convince the Yoo family that even though her mother is gone, he and her have a father and daughter good relationship. Ki decides to not waver in her mission to revenge for her mother, she sat in the car silent as a sleeping baby! When they arrived at school she had fallen asleep, since they were early he decided to let her sleep and would wake her up when it's time.)

"She must have not gotten any sleep because of fear, sleep well Kian how could I be so blind"

Hmmm, ah school!

"You are early, take rest I will wake you up on time."

(Ki, flash him a cold look.)

Father, you love your mistress more than you ever loved me and mom. However, I am thankful you save me but I can't be for sure what you do to make her happy!


(Ki got up and leave the car immediately.)

He thinks because he save me and I'm thankful towards him it's good. No, it's a hell create by me oh dear father today is day 1! What are you going to do? I never left evidence behind but as for your mistress I left something in my room, for her to see if she doesn't then I'll make use of it for her! Ki thoughts.

"What are you laugh at?"

My brain cells are quite active.

"Father, send this to you."

Thank you! 

"What is inside of it?"

If I tell you, I will have to cut your testicles off!

"What testicles?"

It's the word for you lower parts.

"Oh my God!"

(Ye Jun, used his hand to block him pants.)

See you after school!

"Oh my God! She would cut me ah! Don't think about it! Ashish."

Hurry up!


(When it was lunchtime ki went out to a secret spot and opens the small box, she picks a letter from the box and stares at it for a second then she looks at the box once more to check but nothing. She opens the letter to see what's written inside.)

"If I had sent the letter by itself Ye Jun would have open it, this is bank account number you ask for but do you mind tell me what it's for? Also, I have burned the letter as you ask me to! I hope you won't regret what you're doing, eat well and take care of yourself." Mr Park.

Just a few days, and you have grown to care for me as a father should but even after 15 years, my own father can turn his back, and for what? Money! Ki thoughts.

(Ki took out her pen and started writing!)

Mr. Park, thank you for being kind and caring I will appreciate it however, don't expect much from me. Like my father, I won't regret sending him to hell it's where he belongs. Also, I'm meeting the future (not) in-laws later as for the account it's for something else. I won't use it unless necessary but for now, it's considered mine, I don't want you to get too involved in this hell ride of mine so please don't interfere even if I'm going too far. I will see you soon! Ki.

(She got up when it time to go back to class after placing the box in Ye Jun's locker, on her way back to her classroom she saw that girl again and decided to approach her.)

Hey, your Fei Yan right?


"Well, if it isn't Ms. Moon, are should I say, Mrs. Yoo!"

Someone sounds angry or maybe it's jealousy? Anyway, I'm not here for you!

"If you want to talk to FeiFei, you have to speak with us first!"

Hmmm! That's not my style but how about I ask Feiyan these questions, and then I'm all ears okay. Fei were you in the hospital not long ago?


And do you have a hoodie with the School logo in a box with a purple heart?

"Yes, how did you know?"

I was just asking but do you still have your hood-

"It's my turn, that husband of yours to be do you know he's in a wheelchair?"

Haha, ahem, I'm sorry, but why does that bother you? I mean it's my husband after all however, I don't mind but I do mind in some…ways you know the sleeping part! The part when we need babies.

"You whore."

Yes, thank you but do you know he would be my first boyfriend! I mean husband, but I think that him being my husband is not what bothers you! I think it's because I'm marrying him and you, you aren't hehe.


(Ki, turn around walking away from them yet, to realize the person she looking for was behind her listen all along. She stops on her shoe and turns her face back to them.)

I would like it if you could see him take my first kiss, so you're invited and please invites your friend! As a whore, I want you to see the first whore of a kiss!

(She left them smiling, she knew Min Seo would do a good job with inviting people especially if she decided to ruin the moment. After school, her father picked her from school with a smile at Ki but didn't return the smile. She sat in the car in silence as she remembers putting the box into Ye Jun locker, she closed her eyes and breathe unhurriedly as her mind jogs off to her mother!)


I open my eyes and realize he is driving slow and steady, he must have thought I was sleeping. Being a caring father suddenly, but father do you know just how late you are? I don't care about what transpires here and now, not even in the future I still won't care. Ki thoughts.

"You are awake? We are almost home."

Well, could you drive faster?

"Ah, yea! Do you need anything while we were out?"

No, I'm okay.


After some time we arrived home and i hesitate to go up the stairs, "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded clutching onto the staircase bar. I look at Ms. Hyesun, and smiled I walked the stairs pretending to be afraid after getting into my room, I drop my bag at my feet screamed! Ki thoughts.

"Why! What is wrong? Talk to me!"

I'm suddenly afraid of higher places, so there's no way he would believe I did it! I slowly point at the wall before me and I was already thinking about mom, so it is easy for me to cry when he saw the wall he got very pissed off! Ki thoughts.

