
Meet the Dungeon Master

I woke up to something wet touching my face. I opened my eyes just to see the Orthrus licking my face.

"Alright, alright, I'm up mutt!" I sat up.

I yawned. How long was I asleep? I felt like I had a full night's rest, and there was no soreness in my body. Just how powerful was my new Regeneration skill?

I then turned to the Orthrus. He was now the size of a normal dog, just with two heads and a snake tail. It had its tongues out, and it was panting like a normal dog. I wondered if it would go back to its monstrous size during combat. This must have been a side effect of becoming a summon. I was sure it would be useful to have him with me at all times, so I didn't put him in the void. He could also serve as a guard dog.

The grimore that was previously around the dog's neck was now lying on the floor. I grabbed it and looked at the cover.