
Reverse Reality

Reverse Reality is a novel that I recently finished. I sat in my room staring into space as I sadly felt everything lost its meaning. It has been years since I have cried as a tear fell onto my phone. I wiped my tears as I looked at my empty apartment. Devoid of nothing with no possession to my name. Everything was finished, and I accepted that cold, hard truth. I could only keep moving forward or finish it all. I got nothing to lose. I can die fighting or die here. Both of these choices were difficult to choose, I didn't want to suffer anymore, but I want to try, but with no motivation, I can't find the strength to keep moving forward. So, I chose the second option. I don't want to suffer anymore.

ShadowPanda_538 · ファンタジー
54 Chs

Ch. 31 Hidden Dungeon (1)

( Maya Pov ) 

Asteria is one of the oldest kingdoms of the Empire.

It surprises me how it is still standing looking at its history, and it also stood when the great war happened as well.

I sat with Alvaria and Avara. 

Alvaria, the youngest between the two twins, was the one that used a bow and threatened me because I refused to let them sit next to me. 

And the oldest of the two is Avara. The one who has a sniper rifle on her back and wears glasses. 

These two were on the AC organization. I remembered when the AC organization was going downhill after the passing of their leader. 

These two became adventures and helped during the Great War. 

And if I remember right, Avara shot Cain with a holy bullet that paralyzed him. 

My stop was here as I got off the train without saying anything to the twins as I sister want to attract their attention this early. 

( Third pov ) 

" What a weird a girl." Alvaria spoke as she saw Maya walk off the train. 

" Uhm, sis? Is...is it alright to take on this mission?" Avara looked at her younger sister. 

Alvaria looked at her sister as she slightly opened her eyes to reveal her green her eyes mixed with a bit of gold. 

" Yes. After all, Auntie wants us to show our worth to the organization." Alvaria replied as she closed her eyes before leaning back against the seat. 

" Sigh, still, I don't understand how they could easily accept that man. Did our work mean nothing to them?" Alvaria clenched her fist as Avaria looked at her sister in worry. 

( Maya Pov ) 

' If I remember correctly, the first goblin settlement was spotted northwest of here.' I thought as I walked towards the city gates. 

This was the west city border, Crance.

If Vrouzzuterra wants to invade the Empire, then Crance would be the first city to fight. 

Then, there was also the hidden dungeon incident. 

A hidden dungoen that was discovered only for the adventures to be lured in and trapped like a game with their lives on the line.

I knew the way to beat it, thanks to my knowledge. 

And if I remember correctly, I died in that dungeon multiple times trying to find that item inside.

Now I'm in the forest covered in leaves as I spotted a goblin camp. 

All I have to do was mark them, and I get a bonus if I could find more camps and the number of goblins there are. 

After getting my payment, I started to search for the hidden dungeon. 

I walked the outer wall of the city to a boulder next to a tree with red leaves. 

I spotted the boulder and walked up to it, and put my hand hand on it.

' It won't be long before this place is discovered. It's best I get this over with fast.' I thought as I manipulated every once of mana my body had at the moment into the boulder. 

The boulder shook before a space ripple consumed me as I relaxed my body and let it devour me.

This was a test. A test of space affinity. 

I didn't care for the riches the dungeon had otlr the artifacts. I only cared for what holds this dungeon together. 

* Tap! * 

I landed as I saw the surroundings. 

It was a typical dungeon. Old stone walls and cobwebs decorating the dungeon. 

I unsheathed my sword as I got ready for the first phase. 

Tendency. To prevail to the second phase.

A mist began to rise as I started walking down the hall. 

The mist became denser as I felt fear creep up to my spine as I tightened my grip on my sword.

I knew what was coming. My worst fear.

I stopped walking as I saw another approach towards me before stopping.

It was myself. The one lifetime where I went crazy and began killing anything that went against me. 

With my knowledge, I was able to hunt down anyone who would cause a problem to me in the future. This includes children who have yet to bloom. 

This was my greatest regret, my own failure. 

I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath before exhaling as I opened to focus on the other me. 

The incarnation of chaos.

I remember my first time in the mist. It was my brother, and I failed to cut him down. 

This test was to prevail even if it meant killing your loved ones and a nightmare of your fear. 

I came to realize that letting my brother go was the only option for his safety. 

This was another obstacle to keeping him protected. 

' I need this....' I thought as I lifted my sword to the doppelganger as it did the same as well. 

Its eyes screamed for blood. The heavy pressure she radiates as she activates her art. 

* Swoosh * 

A direct attack as she didn't waste any time. 

I easily parried the attack. It was like a wild animal trying to sink its fang into my neck. 

This version of me was predictable, mostly attacks that aimed for my vitals. 

She was trying to kill me in one hit if she could, and if not, she would butcher me with her sword cut after cut. 

I knew how she fought. I didn't need art to kill this version of me. But still looking into her eyes, I still felt a hint of fear. 

This version of me was so familiar yet strange. 

We clashed swords as I began to feel weakened as her strikes became more ferocious. 

" Blood way for the seventh lord..." 

" Sanguis. " 

I used my sword technique. 

The sword became stained with blood as I felt myself becoming faster and stronger. 

By sacrificing some of my blood, I began to start my offense. 

Parking a strike from above, I shoved my sword into her stomach before cutting upwards, splitting her in half. 

Her blood rained down as I stood in place waiting.

Then the mist cleared to reveal two versions of myself, ne behind and one up front.

I gripped my sword once again as I felt my hands being stained by blood. 

" Brutality of the Sixth Lord..." 

" Brutal mutilation." 

The blood stains reached my arms as I dashed at the two versions. 

I'm return they also dashed at me as well. 

They both attacked me, but I was smarter as their sword clashed against each other. 

Using this chance, I quickly separated their heads from their bodies in one swing. 

I dashed forward down the hall as I began to meet more versions of myself. 

These versions were like wolves hunting in a group. 

They became more focused once they realized how stronger I was becoming. 

A stab through the heart and beheaded I kept moving to the next targets. 

* Shwaaaa!!! * 

I barely dodged a swing from behind as I felt a cut on my back. 

Then, I felt my body weaken. Their fangs managed to find their targets. 

The blood stains on my arms lessen and began to fade as I quickly turned to counter, only to be kicked a far. 

I immediately rolled on the ground to dodge another attack from a different version of myself. 

' one...two...three!!!' I counted as I parried a strike from above and swung my sword across their stomachs. 

Her body split as I used it to throw at the second one to buy time as I blocked an attack from the third one. 

I felt myself sliding back from the force of the attack as I shifted my foot and used their weight against them but was interrupted by a punch. 

I took the punch in the face as I grabbed their hands and twisted it as their body followed. 

I plunged my sword into their neck before using their bodily as a shield. 

* Shluck!! * 

A sword passed through the body as the second one tried to get her sword unstuck but was interrupted as I stabbed my sword through her face. 

It felt weird to kill someone with my face. 

I looked down at my hands to see the technique wore off as I felt weaker. 

" Shit." I said out loud as I fell to the ground trying to catch my breath. 

I felt the searing pain on my back as it speared throughout my body. This was my art...bloodlust of the damned.

" Well... didn't think the great Crimson angle to fall like this... where's your devoted faith?" 

Through my blurry vision i saw him the man I looked up to. The Hero, Cain Styker. My hero...