
Rich guy, Poor girl

She lives a simple life. His is as tangled as a piece of thread. She is full of joy and bliss. He is burning with hate and blood lust. But somehow, they need each other. And he would stop at nothing to make sure she is his. In a world of where you feel cold, you gotta stay gold. The pains of a past life and the bewilderment of the future, can these two souls become one? * * * * By the way, these book covers aren't mine. Just wanted to you all to know. Also, don't forget to like, share and maybe drop a few Power Stones. It might just make someone's day

Valoel · 都市
123 Chs

In Motion

After Heather had reinforced Sean's wardrobe with the best clothes, she dropped him at his house.

"Don't forget the plan. If you let that car hit you and you survive, I'll kill you." She warned.

When Sean left the car, he was met face to face with his parents. When Heather had called him, he went straight to the address that she sent him, without telling anyone were he was going.

"Sean, where have you been?" His mother asked him in an angry tone.

"I told you. The boy's gone astray and you are only worsening it." His father raged at his mom.

"Dad, please calm down." Leslie held her father's hand. "Sean, where were you? We were worried sick."

'This is the last day I would be able to spend with them. I better make it count.'

"I'm sorry. My phone got stolen and I had to spend the night at my boss's place." He replied. It wasn't a lie. Heather had taken away his phone and she practically owned him.

"You never told us you had a job." His mother said.

"I just got it and was working late. I had to run an errand and that's when my phone got stolen."

"We are so happy you are alright._ Leslie hugged her elder brother and his father went inside the house.

"I was wondering if we could play some board games." Sean proposed.

"That sounds great." Leslie layed a chess board on their dinner table.

"Whoever wins two rounds chooses a movie that we are going to watch. And whoever loses pays for snacks." Sean layed the rules. "I'll pay for the movie."

"The money..." Leslie said but he cut her short

"I got a check from my job." He replied.

"How much?" His mom implored.

"Two million dollars."

"TWO MILLION DOLLARS?" Leslie and his mom repeated, wide-eyed. "Just what job are you doing?"

'I'm a sex slave for a rich, hot mafia girl." He thought.

Hey guys,

Pls check my work for any typing error. I don't get enough time to read it. Thanks.

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