
Into The Night

After the bakery, we went to a restaurant and a bookstore. Lily planned to teach everyone Chinese so that Yang Li would be comfortable around the group. She also bought other language books along with nature-based scrolls.

"Knowing you, you can probably speak most languages used around here," She giggled.

"Yeah, I have to be prepared for most situations," I confirmed her statement.

"Even so, where did you find the time to learn all the things you know now?" She looked at me.

Well, when you have lived two lives, it won't be a surprise if you know a lot more than the average person. Of course, that was private information.

"Sleep was optional," I answered.

"You shouldn't neglect your sleep," She signed. "But moving on, you said you wanted to teach us a language, right? What is it called?"

"It's called Japanese. It would be best if I explained it as I taught, but it's a language that I have been developing," I explained.