
Rewriting Kakashi's Destiny

In this story, a person, finds himself in a new reality, as a skilled shinobi named Kakashi Hatake, through a transmigration. As he navigates this world, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Along the way, he reconnects with his past, honing his abilities and creating new jutsu along the way. Through training, camaraderie, and introspection, Kakashi overcomes his past sorrows and finds renewed purpose and determination. Follow us along with anticipation as we witness the birth of a renewed era in the Naruto world. 1ch/day

Hungry_Daoist · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

The Battle Unleashing

As the battle between Kakashi and Danzo intensified, the tension within the base reached its peak. Almost instantly, Danzo's loyal Root ninjas began to gather, their presence a looming threat.

Danzo, ever the strategic mastermind, commanded his subordinates not to interfere. He wanted to bury Kakashi personally with this battle, relishing the opportunity to alleviate himself of the ailment named Kakashi.

With a swift motion, Danzo unleashed a powerful wind-style jutsu, creating a gust that obscured his movements. Seizing the opportunity, he swiftly maneuvered behind Kakashi, delivering an even more devastating blow.

Kakashi, his senses heightened and his reflexes honed, managed to block the initial attack with his chakra blade. But Danzo's second strike found its mark, striking Kakashi directly.

However, to Danzo's surprise, a cloud of smoke engulfed the area where Kakashi had been standing. It was a Shadow Clone, a perfect replica created by Kakashi's mastery of ninja techniques.

Kakashi, hidden under the rubble from the earlier onslaught, seized the opportunity to gather himself and plan his next move. He swiftly performed the hand signs for Kirin, calling forth the powerful lightning jutsu.

With a deafening roar, Kirin descended upon the base, its devastating power ripping through the structure and engulfing the battlefield. The raw force of the lightning tore through the base, reducing it to ruins, and striking Danzo in the process.

As the smoke cleared and the dust settled, Kakashi emerged from beneath the rubble, his gaze scanning the aftermath. Corpses of Root ninja's littered the area where Danzo stood, revealing the high price that had been paid in order to protect their leader.

However, amidst the carnage, Danzo himself still survived, although seriously injured. His eyes blazed with anger and resentment as he sneered at Kakashi.

"You think you've won, Kakashi? But know this, your actions today have only hastened your own demise," Danzo spat, his voice filled with venom.

Kakashi, his resolve unyielding, met Danzo's gaze with steely determination. "Your reign of deception ends here, Danzo. I will expose your true intentions and protect everyone from your twisted ambitions."

As the air hung heavy with tension, both men understood that the battle was not yet over.

The clash has reached a pivotal moment, and the outcome will have far-reaching consequences for the Hidden Leaf Village.

In a burst of speed using his left reserve of stamina and chakra, Kakashi charged at Danzo, ready to deliver the final blow.

Danzo unleashes more chakra and just finishes up the last few hand signs of a barrier jutsu. If Danzo launches this barrier jutsu, it would trap Kakashi before he can reach Danzo.

However, just before either of them could make their move, a voice echoed through the ruins of the base. "Enough!"

The voice belonged to the Hokage himself, Minato Namikaze, who had arrived on the scene, his eyes filled with concern and determination, whilst holding Kakashi's arm, so as to not let him strike Danzo.

"Kakashi, Danzo, this bloodshed ends now," Minato declared, his authoritative presence diffusing the tension in the air.

Kakashi, still brimming with adrenaline, reluctantly pulled back. He understood the need to heed his sensei's words and seek a resolution without further violence.

Danzo, though seething with anger, reluctantly acquiesced to Minato's command.

Danzo made a signal to all of the remaining Root, after which they disappeared with much haste.

As Kakashi and Danzo locked eyes one final time, the weight of their clash lingered in the air, a reminder of the deep-rooted divisions and conflicts that plagued the village.

The battle may have left scars, both physical and emotional, but the resolve to protect the village is still there with both of them. Even Danzo is his own twisted way.

"Both of you, at my office in 10 minutes", Minato yelled.