

Hades, the father of the rich night, is not just the Zeus of the Underworld, he is a reincarnator, free of the shackles of fate. He won't follow those fools of Olympus, his rise onto power will be unstoppable, immortals will be killed, unreachable will be reached and the impossible done. Posted on W*bn*vel and W*ttpad and Scrib*leh*ub, f*nfiction.n*t under the same name (Author name should also be the same: SnowApathie I don't own the riordanverse, this story is a fan fiction which is based on the universe created by Rick Riordan I don't own the cover and found it on Pinterest

SnowApathie · 書籍·文学
44 Chs

22: Fenrir

Fenrir growled, it sounded like an angry beast. The rumble was so strong that it created sonic waves that ripped trees apart. It destroyed parts of the Island, the rocks of that Island flew like a hurricane all around the broken land. This Island however magically repaired itself, with no divine intervention.

Hades stood motionless in the middle of the carnage. Fenrir growled just in front of his face, but the god stood still. He was like a mountain against a breeze of wind, unperturbed. The wrath of Fenrir grew stronger but in the end it changed nothing to his predicament.

The silver-haired god laughed, it was not mocking, it was just funny for him that the infamous wolf became so angry with a mere head pat and being called a dog. His voice reached till the end of the Island and was then engulfed by a thick white mist, that seemed to separate this land from the rest of the world.

Hades approached his hand once again toward the thick fur of Fenrir and patted it while saying "Don't be so furious. I just wanted go see the infamous Fenrir, the great devourer and a fellow god-slayer."

Hearing the end of Hades' sentence, Fenrir stopped Growling. His face froze in shock. He looked below, at the ground, where Hades peacefully stood. Their gaze met. As people say, the eyes are the window to the soul. They could feel each other's rage and hate and love. All of this happened in less than a second and internally the wolf smirked.

Fenrir looked at the sky, where a certain divine gaze beamed watching both of them with attention and apprehension. The white wolf showed Odin his sharp teeth, promising to rip him apart with those gigantic teeth that could even cut through the barrier of realms. The Norse god of wisdom however ignored it.

Fenrir placed his focus back on the god in front of himself. A question plagued his mind as he inquired "Who exactly are you? I have not heard of a Greek god slayer."

Hades went toward Fenrir's side and sat near him. His eyes flashed with a sad and reminiscing glean before he started speaking. "I guess it is normal that you have not heard of me, as at the time you were chained I was birthed by my mother and mere seconds after that eaten by my father. I was a prisoner like you, but my imprisonment ended in much less time than you. My father also swallowed my siblings with me so I was not that much alone. Anyway after a few years we were freed and after a war, we were able to banish him into the pit, Tartarus. My name is Hades Kronos' son."

Fenrir's face morphed into a surprised one, his thought drifted on Kronos and the little he knew of the Greek pantheon. After reminiscing those information, he spoke "You are the son of that prideful failure of a king?"

Hades smiled, his eyes showed a tint of sadness before he answered in a calming voice "Well, this is a somewhat accurate way to describe him, but yes I am his son."

Fenrir inspected Hades with his eyes that showed how much he had suffered but also his excitement to plant his teeth in Odin's old body. His eyes were darted at him, while his mind looked at what the small aura, that escaped from his body, could show of his divinities. The wolf could feel a resemblance with His sister, Hel.

He looked at the contour of the god of the dead. His squinted his eyes noticing something strange. No strings followed Hades, the god of the living was truly free. Sometimes as a breeze of air came, a few strings tried to attach themselves to him. But this was in vain as they would be cut, before even brushing his cloths.

This could only mean one thing. Hades, the god in front of Fenrir, was fateless. This just proved his power even more than before, as he could easily ignore Odin's divine gaze. There were very few fateless beings and all of them ere extremely powerful and dictate the rules of the universe.

The chained wolf only knew of one being which was fateless in the nine realms.

It was his brother, Jormungandr, also known as the world serpent. A being so big that he can completely encircle the earth, also known as Midgard.

Fenrir's brother was someone extremely special. He was a being who had achieved something that the only person Fenrir knew of ever hopping to achieve this was Loki.

He had tricked the morai and fate itself into making it believe it was still following it's plan. As if Jormungandr would fall even sooner than that disgusting god of Thunder, Thor.

As he had gotten older, the snake started making small adjustment in the way of things. He had made them things, that everything was going as normal, while in truth he was calmly strumming the golden strings of fate.

Thinking about his brother made Fenrir remember the times when he was not yet chained. The time in which everything was good. When He, Jormungandr and Hel laughed together, as they stood against the hard ways of life, shoulder to shoulder. But like in a drama, the supposedly good gods destroyed their homes and imprisoned them without the children of Loki ever doing anything bad.

Fenrir eyes glowed with rage but as he say the gentle smile of Hades on his side, he calmed himself. "You don't seem to be a failure unlike your father. How curious" spoke the wolf.

Hades smirked at that and responded "I am an exception. My brother, the current king of our father's pantheon is such a failure, that even the mortals laugh at him in their minds."

Fenrir had a small chuckle and said "A king laughed by the ants inhabiting his territory. How far have the mighty gods fallen."

"Yeah…" trailed off Hades, thinking about the words of Fenrir. 'The things needs to change' he thought with determination.

In the sky, the gaze of Odin started glowing with impatience. He did not want for them to speak with each other any longer or Hades might get the idea of freeing the Wolf. But he could also not thoughtlessly provoke Hades, as a fight with him would only be detrimental for Asgard.

Fenrir felt it and with a tint of hidden sadness be said "It was good to meet you, Hades. But it seems like the old goat doesn't want us to talk any longer."

Hades looked at the sky, His eyes glowed toward the glean of wisdom and then nodded at Fenrir. "It was a pleasure to meet you too Fenrir. I am now going to see your brother, Jormungandr, do you have anything you want to tell him."

Fenrir looked at Hades with gratefulness and answered "Tell him I said hello.".


check out my other story: Loki: Soaring Winter (MCU)

Yo guys, I just wanted to tell you all that I have started an update plan I will try to held it and if I am able to follow that plan, then I will post it.

SnowApathiecreators' thoughts