
Half Baked Resolve

Achoo! Achoo!

I rubbed my nose.

"Lord Smarus, are you coming down with a cold?" Vida asked me.

"No," I sighed.

I haven't been sick since coming into this world, so I wasn't sure why I was sneezing. Either way, I wanted to take the time to digest the information that I just learned, and having Vida and Gricelda with me didn't help. I sighed.

"You two can go to HQ. I have to run some errands," I opened a portal.

"What!? That's like the thingy that Lord Arlo did!" Gricelda looked at my portal in surprise.

"I guess it is, in a sense," I shrugged. "But this is more precise and useful at this stage. Don't worry, it's safe," I promised.

"I-I see," Vida inched forward. "Ah, thank you, Lord Smarus," She bowed before entering the portal.

"Hmmph! I will see you later then," Gricelda crossed her arms as she walked into the portal.