
Revivalism - b×b.

"This is 2120, Luke, not 2020." The future wasn't the way humans predicted it to be. Earth was completely destroyed after World War 3 and humans turned to the last thing they thought could work - Revivalism. Watch two young boys in love struggle in a world where health came before wealth, where cellphones and satellites were long destroyed, where being gay lead to death. Will the barriers make the boys stronger? Or will they bring them down altogether?

wuwbangtan · LGBT+
8 Chs


Cole just wanted to feel the feeling of life.

Cole just wanted to live his life without feeling like a breeding machine.

Cole just wanted to be normal.

Cole just wanted something that'd make him feel normal.

Cole just wanted something to live for.

Cole just wanted something that'd make him rebel against everything for.

Cole just wanted something that he'd genuinely smile for.

Cole just wanted something that he could live for.

Cole just wanted something that he could cry for.

Cole wondered and wondered and wondered what that something could be,

But love, never crossed his mind.

They say, expect the unexpected,

And Cole, never expected love,

Love to be that something he would do anything for,

Love that would change the world forever.