
Revolt against the Heavens

In the Hongchen Kingdom, a human land surrounded by dangerous enemies, the Cao family is victim of a terrible massacre. The young son, Cao Yun, survives and must pave his way to the summit of the cultivation world while hiding who he is in the hope of avenging his family. Will he find out the whole truth? What cultivation level will he attain? And what mysteries will he uncover on this path of revenge?

CFields · アクション
580 Chs

Chapter 459: The Alchemy Conference opens

Paradoxically, thanks to the rules of the Imperial City, Xue Gulin was more free than usual. And he had decided not to stay in the same residence as Feng Yingyue. On the other hand, Cao Yun stayed with her until the official start of the Alchemy Conference.

Xue Gulin found himself in an isolated room with a woman. But this wasn't a meeting as pleasant as the one between Cao Yun and his Dao companion. Instead, they were talking business. That woman was hiding her face with a metallic black and red mask, and her clothes were large enough to conceal her figure. She probably had other things to hide as well. However, her hair were cascading over her shoulders and her mouth was visible. It would still be difficult for Xue Gulin to recognize her in the streets though.

Anyway, despite this secrecy, that woman seemed quite charming. She had black hair with a few shades of red in them which was very familiar to Xue Gulin. That woman had more demon blood in her veins than most people. And this was rather common in the Subei Province. Her lips were also a bright red with very light make-up on her face, maybe just enough so that taking it off would change her face once the mask was off. Although Xue Gulin couldn't know for sure, her mask probably had traces of Void Nurtured Platinum in it as well as other alloys. In other words, even spiritual senses would have a hard time seeing through her mask.

"You assured me that Chen Guo would be killed! I paid you a lot for that. If you can't deliver on it..."

Xue Gulin's voice was low, in fact he was almost whispering. However, his tone was not pleasant at all. As he spoke, the woman's lips began to form a smile. Behind this smile, Xue Gulin saw a predator ready to pounce on its prey. Remembering who he had in front of him, he changed his demeanor.

"Do not worry about that, esteemed customer. But do not threaten me either or you will have something else to worry about."

As she spoke, Xue Gulin stopped moving. Just over his throat, a blade had appeared in an instant. Even before he could feel it, it had pierced through his Wei Qi. With a single instruction, that woman could slice his throat and be done with him. Of course, he knew that she wouldn't dare do so right before the Alchemy Conference. At least, he was hoping that was the case.

"Miss, I meant no disrespect. But we had a contract. I paid good money and I even offered my services for his head. Until now I've held my part of the bargain, it is only natural that you uphold yours."

"The team I sent should have been able to deal even with a half-step Spirit Warrior. I have to admit that this Chen Guo is better than I initially thought. But as you can see, my team was professional. Even after killing them, Chen Guo doesn't suspect that they were after him. Their act was perfect in that aspect. Now that he is in the Imperial City, killing him will become much more difficult. But it doesn't mean that this is impossible. Focus on winning the Alchemy Conference and we will find the opportunity to strike down your rival."

"He's not my rival! I heard what he's been able to do in Qingyun City and he's no threat to me in this competition. I don't want him dead because I'm afraid of him. In fact, apart from Feng Yingyue I don't think anyone can best me. She's my only concern in that competition. But this Chen Guo is an eyesore... Because of him my little brother is dead, I'm sure of it! And my family's name is tarnished. That bastard could have tried to keep the matter of Gu Song as secret as possible, but he decided to do otherwise. He'll pay for his insult!"

After this small conversation, Xue Gulin left quickly. The concealed woman stayed in that isolated room for quite some time though.

"Dear customer, I must admit that you are quite petty indeed... Sha Diyi!"

Another figure appeared in front of the woman. It was too dark to make out who it was, or anything about that person.

"From the information I have received, some demonic cultivators intend to cause mayhem during the Alchemy Conference. The security of the Imperial Palace has been moved accordingly. Analyze it well. As soon as chaos erupts, you will use the opportunity to kill Chen Guo. This mission is vital! Not only will it secure our relationship with this arrogant brat, but it will also weaken the Wubei Sect. Besides, he's become a thorn in our side with what happened in Qingyun City. We don't know what he's learned or who he told it to."

"What about Cang Yin?"

"She will probably be brought to the Imperial City in a few months. We've been able to stall some time until her official interrogation. But do not worry, I promised that her death would be by your hand and I keep my promises. However, you have to kill Chen Guo before that. And no matter what, you can't let your soul get captured if things go south."

"I understand, Mistress. I already consumed the Blood Allegiance Nectar. My fate is success or obliteration."



Finally, the Alchemy Conference officially began. All the spectators were gathered in the Imperial Palace. A giant square had been specially prepared for the occasion. All over the place, there were platforms with furnaces and cauldrons as well as some furniture and every material the alchemists would need during the Alchemy Conference. That event was as much a competition as a conference between experts. While the young talents would confront their alchemy with each other, there were also more experimented alchemists talking about their research.

This event served to promote the young talents but also to force the alchemists to work together. Thanks to this conference, alchemy in the Hongchen Kingdom was always progressing. It wasn't that alchemists were hiding their research to each other the rest of the time, but they simply didn't have many opportunities to meet. Besides, the periodicity of the event made it so that they had enough time to progress in their research while still putting pressure on them to succeed. Indeed, showing off that they had advanced in their study of alchemist at each Alchemy Conference was a matter of pride for many alchemists.

During this particular Alchemy Conference though, they knew that they would all pale in comparison to Spirit Masters Hua and Xiao. But at the same time, they would be able to converse with them. Maybe they might gain new insights into ways of refining a Spirit pill. Although all Heaven alchemists had read their detailed report that Director Ge Ling had made public, talking and interacting with the women who had directed the refinement was the best way to learn more, apart from literally living the process of course.

