
Suiting Up

After leaving the place where the duel was being held, Sarah scolded Samuel till his ears started to bleed. She was worried about what would happen to Samuel now. She was intending on keeping Samuel as a retainer for years to come. But now, because Samuel had gotten Jermaine's attention, she was not sure whether Samuel would remain at her side. Jermaine was a Psycho.He was a person who only use to seek entertainment in one thing, Fighting. He would do anything to bring Samuel on his side now.

"Let me tell you one thing now Samuel. Your reckless behavior will have consequences. These consequences will be life threatening. I know that you did this for my sake, But still, I did not bring you here to fight Jermaine. He is a person who is known to be wicked to the core. He will treat a person as a toy till the time that person entertains him. After that, when he is bored, He will throw that person away like a withered old toy which has served it's purpose. Do not get involved with him for the time being. It is not a wise decision to make. I want you to become stronger than him. I want you to fight him and crush his ego once and for all, But for that you need two things. Training And Patience."

"I understand. I will not make the same mistake again. I apologize for Being a reckless idiot." Samuel replied. He did not think that Sarah will think so much about him. Guess she really wanted Samuel to be her retainer that badly...

Another Blockhead.

"Apology accepted. Anyway, for tonight's Banquet I have sent some clothes for you in your room. Riley!" Samantha called out for her maid, Riley."Show Samuel the room he is going to be resting in. At around 3 deep breaths from now, you need to come to this room, which is my room. Because you are my retainer, I will try to make sure that you look that part. Don't keep me waiting." Samuel rose up from the chair that he was currently sitting on. After that, he left the room along with Riley and was escorted towards his room. Riley wanted to strike a conversation with Samuel, Because she was yet to converse with a person who was close to her highness while she was away from the capital. As an icebreaker, she asked,"Her highness sure is caring, Isn't she? I wonder what she was like in that small town,um....what was it's name?"

"Victory town." Samuel answered. He was least interested in the current conversation.

"Ah yes, Victory town. How long have you known her highness for?"She asked.

"Two weeks." Samuel answered.

Only two weeks? Her highness, who had spent almost her entire adolescence away from home to search the perfect person for representing her in the King's tournament, had selected a child whom she knew for merely 2 weeks? How was this possible? What was with his ignorant attitude while talking to Me? Am I a boring person? These thought made Riley think that Samuel was just an ignorant brat.

"Here is your room." Riley said after reaching the room which was supposed to accommodate Samuel for the next few days.

"Thank you for escorting me." Samuel thanked Riley. This was the first time anyone had thanked Riley for doing her job. She was always treated like an unnecessary person after the princess left the capital. She used to be the maid responsible for taking care of the princess when Sarah was young. Riley was shocked. For an ignorant kid like Samuel, thanking Riley was like a pleasant surprise.

"Maybe you are not so bad after all." Riley whispered to herself while leaving the room.


After 3 Deep breaths,

Samuel was ready, The cloths that were sent for him were too good for a person like him. They looked like only Royalty could afford them. In his previous world, Suits were the way to go while attending a party or an official Royal Banquet. He was glad that Suits existed in this world. The outfit Samuel was currently in, was a Purple Suit with a blue Shirt inside. he was wearing a Purple waistcoat inside the Jacket. I was a tight fitted one, which highlighted his well figured body more than an outfit usually would.

"I am here, princess." Samuel said from outside the door.

The door opened. The view inside the room was stunning. Samuel liked the taste Princess Sarah had. The dress she was wearing almost made him feel love for someone after a very long time.

But he was no child. Sarah asked,"Shall we go towards the Banquet, my retainer?"

"Sure, Your highness."