
Upcoming Conflict

-In the Black Council's stronghold in Ilagend.-

"Are we ready Captain Kerem." Says a knight in a black outfit with a dark blue belt going across his chest. He had grey hair, with white-grey eyes. A sword was hanging from his side.

A man dressed in black and gold,with black hair, grey orange-red eyes, a black shoulder pad on his left shoulder. On his right shoulder, he had a gold cape hanging off. He also had a black two handed sword hanging on his back.

"Yes… Everything has been set into motion I suppose. Is that correct General Roy" The two were in the captain's room with wood floors and black walls. Captain Kerem standing next to his desk looking out the window. He then proceeds to turn around and walk towards Roy.

"We have contacted them outside forces. We can start at any time." Roy says with confidence. "The only problem we have had was that the prisoners at one of our Black Council buildings escaped."

"WHAT! How incompetent can you idiots be." Kerem says with anger. "How the hell did they escape."

"Some guy and girl were involved in it. We know their faces so it won't be hard to find them." Roy says. "We have people all over that can locate them."

"Who was there?"


"Ace? No wonder they escaped easily, that guy doesn't give a shit about any of this." Kerem says in anger. "I should have just killed him."

"Whatever.. It isn't a big deal with some random kids releasing some unless demons."

"Yea maybe… But isn't it weird how they just vanished. Where would that many prisoners go?" Roy says with confusion.

"I don't know, but I can only assume those two kids aren't working alone." Kerem turns around and walks back to his desk.

"I will personally deal with them when the time comes." Kerem says with a sinister smile.

-Back to the Sanctuary's base.-

"Why are you in this room?" Lilith says.

"Sorry I just stumbled into the wrong room. I will excuse myself now." Yui says while sneaking to the door.

"Wait, you look familiar." Lilith could be seen scratching her head. "Ah, you were the one that saved me."

"Are you sure, maybe you have the wrong vampire." Yui says.

"No, it was definitely you. No vampires have pure silver hair like that unless they are royalty. You happen to fit that exact category… I just wanted to thank you for saving me."

"Ugh fine, It was nothing really…I just did it because I felt generous" Yui says.

"Well you have my thanks…" Lilith says with a smile. "By the way, I didn't know any pure royals went here. How come i've never seen you."

"Ugh.." Yui, trying hard to think of what to say. "I just got here."

"Really, I didn't know we were getting anyone this special here?"

"Well, I heard what is going on. I guess it intrigued me." Yui says.

"Have you talked with the head. I mean… I should only assume someone as powerful as you has already." Lilith says. "I've never personally seen her though."

"No, I just got here as I said.. I guess I just entered the wrong room." Yui says. "I must be going now, thank you." Yui starts to walk towards the door.

"Ughh." Yui says, grabbing her stomach. "I'm need to find blood."

"What's wrong?" Lilith says.

"I haven't eaten in forever. I am just hungry.. It is nothing to concern yourself with." Yui says.

"If you want I can feed you. There is food at the cafeteria.."

"I don't eat human food…" Yui says with a dumbfounded look.

"Oh right," Lilith laughs. "my bad. You can have some of my blood then I don't mind."

"No, no I can't" Yui says.

"It's fine trust me." Lilith pulls down her shirt. She then pinches her neck skin forcing blood out. "See, here. You can drink."

Yui, staring intensely at the blood urged closer.

'I can't resist, I really thought I controlled myself better after all this time… But my instincts take control.'

Yui bites down on her neck and starts drinking her blood.

-Moments later-

"Um, thank you." Yui says standing back up.

"I'm only repaying you for saving my life." Lilith says with a smile. "I can supply you with blood all the time if you want."

"That's fine."

"OH.. They do store blood in the medical branch. They might let you have some sense the other two vampires here use them." Lilith says with brilliance on her face.

"Other vampires?" Yui says.

"Yes, they are both half-royals.. Not many vampires come here so I was surprised seeing you here."

"Okay, thanks for the help. I will be excusing myself now." Yui says bowing.

"Wait. I never got your name." Lilith says.

"My name is Yui. As you know I am part of the Bloodwid family." Yui then bows again and walks out the door.

"Wow, I can't believe the daughter of the queen is here." Lilith says shocked.

Yui ran outside the dorm. Looking for somewhere to hide she finds a spot in the corner outside of the building.

"Finally I am alone." Yui starts looking around for anyone. "I can't believe other vampires are here too.. Probably to my best interest I shouldn't expose myself to anyone, especially not those two.

