
A Strong Person

Sarah was enraged. She did not want Samuel to fight with Jermaine so early, Because she knew that if Jermaine got interested in Samuel, He would do anything to bribe Samuel on his side.


"This match is a draw. If you want, I can make Samuel admit defeat, But I will not allow this fight to continue!"

Jermaine was feeling like there was nothing as precious, as dazzling and as important as Samuel to him right now. He wanted to kill Samuel, Even if it meant killing himself in the process. But only when he was at his peak.

"This Bout is to be considered a draw due to the interruption of the person whom one of the fighters is representing." Silas said. He very well knew that if he had not done that, Jermaine would have admitted defeat. Jermaine was the to be ruler of this kingdom. There was no way that Silas could let anyone change that.

Because Silas was the brother of Jermaine's father. The military general of Sabith, Luis. The person termed as the,"Betrayer General Of Sabith ."

Samuel on the other hand, was tired. He did not have any stamina on him and was close to collapsing. He had used up all his energy in the last move he executed, Because he was not 'sensible' enough to not get provoked by the taunts Jermaine fired at him. He was just like any other protagonist who did reckless things to preserve his so called honor. If Sarah would not have stopped him. He might have killed Jermaine and broken the rules of The duel. This was the reason that made Samuel think. If he continues his reckless behavior in the future, He will not live for too long. And the Real Samuel Merlin was not such a mess in terms of emotions. He had suffered in this world, and had grown the tolerance that was the key to becoming the 'Greatest Magician'.

"I am sorry for the abrupt ending of the match. But, It has to be considered a draw. You are a talented person Samuel. I can see a great future for you." Jermaine said.

"I am impressed by your evaluation on me, But I am a reckless fool. If it wouldn't have been for the fact that Princess arrived here on time, I would have done something which could not be forgiven. So for that, I sincerely apologize." Samuel replied.

"I will take my leave now. It was a pleasure to meet you, Samuel Merlin."

"It was my honor, Your highness Jermaine." Samuel said with a smile on his face.

Samuel was excited. He finally knew that there was someone stronger than him. For now, he had the knowledge about the first step towards becoming The Greatest Magician.

Jermaine Sabith.

And he had to become as strong as him, If not stronger than him in the next one year.


Because that was the only way he could have faith in himself in becoming a strong person in this world.


"This Samuel Merlin sounds interesting. To be able to make Lord Jermaine sweat is definitely an achievement." a person looking out from the window of the palace said.

"I must make him mine."