
The Rematch

Don widened his stance and lowered his center of gravity, while I started jumping in place. I coated my sword and vital points with a coat of crystal armor. When I felt like I built up enough kinetic energy, I dashed forward. Aiming for his neck, I slashed at him, but Don disappeared!

"Looking for me?" I heard a voice from behind.

I instinctively used Blink and created distance between us. I saw something this time! It was for a brief moment, but I saw it. For a moment, Don reinforced his legs with magic and ran. It was different from agility though. I looked at where Don was previously standing and saw that there were footprints. This monster was using pure strength to make up for his lack of ability!

I also can't rely on Blink, since it consumes a lot of mana. I had to think of a way to counter Don. I took a deep breath.