
Rich VS Poor

The narrative delves into the intricacies of forbidden love as a boy finds himself drawn to his twin brother's affluent crush. Emotions swirl as he grapples with desire, loyalty, and the complexities of the heart. The story unfolds with a mix of passion, conflict, and moral quandaries, creating a compelling and poignant exploration of relationships and self-discovery amidst challenging circumstances. Through this emotional journey, the characters face dilemmas that test their bonds and lead to profound revelations about love, identity, and the intricacies of human connection.

antyfilter · 若者
4 Chs

3. How did you get my number??

*In Sky's house

Jade: did you see Brianna today, she looked so so cool while answering the teacher.. such a badass

Sky: O..Kay

Jade:I want her to be my girlfriend....

Mia: as if she'll answer you



*In Brianna's mansion

Bri: ugh!!

Bri's dad: ¿Qué te pasó mi bebé?(what happened to you my baby)

Bri: nada (nothing)

Jade: don't you want to watch Netflix there's this new Nigerian series, far from home

Bri: maybe later

Brianna's thought

* I can't believe that sky boy is not falling for my charms, I'm beautiful right*

//Phone rings//

Bri: hello?

??: Is this Brianna de la Rosa?

Bri: yeah who's this?

??: This is sky

Bri: bro how the f*ck did you get my number?

Sky: I have my ways

Bri: so....

Sky: I called to say sorry for being rude and to say I'm not THAT poor

Bri: I'm also sorry for calling you gutter boy..

Sky: it's okay


Sky: so..

Bri: yeah (awkwardly)

Sky: good night

Bri: night..

//Call ends//

Bri: (sighs)



The next day in Sky's house, Jade was assisting mia in preparing breakfast

Sky: looks delicious

Mia: Yeah

Jade: today, I get to sit with Brianna

Sky: you do know that that Mrs hemington is going to choose our partners right?

Jade: I know that, it's just that there's a probability that we might end up sitting with each other

Sky: okay


* In Brianna's mansion

Bri's mum: mañana brianna( morning Brianna)

Bri: morning mum

Jade: another day..

Bri: another slay

Bri and Jade does their hand shake eats their breakfast and goes to school

Bri: do you know sky?

Jade: not really? Who's he?

Bri: no one just a dude I met in detention

Jade: (looks at bri suspiciously) okay



Bri: he's cute

Jade: AHA I knew you were going to say something like that

Bri: what?

Jade: stay away from him and any other boys

Bri: including you right?

Jade: you know that isn't possible (chuckles)



(A/N: Brianna and her family speak Spanish that is why some words appears to be weird pls leave your comments down below cause it encourages me to write more)