
Dinner with The Twins

I walked into the dining hall and saw Aurora and Myra already sitting. Beforehand, I changed into a different suit than the one I wore earlier to the Awakening. This one was the traditional colors of the Dragonborne clan, black with purple accents. The clan's emblem was on my right chest, just under my collar. The sisters sat on opposite sides of the head seat of the table. Based on the mood in the air, I was able to tell they were already sizing me up.

"Good evening Lady Aurora," I greeted her with a polite bow before turning to Myra. "And good evening Lady Myra," I repeated the gesture.

"Good evening, Sir Dragonborne. Thank you for inviting us," Aurora respectfully greeted me.

"Please, we are out of the public eye. Simply call me Smarus," I smiled at her.

Based on the look in her eyes, she wasn't expecting that. I wanted to be as humble as possible while also maintaining a respectful distance. However, even at this moment, I had to watch my thoughts and words. I took a seat at the head of the table.

"What took you so long, Smarus? We had to wait here for five minutes!" Myra sat with her arms crossed.

"Well, it took me longer than expected to come home. As a result, my preparation for dinner took longer than expected and forced you and Lady Aurora to wait. For that, I apologize."

I noticed that Aurora didn't even try to scold Myra for her tone. It was safe to assume that they were evaluating me as well as I was to them. 

"How was your visit to town? Did you two see anything exciting?"

"The town's library was surprisingly full. I enjoyed my visit there," Aurora said.

In the game, the villain's mother wanted to increase the general education of commoners. As a result, Sir Dragonborne made an effort to improve schools and the general well-being of commoners while she was alive. Naturally, he stopped after her death.

"Indeed. My late mother wished for commoners to gain a basic education. The library was a result of her ambition."

A few butlers walked into the room with carts and trays of food. They prepared our meals elegantly and accurately. It was mesmerizing. I thanked them as they left.

"Lady Myra, did you find anything interesting about the town?" I turned to her.

She was caught off guard by my question. She clearly didn't expect me to ask her after Aurora gave such a thoughtful answer. I smiled as I patiently waited for a response.

"Uh… The bakery… I thought the food was good there," She said shyly.

Typically, food wasn't the first reason a noble would visit a town. Especially a commoner's town, but this was the break I wanted. While something that provoked critical thinking and reevaluation was good, simplistic things were just as important.

"The bakery does have some delicious food. Have you tried their sour bread?" I asked before I took a bite of my food.

"Yeah! I couldn't get enough of it. I bought three pounds of bread!" Her eyes lit up thinking about the bread.

She made a really cute face while she continued to talk about the bakery. I also liked bread, but I didn't think it was that good. Regardless, I waited until she was finished.

"... Most nobles avoid bread because it can cause you to gain weight. However it is also a good source of energy, so it's important to learn how to make a balanced meal," She said proudly.

"Really?" I gave a nervous chuckle. How the hell do I respond to that? "I never thought about it that way. I should definitely take your advice into consideration when preparing future meals," I rubbed my chin.

"You prepare your own meals, Smarus?" Aurora spoke up, but she was staring at my hand.

Shit! I unintentionally touched my face. I smoothly moved my hand in order to hide my momentary panic, but I knew she noticed for sure. It was rude of me. I should be careful from now on.

"Sometimes I do. Usually when I go camping," I answered her.

"Camping?" Aurora tilted her head.

"You like camping! Can you fish too!?" Myra was clearly interested.

"It is odd for someone like me to go camping, isn't it? Well, it actually has plenty of benefits. As well as a way to train and build discipline, it also teaches one about himself and how to be self-reliant.. I asked the chefs to teach me how to cook and even clean and gut meat. And not to mention how peaceful…" I caught myself rambling. "It's fun to go camping."

I was embarrassed by my own excitement. I was surprised when Aurora started giggling. I looked at her with wide eyes.

"It is weird! Most nobles would train by hiring a tutor or going to the academy," She smiled for the first time since dinner started. "You truly are a unique one, Smarus

I felt heat rise in my cheeks. I looked away out of embarrassment only to see Myra who still had a look of expectation. It was like she wanted to know more about camping which only made me blush more. The tension in the room was lifted, but it would soon come to ruin.

"Greetings Lady Aurora Mystia and Lady Myra Mystia," A deep voice filled the room. 

Immediately, everyone was quiet. The three of us all slowly turned to see the origin of the voice, but we all knew who it was. My father was standing a few paces behind me with May behind him.

"G-greetings L-lord Dragonborne," Aurora stood up to bow. Myra followed suit.

"Greetings Lord Dragonborne!" Myra said all in one breath.

"I see you two have grown into fine young ladies. I'm sure your parents are proud," Father said without showing a hint of enjoyment.

I looked at Aurora. I could see drops of sweat falling down her chin as she stared at my father with wide eyes. Myra couldn't even muster the strength to look up. It felt like I was being choked on by some sort of imaginary rope.

"Hello, Father. I invited Lady Aurora and Lady Myra over to dinner…"

"I know that you fool!" Father snapped at me. "I only came to see the outcome of your Awakening."

Figured. Even now, he didn't even bother to mask his intentions. In the game, he was considered untouchable before his untimely death, but this was almost unbearable. It took me everything I had to not succumb to intimidation.

"My class is called Hermit Wiseman. It allows me to accumulate knowledge without limitation."

"Hmm… what a useless class. The wrong one survived that day," He coldly said.

He turned around to walk away. May bowed before she followed my father. I was livid at his comment, but I knew I didn't have any power to do anything. Once again, I was powerless. Why did that deadbeat blame me for Mother's death? Minutes passed before the tension even began to settle.

"Sir Dragonborne…" Aurora was still shaken up by Father's appearance. "Will you become the next head of the clan?"

I looked up to meet her eyes. The calm and collected Aurora that I once knew was gone. The only things I saw in those eyes were anger and grief. I wasn't sure what that man did, but it was clear that he had caused damage.

"I will not."

My answer shocked both sisters. I was sure they wondered why I refused to become the head of the clan.

"I have no intentions of leading a sinking ship. Everyone in the clan wants power. Even if it meant climbing over dead bodies," I took a bite of my now cold food.

"So what!?" Aurora stood up and slammed her hands on the table, causing Myra to flinch. "You're just going to abandon u…"

"Lady Aurora…" I glared at her, sending a chill down her spine. "If I become the head of the clan, I will only be the son of a tyrant. I have no intention of undoing the damage. My lifespan isn't long enough for that. If you want a leader, then follow me, but I'm doing things my way."

I accidentally took my anger out on her. Aurora looked down on her food and sat back down quietly.

"I understand… Lord Smarus."

Ding! Aurora's character's log updated!

Considering her change in honorifics, I assumed that I got the desirable outcome. I turned to Myra.

"It's an open invitation, Lady Myra," I still spoke with a stern voice.

"Oh.. ok... I mean, yes, L-lord Smarus," She looked down as well.

Ding! Myra's character log updated!

Whatever my father had done to these girls and their family caused them to lose composure. I can't forgive him, but I won't clean up his messes. Instead, I planned to walk a separate path altogether. Hopefully, a path that would bring hope and some sort of contentment to whoever follows me. I sighed. For now, my father's unwelcome appearance may have served me in the end.