
Good luck and bad luck are two sides of the same coin

The Grimoire was completely absorbed by Samuel. There was no way to explain Grimoire consumption to Jenny, Due to the fact that nobody else had seen this phenomena other than Samuel. However, the author was on his side this time. Jenny was not shocked. Rather, she was calm. It was as if this was supposed to happen from the start.

"As expected, even a strong adventurer like you was not able to stand against the Vines of Hell. According to my calculation, you have around 48 winks before you die. Anyway, it was nice meeting you." Jenny said.

Samuel understood everything that Jenny said. The grimoire he had just consumed was a dark ancestor, one of the strongest grimoires in the world. It had the strength of 300 Gold beasts, and was considered as the cradle of demonic beings. Samuel was supposed to die any moment now. Because his soul had already been engulfed by the Devil according to Jenny.

How did Samuel know this? The real Samuel Merlin.


The Previous Day:-

It was time to talk to the Real Samuel Merlin. There was a list of questions that James had to ask Samuel. He wanted Samuel to answered desperately.

He was in his room currently. Because he wanted no disturbance, he used the pretense of rest to keep people away from his room for now. Without further ado, he activated his ring.

"Hello there James. Just like always, you have a habit of being on time right? I was looking forward to your growth over the past few weeks. There is a lot I want to ask, but enough of my blabbering, ask your questions."

James was surprised. He had only talked to Samuel once. There was no way he figured out that James was always punctual in whatever he did. He was now sure that Samuel was in his body in another world.

"What purpose do you have in my world? Why are you using my body to survive over there?"

James asked.

"I'll let you know one thing right now James. I am here to answer your questions related to my world.

So, if you ask another question regarding your previous world, I will leave. I will never come back and there is no way that you are getting in your body ever again. I have given you another chance. Do not do this again."

James was feeling pressure. It was so strong, that Jermaine's aura was like a mosquito in front of this aura.

"Ok I want to ask you some questions. First, did you know someone named Jermaine from this kingdom?"

"Oh, the ruler of Sabith? He was a bad fella. Kills for pleasure and toys with people as his own puppets. Stay away from him. Do not engage in a battle with him. He was blessed by the authors at birth. Whatever happens, avoid fight him. You are nowhere capable of fighting him as of now. Training is the most important thing for you right now." Samuel answered.

"Well.... I sort of already fought him. It was a swordsman's duel. You see, I am representing Princess Sarah as her retainer for the battle of the throne. He challenged me and it was a draw....."

James explained the entire Scenario. There was silence after that. It was pure bad luck for Samuel. James had screwed up. Big time.

"Now, you are going to die. For sure. You will remain no more than a plaything for Jermaine. Considering your strength, the only reason he chose Swordsmen duel was because he wanted to test you. That was it. Now, only the True grimoire can save you. Wait, where are you right now?"

"The Royal Palace in Sefrack." James answered.

Samuel took a breath of relief. Good luck and bad luck are two sides of the same coin.

"Find the True Grimoire inside the palace before Jermaine consumes it. With it's power, there is almost no one who can't be defeated. The consumption is to be done immediately. If you want to become the Greatest Magician, this is your only choice."

"Vines of hell is the only thing that can save you now."