"What is your funking problem? Why do you keep scaring her do you hate her this much!"

"All I ever wanted is for her to call me mom, ever since she got back but-"

"But because she refused you want torture her? You are not her mother and you never will be!  Hyesun, leave her alone and this is the last time if something happens to her again you will not like what I will do!"

"Wait, what did I do?"

"Just now you were admitting it, now you're acting like an innocent bird! If I should tell you to stay away from my daughter again, you know what will happen do you understand what I just said?"


"I will remove it, why don't you change and head downstairs first!"

Being silent is what will make you hate her and continue to do so! Ki thoughts.

"It's okay, just do what I told you!"

I nodded and he walked out of my room leaving me to change! Ki thoughts.

"I'm right outside your door, don't worry Kian. Father is here!"

Yea father, but for how long will you be there for? Hehe. I changed my clothes and went downstairs freely since my father is in my room, there's no need to put on an act I went to the kitchen and started preparing a meal for our guests. Hehe, I can't help smiling this dinner is going to win me big time. Ki thoughts.

"I have finished cleaning the wall, don't be afraid anymore okay!?!"

Yea father, thank you…

I stopped talking the moment Hyesun entered the kitchen, father was trying to find out what's the matter he was close to me and noticed my eyes and where they are looking! He turned around and Hyesun was standing behind him, staring at me like she herself didn't understand what was happening but dad and I do. I'm Terrified! I'm terrified of her. Ki thoughts.

"What? Why are you looking at me like this? Darling."

"Hmm, go change into something suitable for our guests. Kian dad got you something why do you also go and change first, Hye Sun stay here until she returned!"

"Okay, but did you get me a new dress?"

"Why do you need more clothes for? It's good that Kian knows how to cook otherwise our guests, would have been freed from illusion."

(Ki father, walk over to the meals Ki prepared after taking a look at the food and takes in the sweet delicious smell his stomach snarled for the food!

He got me a gift? Let's see what it is… Hmmm, such a beautiful yet expensive dress but he's not the one who got me this dress! Tsk tsk father, why are you taking credit that belongs to the groom's family. I changed into the dress and went downstairs, father placing the dishes on the table. Ki thoughts.

"You are here, you look beautiful dear."

Thank you, father.

"Honey, why don't we go and change as well!"

"Hmm."•They left and I sat down at the table in a short time father joined me, the doorbell rang, and I got up saying I will get it I walked to the door and open it. I was to greet them when I heard Hyesun's heels mopping the floor, coming downstairs I keep a steady face but I knew they were seeing what I want to see and that's fear. Ki thoughts.

"Who is it?"

She asked and my face change it's like I was going to die, I grabbed into my chest and put on a fake a smile. Ki thoughts.

It's… It's the-

"It's okay, it's Mr. And Mrs. Yoo."

Yes. Hello!

"Honey, is it just me, or was she scared to death just now?"

"I saw it but let's not say before we know for sure."

I would say differently, she doesn't seem like who is easily bullied by others. Gu wan thoughts.

"Oh my dear, this is Gu Wan, Woo Jin cousin."

Ah Hello! 

"How about a handshake instead?"

Ah, yea.

That's weird it feels like he's squeeze Ah! I screamed out a bit. Ki thoughts.

"Ah sorry, I didn't mean to held on so tight!"

He did it purposely, what's your purpose in this? I may seem like the wild cat but I'm not easily tamed, i think he just declares war what to do now? But let's see what he gots as for Ms. Hyesun, I'm looking forward to make you look miserable tonight I joined them at the table. Ki thoughts.

"Kian, was really happy to meet you so prepared dinner I hope you enjoy."

"Is this true?"

Yea, Mrs. Yoo.

"Then, do you mind if I go ahead and have taste?"

(Ki smile at Mrs Yoo, Ki she watch as Mrs Yoo, take the spoon to taste the soup she prepared!)

Wow, this is amazing I'm impressed. Mrs Yoo thoughts.

"Honey, I don't have words go ahead and taste yours."


(Ki's father, panic as he waits for Mr Yoo, taste the soup.)

"Mr. Grandison, are you sure the meal was cooked by her and her alone?"

"Of course, as you see we don't have maids and she wanted to cook for you so I allowed her."

"Then, Ms. Kian you have win my heart through my stomach."

So this was her plan, she was trying to get qualified to be my cousins wife. Huh! This is the dress aunt bought earlier. She is wearing it why? No wonder aunt was so happy about shopping wait, is she wearing makeup? And at home oh god is she ugly? She wearing makeup to look pretty Woo Jin, was right sending me here to see what she's like. She's a fake. Gu Wan thoughts.

Gu Wan, why are you staring at me?

"Can't I look? I'm just try to see if my cousins will like you!"

Really? Then do I look pretty enough? 

