
Fight With Everything You Have



"Puro-III... Shield!..."


The Neo Heroes can only watch, unable to do anything, as the Dwarf Cat-eared Elf receives the blast on Dark Attribute Magic cast by the Black Weretiger Monster.

"Ms. Vier!..."

Karna, who has taken a liking to Vier not only for saving their group but also for a certain reason, tries to help the Dwarf Cat-eared Elf, but she is stopped by her friend Renxa.

"We don't have time for them!"

Understanding what her friend means, Karna can only hope that Vier, who received the blast of the Dark Attribute attack, is still alive together with Mifumi and Felin.

"Sword Art Flame Form - Solar Blade!"

Renxa dashed towards the Black Weretiger Monster with his Flame Magic Sword.

Karna and Slain always know that their friend Renxa is a little reckless and would always charge straight at any monsters their group was fighting. But this time, it wasn't just recklessness, it was desperation.

From the moment the Rank 6 Black Weretiger Monster appeared in front of their group, they knew that there were only two choices left for all of them. To fight and be killed by this monster, or to fight and survive until help arrives.

There's no way their group, even with the help of the Dwarf Cat-eared Elf, can defeat a Rank 6 monster. And even if they run away, none of them can escape.

It will hunt them one by one. It will start by hunting Felin, and since Vier and Mifumi won't abandon her, they will also be hunted. Then their group will be next, along with every other groups of Adventurers Party taking the exam inside the Forest Valley Dungeon.

But if those were their only choices, then so be it. They will choose to fight desperately to survive. They will fight with everything they have until they have nothing left.

That's their resolve as the Neo Heroes challenge the fate that stands in front of them.

"Rock Spear!..."

"Sword Art - Dual Blade!"

As Renxa and Slain charge toward the Black Weretiger Monster, Karna cast her Land Attribute Magic skill, creating a dozen rock spears.

Karna understands that the level of her Magic skill isn't enough to make damage to the Rank 6 Black Weretiger Monster, but her goal is only to distract the attention of the monster so Renxa and Slain can deal their attacks safely.

As Karna's Rock Spear skill shatters upon making contact with the Black Weretiger Monster, Renxa, using another form of his Flame Magic Sword, and Slain, who's now wielding two of his Sword, get close to the monster and land their attacks.


Yet both of their Swords didn't manage to deal any damage to the body of the Black Weretiger Monster. They didn't even manage to scratch the monster's skin, for its whole body had been covered with a veil of armor made of Dark Attribute.


The Black Weretiger Monster cast another Dark Blast skill, aiming to obliterate the prey in front of it.

Knowing that they won't be able to get away, Renxa and Slain can only put their trust that Karna will still be able to protect both of them.

"Prism Shield!..."


Karna's Magic Barrier was indeed able to protect Renxa and Slain. It wasn't enough to completely block the blast of Dark Attribute, but it was able to reduce the damage that could have taken Renxa and Slain's life.

With Karna's Magic Barrier shattering to pieces, the impact of directly receiving what is left of the Dark Blast skill blew Renxa and Slain away as they crashed and stumbled on the ground.


The Black Weretiger Monster dashed towards Renxa and Slain to devour both of them before they could get back on their feet. But before the monster can reach them, Karna casts another of her Magic skills to protect her friends.

"Water Burst!..."

Using the Magic skill of the Water Attribute Monster Core on her Sorceress Staff, Karna creates a surge of water that has enough force to stop the Black Weretiger's charge.

"Get up, both of you!"

"Let's attack again, Renxa!"

"I know!"

Hoping that the result would be different this time, Renxa and Slain once again brandish their Swords aiming to cut down the Rank 6 Black Weretiger Monster.

Yet, even before their Swords could reach their target...


...The Black Weretiger Monster made a roar that echoed within the forest area of the Forest Valley Dungeon.

Renxa and Slain, who received that roar directly as they were closer to the Black Weretiger Monster, stand frozen, not because of fear but because of the Dark Attribute imbued with the monster's roar, which caused both of their bodies to be stun.

Being unable to move, the thought that one of them would be the next victim and be eaten alive by the Black Weretiger Monster came through their mind.

However, the Black Weretiger Monster didn't aim for either Renxa or Slain. It swiftly moves, charging towards the one behind them.

Seeing the monster heading her way, Karna cast her Prism Shield skill. Yet Karna's Magic Barrier easily shattered as the Black Weretiger Monster charged towards her and bit her with its fangs.



Renxa and Slain can only scream in rage as they watch Karna bleeding and unconscious while being bitten by the Black Weretiger Monster.




