

Aurora and Myra went back to campus to gather everyone. Anne continued her duties as the manager of the apartment building while Valencia went to take a nap in one of the rooms. Apparently, this was the most moving she did in a few years since she was living in the dungeon. The mixture of a different environment and meeting new people drained her batteries. Bibi also went to take a nap with her, so all that was left was Lili and me.

"Smarus, is something wrong?" Lily tilted her head.

I was deep in thought and completely forgot that Lily was still sitting on my lap. My leg was turning numb, but I ignored it.

"I was thinking. Now that I am back, we must prepare to face the enemies that we will soon face," I turned to her.

"Hmmm… Are you sure that's all? You don't seem to be brimming with confidence like you usually are," She pressed a finger against her chin.

"And what makes you think that?"