Today was the opening ceremony. As such, there were many artists on the stage. Apart from alchemists, the Alchemy Conference also tried to spread the cultural influence of the Imperial Palace so it could shine to all the corners of the kingdom. For the entire day, all kinds of artists would show off on scene, painters, poets, singers, dancers. The Five Imperial Arts were represented of course, but they were not the only ones. There was even a play about Emperor Nuwa's Great War against the demons and Demon God Da Mo's ultimate demise.

At last, when the festivities were over, the Alchemy Conference could really begin.

To the north of the square, there was a tall building. All around the square, there were several rows of elevated seats. Representatives of all the provinces and many officials were sitting at the top of those rows. From there, they could almost everything that was going on in that square. In particular, they would see everything done by the alchemists once the competition would start.

A loud gong echoed throughout the square and everyone got silent.

From a balcony of the tall building, a figure appeared. This was a large man with a short beard and a strong jaw. His hair were almost completely black except for one strand that had turned white. His presence alone was enough to get everyone to stay silent. As he walked, the sun shined on his red and golden robe. Atop his head, his hair were put together and surmounted by a tall crown from which several rows of pearl were falling in front of his forehead and the back of his head. That man was Emperor Weide.

For more than seventy years, he had not appeared in public. The elders all recognized him. Besides, his aura was full of vitality. Even without spiritual senses, they could feel a powerful Wei Qi all around him. From his being, a great strength emanated. All rumors of his weakness would crumble after that. There was one woman who wasn't convinced though, Xiao Xuefeng. As a great teacher of the Golden Flowery Fragrance Institute, she was obviously among the spectators. Unlike all the others, even her sister Hua Fenfei, Xiao Xuefeng was able to discern something they had all missed. After all, she was an 8th-grade Spirit Warrior.

With a powerful voice, Emperor Weide addressed the crowd. Without shouting, his voice was loud enough that everyone could hear it distinctly.

"In our time of doubt, it is important that we remember all we've gone through as a species, as a people, as a kingdom. Emperor Nuwa freed us from the yoke of tyranny and slavery. Since then, the demons have always been a looming threat to our peace and freedom. Some among us have sowed dissension. They believe that their violent and immoral ways are the answer to our problems but they only cause more strife and more suffering for our kind. Against the demons, what we need is unity! We need to show them that unlike them we stand together as one, under the name of Emperor Nuwa. And in the upcoming days, we will see this unity. We will witness the talent of our younger generation. Young alchemists from every province of our kingdom. Although they will compete, they will also show us the strength behind our kingdom."

After his speech, music was played on Emperor Nuwa's favorite instrument, the guqin. One by one, the alchemists of the entire Hongchen Kingdom were called and went toward a specific platform. Soon, everyone realized that those platforms were in fact forming a map of the Hongchen Kingdom. Of course, they were disposed in a different manner. But now that they saw where each alchemist went, it had become apparent.

One by one, they went to their platform. Before long, Cao Yun was called as well. And at the very end, the alchemist of the Wang Province was called followed by the three representatives of the Golden Flowery Fragrance Institute. Almost all the alchemists had their 5-star Human alchemist emblem. Only a handful had not reached this grade yet, most likely because they had not taken the test. Indeed, they had probably preferred to focus on the upcoming Alchemy Conference instead.

After the Emperor had finished his speech, he sat down on some kind of throne and he didn't speak ever again, confirming Xiao Xuefeng's doubts. That man was not Emperor Weide. Although his presence was strong, she could tell there was no substance behind it. That man was just a body double and they had a late Spirit Warrior help him produce an aura similar to Emperor Weide. She had to admit it was very well done as she was the only one who saw through the deception. However she wasn't sure what it meant. Of course, maybe Emperor Weide had merely decided this wasn't worth his time. But it was also possible that there was a very serious threat on the event even Xiao Xuefeng was unaware of. Yes she knew about the demonic cultivators but their threat was known so it wasn't too worrisome.

There was still another possibility. Emperor Weide was simply too weak to appear in public, or even worse...

Anyway, as she couldn't get her answers right now, she decided to focus on the Alchemy Conference instead. Feng Yingyue and Mei Hua were close to each other while Cao Yun was in the far west as he was the Subei Province's representative. The elders all remembered the names and faces of every single alchemists. As they were only twenty-four contestants, it wasn't too difficult. But they would also remember everything else about them. Although he was on the verge of the square, Cao Yun attracted a lot of attention. Indeed, he was the Wubei Sect's Young Sect Master after all.

Then, an old man with gray hair and a beard long enough to touch the ground started to speak. He was levitating on a small platform above the square. Since flying was usually forbidden, this was an exception of the Alchemy Conference. He was the arbiter of the Alchemy Conference and wore proudly his 5-star Heaven alchemist emblem.

"The Alchemy Conference will last several days. Each day, you will all be evaluated. And each day, some of you will be eliminated. For those who are eliminated from the main competition, you will still have a chance to show your talents during exhibitions. For the other you will progress until only one remains. This alchemist will be recognized as the most talented of the younger generation."

Xiao Xuefeng remembered that very well as she had won the Alchemy Conference when she had been younger.

"Our first trial will begin now!"

From the arbiter's spatial ring, two dozen pills went flying all over the place and reached every single alchemist on the platform. They were all different.

"Your first task is quite easy. You must identify the pill you have received and ascertain its quality. If you fail to be accurate enough, you will be eliminated right away. I hope that none of you fails so soon."