
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Chapter 9 The Meeting

Chapter 9 The Meeting

Shaking his head as he sits to Damian growls to himself about the young girl stealing his food. Looking at the table he sees rolls, roast beef, roasted chicken, a pitcher of mead. The look of surprise on his appearance all of this for twenty gold? There were Mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables this was a feast on earth. The other people in the area were starring at his table with looks of shock, after all, who would spend so much money on food all at once, no one could eat that much in one sitting. Just how much was each gold coin worth?

Sighing to himself Damian starts eating taking his time to savor the flavor of each bite. Until now he had been eating soup made of the animals he had hunted near the graveyard. With some herbs and wild potatoes to thicken it. This was his first real meal here. It was delicious. After a while, Marrissa reappeared with a hunk of meat that seemed to be almost glowing with a golden light. As he drops everything he takes a bite the juices running down his chin as he savors a taste that unlike anything he'd ever tasted before. As he finished he felt his body heating up and saw himself starting to glow.

*DING* +5 Stamina

The message caused Daminas eyes to go wide as he read the message. "System why did eating some meat make my stamina increase?"

"Special food that is full of nutrients and life particles, this allows the magic particles to be rapidly assimilated by the body. Usually, around 4/5ths of the particles end up being wasted as the average person is unable to absorb particles naturally. But because you already can absorb magic particles the effectiveness is kept at 100% allowing for an increase of five points." the system replied.

"Well I need to make a note of that for the future." states Damianhe spends the rest of the day resting and slowly eating when the receptionist walks over to him with a smile handing him a small wooden box.

As Damian opens the box he catches a look at a copper placard attached to a silver chain that radiates silver particles off of it looking at the receptionist she smiles. before saying "the chain has been enchanted and nearly unbreakable at least none of them have broken yet. Thank You again for joining the Guild you are now free to take copper rank missions or join a group as a cleaner. She bows before walking away hurriedly.

Seeing the receptionist walk away Marrissa approaches his side as he puts the placard around his neck its less than a centimeter thick, an inch long and about three inches wide on it is his basic information. "Excellent." Marrissa exclaims smiling at Damian "The group is waiting for you in VIP room 3 its over there." Marrissa says pointing down the hallway the young girl disappeared down earlier. "I'll be there in a little bit I have to let the Matron know I'm going on break." she says cocking her head with a smile.

"Thanks," Damian said. "I hope I can be useful to you're group."

Getting up Damian walked down the direction she pointed towards. When he got to door the heard loud noises coming from inside as he knocks everything goes quiet as the door creeks open and a single green eye stares at him with light reflecting off of a pair of glasses. "Ca- can I help you?" says a voice that seemed to be coming from a teenager.

"Hi." Damian says raising his hand "I was told that the group I was suppossed to be joining was in this room."

The door opens slightly to reveal a boy who looked to about 15 with bright pink hair and green eyes with a set of glasses that looked like they were thick enough to have come from soda bottles. "Oh a-are you Damian?" the kid asks. Damian nods. "My sister said someone would be joining our group." He said as he opened the door he had an athletic build but was hunching over making him appear shorter than he was. "Thanks for taking care of Marcus by the way, guys a menace hes always harrassing me and Marrissa." he added letting Damian in the room.

As he looked around he took not of a boy around the same age as the other who had messy brown hair, a white button-up long sleeve shirt, brown pants, and black boots. then his eyes fell a young girl with large eyes blonde hair with two green streaks on the sides. As they looked at each other there was silence for a while before the girl yelped standing up and jumping on the bench she was sitting on pointing at Damian "Yo-you? Youre the one who knocked out Marcus with one hit. No way!" the girl was shocked.

"YOU"RE THE ONE WHO STOLE MY FOOD." Damian bellowed.

slapping himself in the forehead The boy with pink hair looked at the girl "Not again Lisa, You said you bought those rolls with your own money."

"Well... I... I saw how much food there was and it was unguarded and looked so good. I couldn't help it." she answered sheepishly "ok, ok Ill pay you back I didnt mean any harm by it I'm the great Lisa Polymorph but you can call me Lisa."

"Great Lisa Polymorph?" Damian replied with an incredulous look. Sighing Damian replied "I'm Damian De'Cantour, and don't worry about it I couldn't finish it all anyway even after what you took, if you want you can go grab it and bring it in. You guys can share it I'm full anyway."

As if on cue three ladies came into the room with the rest of Damian's food one of them was Marrissa "Hey guys, has everyone introduced themselves."

"I'm benny, nice to meet you." says the pink-haired boy offering his hand to shake. "I'm a guardian. So I stay at the front.

"I'm Samuel and I am a cleaner that's all I'm good for." Says the brown-haired boy sighing.

"Well you already know my name." says Lisa "I'm a support who uses light and healing."

Marrissa smiles "I'm a rogue. I picked up my moms fighting style so I tend to pick my targets and try to kill them quickly."

"Ah, so who the gold rank and when can we get into those Dens?" Damian asked.

Raising her hand Marrissa said, "That's me. We usually only do silver-ranked quests but you said you need to do gold rank. We need to make sure you can handle it, but if you can then we can start going on gold ranks." Marrissa answered "So first we need to test you, so we will take a copper rank Den. If you can help us clear that then we will move up and, if you can help us there we can start doing gold. We just have to make sure you're not trying to impress us and that that thing with Marcus wasn't a fluke. So the copper den you will have to try to do solo we will help if you need it but if not then that means that you can at least help with the silver Dens."

"Out of curiosity what grade is a Cadaver Dog Den." Damian asked suddenly.

"oh well, if it has a Canine ghoul and numbers more than forty its considered Gold usually, but if theres no Canine Ghoul it's just silver." Samuel replied quickly.

"Cool, Guess we should get to it then." replied Damian with a large grin on his face knowing that with his army he can safely solo Gold Dens.

In a few hours, they were standing outside of a Den that was copper rank. Inside were said to be Giant Rats, Basic enemies Samuel gave Damian the rundown on them as he seemed to be a walking monster encyclopedia. As the group stepped into the Den a familiar sound rang in Damian's head his widened in surprise.

*DING* Hidden Quest Complete More than one body: by entering a dungeon with a group you have shown that you are willing to work with and help them grow Reward: Party Subsystem is now unlocked You can add people to your party they will grow and level with you, you can also now buy skills from the tribute store and manifest them as skill books for the party to learn, though they will have to do the slow way as they cannot earn skill points, whenever they level the system will automatically upgrade their stats at one point per level. Congratulations!

Sorry for taking so long to post a new chapter but life has been hectic. Thank you for understanding.

Lothos_Carpathiacreators' thoughts