As Mifumi and Felin head their way to where they can safely create a trap to capture and restrain the Black Weretiger Monster, Vier watches the last scene that unfolds between the fight of the Rank 6 monster and the Neo Heroes.

The Black Weretiger Monster looks at the remaining prey standing in front of it as it makes a snarl to challenge them to take away the food that it's biting on its mouth.

"You stupid monster! I said that I won't let anyone fall in this fight! So let go of Ms. Karna!"

Karna is still alive. She's unconscious because of the shock from being bitten by the Black Weretiger Monster. She's bleeding a lot, but both Renxa and Slain, along with Vier, can still sense Mana coming from her.

...But that will change in just a few seconds if they can't save her...

With one goal in mind, Renxa, Slain, and Vier simultaneously attack the Black Weretiger Monster from different directions to save Karna.


Seeing its remaining prey taking up its challenge, the Black-Weretiger used another Dark Blast skill and aimed for Renxa.

"Flame Burst!..."



Renxa tried to defend himself using the Magic skill of the Monster Core in his Flame Magic Sword, but it wasn't enough to completely block the Dark Blast skill. He was only able to reduce its force enough to save his life and was knocked unconscious by the blast.

With Renxa's sacrifice, Slain and Vier can get close to the Black Weretiger Monster.

"I need you to open its mouth even by a little bit, Mr. Slain!..."

Realizing that Vier has a plan to pull out Karna from the mouth of the Black Weretiger Monster, Slain enhances his Sword to its full potential using his ability as a Light Attribute user.

"Sword Art - Sword Thrust!..."

Slain stabbed his Sword between the fangs of the Black Weretiger Monster. Carefully avoiding stabbing Karna as well, Slain uses his enhanced Sword as a lever to open up the mouth of the monster as requested by Vier.

"Puro-III... Sound Grenade!..."

Since Vier still can't move her left arm, she pulls the pin of the Sound Grenade using her mouth and shoves her right arm holding the Sound Grenade inside the mouth of the Black Weretiger Monster.


The screeching sound produced by the Sound Grenade screams from within the mouth of the Black Weretiger Monster that not only doubles or triples its stun and irritation effect.


"How's that you, monster? Tell me what it tastes like to hear that screeching sound from inside your mouth."

"Pull Karna out, Ms. Vier!..."

"I know!..."

The irritation from the screeching sound made the monster open its mouth. Then Vier pulled Karna out as she and Slain distanced themselves from the Black Weretiger Monster.


"What's with that snarl? Are you pissed that we were able to snatch away your food?"

Even though their situation hasn't improved even for a little, Vier, as her way of maintaining the morale of their group, still tries to talk back to the Black Weretiger Monster.

Realizing that Vier is only acting tough in the dire situation they're facing, Slain stands between his friend and the Rank 6 monster, ready to sacrifice himself to at least save Karna and the young girl who once saved their group.

"Ms. Vier, I will hold off that monster for as long as I can. Please use that time to heal Karna's Injury and leave this place."

"You know that even if we run away from here, that monster will just hunt us one by one, right?"

Vier understands what Slain is planning. But she knows that his sacrifice will change nothing.

"I know, but there's a better chance for both of you to survive that way. Even if I have to..."

"Stop it! Just focus on surviving and holding off that monster while I'm healing Ms. Karna!"


"After I heal Ms. Karna I will lead that monster to where Felin and Mifumi-sama are. They should be finished making the trap to restrain that monster by then."

"Okay! I hold off that monster until you're done healing Karna... Sword Art - Sonic Blade..."


Believing in Vier's words, Slain moves to face the Black Weretiger Monster all by himself.

Vier's original plan is for her and the Neo Heroes to hold off the Black Weretiger Monster until Felin and Mifumi finish making the trap and, together, bring the monster to where the trap is. But Karna got injured and is now unconscious. Vier's plan would still work if they were able to save Karna without any casualties, yet Renxa got injured and is now unconscious as well. And now, Slain is about to sacrifice himself just so Vier can heal Karna.

"Puro-III... Please give me the Magic Potions to heal Ms. Karna."

At Vier's request, Puro-III releases the Poison Resistance Potion, Dark Attribute Potion, and Heal Potion from its Storage skill.


Hearing Karna's unconscious response as she poured the Magic Potions at Karna's wounds, Vier ready herself for what she needed to do.



After seeing Slain getting knocked down unconscious by the Black Weretiger Monster, Vier throws another Sound Grenade to attract the monster's attention.

"You, monster! Get away from Mr. Slain!"


"Remember what that screeching sound tastes like? Follow me if you want more of that!"


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