She begins to put the necklace back on her neck, and what appears is her male appearance.

"Okay, time to head to the cafeteria now. Lilith is probably there by now."

-Couple hours later. Main office of the Sanctuary.-

"Did you hear Amelia, the queen's daughter is here." Milena dressed in the Sanctuary outfit, but it was red instead. She has short black hair, small horns coming out from her head with and a red dragon tail, with orange eyes.

Amelia, dressed in a black and red Sanctuary outfit. She was petite looking, the same size as Yui. She had blackish-silver hair, pointy ears, red eyes, and sharp fangs.

"Yes, it is very interesting that she would show up here. Maybe I should have a talk with her… She should prove useful if I get her on our side." Ameila says.

"Beside that, has the scouting group that I assigned to you spotted anything."

"Well we have spotted movement in the North.. I assume that they may make their move in the next couple of days.

"Really, that soon!?" Amelia looks behind her. "What do you think about this… Levi"

A man dressed in all black Sanctuary attire with a white shoulder cape walks up from behind Amelia. He had spiky black hair, and green eyes.

"Well, how are our divisions progressing?" Levi says. "Are they ready for an all out war."

"Well, they should be ready. We just have to let them know." Milena says.

"What about the White Order. Will they end up working with us?"

"Some of them agreed, but in all honesty… This war might just be between us and the Black Council." Milena says.

"Shit… Let me think." Levi is seen walking back and forth trying to think. "We got 3 half-royal vampires and one pure… How strong are pures Amelia.��

"They are considered the strongest out of any vampire." Amelia replies.

"If we get her on our side, we might just stand a chance." Levi says.

"And how do you suppose we do that," Milena says.

"Well don't lower status serve the pure. You vampires could probably easily convince her." Levi says.

"That plan sounds stupid… Also no one has seen her all day." Amelia says.

"Maybe she is disguising herself, I mean she wouldn't just appear here for a second then leave." Levi says. "Maybe some type of transformation tool, if those even exist?"

"Hmm." Ameila sat there thinking for a bit. "The queen might have had one, but I can't be too sure since not many people are allowed there." Amelia says.

"I guess we will have to wait for her to make an appearance then." Levi says looking over at Milena. "Milena can you send some people to watch over the new student. I have a slight suspicion."

"Yes, I'll get right on to that." Milena then walks out the door.

"So you think it's the person Lilith brought? It does seem weird how she appeared when he was brought here." Amerlia says.

"Yes, very suspicious... We will see tomorrow. I'll put some interesting characters in his division." Levi says while walking to the door. "I'm going to go to bed now, goodnight."

"Goodnight" Amelia says.

-Outside the dorm rooms-

"How did you enjoy the tour of our lovely base?" Lilith says with a smile.

"Pretty big and a lot more people here then I would have thought."

"Yup, we got all kinds of races here… Every single one of them is here for a reason." Amelia says.

"I don't know if I can ever get used to being with other races… But I can kinda understand what a lot of people here have been through."

"Look, no one is asking you to like everyone. Just try not to provoke anyone, that's all. Okay?" Amelia says.

"Yea, i'll try. I can't guarantee that though."

"Ugh, you are such a pain to deal with. What even happened in the past." Amelia says with curiosity.

"I rather not talk about it right now." He starts walking inside the dorms.

"Ah.. Wait up." Lilith says.

Lilith led Shiro over to a dorm room.

"So you are going to stay in my dorm." Lilith says while opening the door. "You can take the room on the right.

The dorms are set up with a living room. When you enter there is a door on each side with the bathroom door in the middle.

"You can take the room on the left." Lilith says.


"Tomorrow you will be put into your division. We will see the captain then." Amelia says. "Also change of clothes should already be put in your dressers."

"Thanks, goodnight."


The two of them enter their rooms.

"Finally I get some alone time. What a long and exhausting day." Shiro says. "But it beats murdering hundreds of demons and humans when I was back with Ahmya."

Shiro looks at himself in the mirror.

"I'm scared I already turned into a monster. I don't feel anything for killing anymore… And I almost didn't want to save Lilith…" Shiro looked scared. "I don't remember why I even saved her, was it because I felt generous..? I just legitimately feel emotion that all feels fake."

He then walks over to his bed and lays down.

"I hope I didn't make a mistake coming here." Shiro says falling asleep.