I knew he was up to something, oh well! Ki thoughts.

"No, not enough close to his type."

Ah, I'm ugly then.

Being pathetic should help me in this, and easily win it plus this is my game not yours. Ki thoughts.

"Tsk, don't listen to him dear, you are gorgeous it's him that is ugly." Said Mrs Yoo.

"I didn't say she was ugly!" Said Gu Wan.

"What were you trying to say telling her, she's not his type, it's him who is not her type how dare you?" Said Mrs Yoo.

"But, I-"

"Shut up, and eat you should be thanking her for cooking delicious meal but your here speaking nonsense."

(Mrs Yoo, cut Gu Wan off! Saying.)

"Eat up!" Said Mr Yoo.

"Yea, uncle."

You twisted my words and make my aunt take your side so easily, Kian you are not an easy target but I'm watching you approximately. Gu Wan thoughts.

I smirked at him when he looked back at me, he noticed and gave me an evil look. Hehe, sorry not! After dinner father took Mr. Yoo, to the living room along with Mrs. Yoo and Hyesun. Leaving Gu Wan alone with me! Ki thoughts.

"You are different, but it's not good for you my cousin don't want a devil in angel skin for his wife!"

You are wrong about me Gu Wan, if you will excuse me I will clear the table first.

I clean up most of the dishes from the table but as I was about to remove the last plate from the table. Ki thoughts.

"Kian, come and send your farewell to Mr. And Mrs. Yoo."


(Ki, look up at the table, she realized Gu Wan had left so she walk out to go and greet them as they were standing by the door. She release that Mrs. Yoo, was without her coat she smile at the thought she will have returned for it. They send there farewell afterwards ki said she's going to do the dishes, knowing that her father might disagree because the Yoo's showed so much love towards her. He wouldn't want to have Kian doing much work in the house.)

"No, you go up and rest! Hye Sun, will do the dishes and I will go get some documents together."

(Hyesun looked displeased and Ki notice it.)

I was cleaning the table, I will finish and head up.

"Okay, I will go get my stuff from the car I will be back."


(Hye Sun went to the kitchen and Ki follow her shortly, she knew Mrs. Yoo, will return for her coat and her dad is outside so whatever she decided to do will not fail! She took the plate and walked over to the Hye Sun.)

How can you live with yourself? Father favors me and treats me well now everything I tell him he will believe and it wont take long before he send you out so he can make me happy.

(Hye Sun got upset with ki words.)

"By then I will be sure to make him kill you, just like how he killed his wife and no one will care." Said Hyesun.

(Ki got very angry but she keep calm as the door open and Mrs Yoo, entered the house Ki notice and pretending to put the plate down and whisper in Hyesun's ears.)

but first I will let father kill you by protecting me, and there is nothing you are going to do about it!

(Ki steps back and Hyesun slap her, but Hyesun was expecting back the slap and when Ki didn't she took advantage of it and splash water on her. Ki drop herself to the ground pretending as if the water caused her to fell!)

"So this is why she was so terrifying earlier?"

(Hyesun turned around and received two slap to her face from Mrs Yoo, Ki's father saw the slaps and rushing inside.)

"What's going? Why do you hit her?"

"Mr. Grandison, I will not tolerate what she did and right before my eyes."

"Please, tell me what she did?"

(Mr Yoo and Gu Wan returned and looking questionable as to what took place, while they were waiting for Mrs Yoo, return but she took a bit of time to get a single piece of clothing. Mrs Yoo, step aside show Ki soaking wet and a red cheek. Gu Wan put a smile and Mr Yoo, matched his wife anger.)

"Earlier she looked terrified when you talk to her, I thought we mistake but I clearly see now that we didn't. Mr. Grandison, my daughter in law is no one training puncture bag."

(Hyesun was looking at Ki and Ki looking back at her while Gu Wan was looking at Hyesun, Hyesun clinched her fist. Gu Wan notice it just then Ki got up but slides as she got up again without fail she stood up and stepped out from behind from Mrs.Yoo.)

Father, no it's not_

"Don't lie for her, I saw it with my own eyes all Kian did was put down the dishes and step back to leave but before she could! Ms. Hyesun, here slap and poured water on her." Said Mrs Yoo.

"Mr. Grandison, I will take it that this isn't the first time she beats your daughter, handle your home well or else we will take Kian and our Corporation will not take place." Said Mr Yoo.

It seems I really misjudged her, regardless I won't let my cousin marry a ugly wife to scare him to death at night. Gu Wan.

"Go and change before you catch a cold, you wouldn't want to sick before wedding day do you?"

No, I don't want that.

"Good girl, I'm going now but I will call first thing in morning okay." Said Mrs Yoo.


"Mr. Grandison, don't disappoint me. Gu Wan, let's go." Said Mr Yoo.

"Ah, yea."