

Roger, a young adult, died after getting hit by a truck. (Un)Fortunately, he reincarnated into the novel he was reading before his death, as the first villain, Loki, the main character, had to face. The main character quickly kills Loki and steals his childhood friend and girlfriend. However, Roger knows something that Loki was too late to figure out. Loki and his two powers of chaos were overpowered. So with the knowledge of the future and the power of chaos, Loki will rise among all the espers and mages. He will become the most powerful villain.

VillainousMC · 都市
39 Chs

I am the monster

Roger looked at the mirror in awe. He did it. He finally did it! He managed to use the Chaotic Creation skill. In Zepthia, he had no idea how to use it or how it even worked. But here, in front of him, is the mirror just as he wanted!

"Amazing!" he exclaimed. "This is actually working for once!"

[Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep doing great!~] Chaos encouraged. *Ding* A notification popped up at the end of the message. Roger's eyes widened as he read what was displayed in the window. The status said:

[System Status: [Chaotic Creation] is active!]

"What does that supposed to mean?" Roger asked in confusion. "Chaos? Do you know what this means?"

[Oh, right! This means that you're stuck with me now.] if Chaos had a face, he would have smirked right now. [Now then...] Chaos suddenly went serious. [Let me show you what the future will be like.] Then a bright flash of light blinded Roger, but he didn't lose anything when it faded. He was back, standing on top of a mountain and looking at the thunderclouds below him. Armies of humanoid creatures were fighting humans, and Roger was commanding them.

"Is this..." he asked. "Is this real?"

[Yep~] came the clear answer. [It would be a reality. As long as you will listen to me.] When he said that, Roger returned to the barn.

"What was that? The future?" Roger asked.

[One of the possible futures,] Chaos explained calmly, [it depends on your actions. But, I will try to lead you to the best possible outcome. Becoming a demon lord.]

"That sounds nice." Roger agreed. He sighed deeply as he sat on his knees. He knew it would be difficult at first, and he hated it. But as long as he gets rid of Chaos, he should be safe for the rest of his life.

[I'm glad we've established that.] Chaos responded cheerfully. [Would you look at the time?~]


[It is time for a quest, hehe!~] Chaos laughed.


Suddenly, Roger heard a notification.

[Quest Title: "Thing #1"

Mission Description: Spit on James's face.

Time Limit: 1 day!

Reward: Random creation!

Failure: Punishment land!]

"James is my brother, right?" Roger asked in realization.

The Chaos chuckled. *DING* A confirmation popped up on the screen.

"Wait," Roger paused as an idea struck him. "What is the Punishment land."

[No idea~,*_*) he said as a response. [But I doubt we want to find out!~]

Roger sighed again. Well, this was an easy quest. "Ok, I'll do it! But what the random creation is?"

[Skill, magic affinity, item, it could be anything. As I said, it is random.]

"Wait... Wait, wait, wait! When you said, I could ask for anything..."

[Yup, you could have gotten some OP skill, but you wasted it on a fucking mirror.]

Roger frowned, annoyed. "Why the hell didn't you say that before?!"

[The story won't be as enjoyable if you were overpowered from the beginning.]

Chaos answered matter of factly. [I am the reader, and you are the main character~]

Before Roger could question his statement, barn doors opened, and two men entered. Both of them seemed drunk, despite being still early in the morning. One had black hair, blue eyes, and white skin, while the other had dark brown skin and blond hair. Roger recognized them from the picture, the man with dark brown hair was Jack Dalton, his elder brother, and the man with blonde hair was his cousin James Dalton. Their faces were contorted with disgust.

"You bastard, why are you still here?" James asked him angrily. "Why are you not at work?!"

Jack gave a dirty look to Roger. "If you stay there another second, you're dead meat!"

James nodded and took a step toward Roger. "Yes, we've been thinking about putting you out of our lives forever!" he stated angrily. "We don't care if you're our father's illegitimate child. You're still a bastard, and you deserve to die!"

Roger flinched, feeling irritated. "Look, guys-"

"Just shut up already!" James yelled at him and threw a punch at Roger.

Roger sighed and caught the punch quickly. "I only needed to spit on your face. Look what you made me do," he exclaimed in shock and disbelief. He twisted the arm with enhanced strength until it broke and the bone was exposed.

James cried out in pain as blood splattered everywhere, covering Roger's hands. James fell to the ground in shock as he saw his bone exposed. Roger watched in amusement as his drunken brother collapsed on the floor, screaming in agony.

Meanwhile, Jack stared in disbelief at his friend lying on the ground. He pulled out a knife and shouted at Roger furiously. "You fucking bastard!"

Roger smiled coldly at him, knowing fully well that this would be the last time they would ever see each other and that they probably wouldn't speak to each other again.

"Hey Jack, remember the old times? We used to fight a lot. Remember when we were children?" Roger smirked. "I think it is time for us to get even."

Jack glared at Roger and tried to attack him again. Roger avoided every blow that was thrown at him. Jack growled in annoyance. "Stop dodging!"

"Are you stupid?" Roger questioned as he dodged another blow. "Or were you thinking I will oblige and take the punches like an idiot?" Roger threw a punch directly at Jack's stomach, sending him flying across the barn and making him choke out blood.

"Get off your high horse. Father will kill you for this!" James cried out in anger.

Roger smiled grimly as he walked toward James. He crouched down slowly, looking at Jack in the eyes coldly. "I guess I should kill the father as well."

"W-who... Who are you?!" realization hit James. This could not be his brother, the man in front of him was cruel. Like a monster!

"I am your dear little brother," Roger smirked and stabbed James's eye with his finger. "Well, I am what's left out of your little brother after daddy dearest killed us yesterday!~"

James screamed in fury as more blood splashed around his body. He stood up and ran over to Roger, ready to kill him, his hand raised into a fist as he prepared to bring him down.

Roger looked up at Jack in amusement. He grinned. "And I am the monster!~"