
Reverse Lifes

Arthur, an ordinary college student, was dumped by his girlfriend at the beginning and obtained the billionaire system, earning $800 trillion at the beginning. However, this money can only be spent by girls, and there is no other way. In order to spend all this money, Arthur embarked on an extraordinary path to becoming a millionaire!

oldpanda · 都市
14 Chs

I'm Such a Despicable Bonehead

Could there be so many benefits to a successful comeback???

Arthur was astonished.

For a moment, his gaze towards Xanthe seemed to be looking at a huge slab of meat.

Xanthe: Affinity -1

Xanthe: Affinity -1

Xanthe's affinity dropped by two more points.

Originally at negative 50, it now plummeted to negative 52.

This negative affinity practically amounted to disgust, and its intensity was not low!

"What are you staring at, a loser trying to act rich? You dare ask me for WhatsApp? Take a look at yourself, what kind of virtue do you have?" Xanthe looked at Arthur disdainfully. He wore slippers, shorts, and a t-shirt, with a messy hairstyle. He looked somewhat delicate, but his physique was weak, like an internet-addicted teenager, a typical loser image. From head to toe, he probably wouldn't even cost two hundred bucks.

Who is she, Xanthe?

She's the third-ranked campus beauty in the Art Institute of The University of Chica, pursued by male students from the main gate to the back streets. Among them were excellent students and second-generation rich kids. She couldn't be bothered with such poor guys.

"Beauty, hold off on rejecting me. Adding WhatsApp won't hurt, and as long as you agree, I'll cover all your expenses for today!" Arthur said inexplicably confidently.

He found that as long as there was money in his account, he wasn't flustered at all; he even stood up straighter.

"Huh! Isn't this the backup who's been delivering breakfast to Una under the girls' dormitory all day? He actually dares to ask Xanthe for WhatsApp?"

"Damn! Has this kid suffered some kind of blow? He dares to say he'll cover Xanthe's expenses for the day. He probably doesn't know how terrifying it is when girls start spending money!"

"And asking for WhatsApp from anyone would be bad enough, but he's actually asking Xanthe. She's famous in our school for being a gold digger!"

"Not only is Xanthe a gold digger, she often moves among various second-generation rich kids, with countless backups and manipulative methods in playing with emotions. She's on a level higher than Una. Even Una couldn't handle this backup, let alone Xanthe. He's likely to end up with nothing!"

Several students seemed to recognize Arthur and Xanthe, and discussions ensued.

"Are you sure?" Xanthe asked with a cold smile.

"I'm sure!" Arthur replied indifferently.

"Alright, today I want to treat all the students here to snacks and drinks, you'll settle the bill for me!" Arthur didn't say anything; he just picked up his phone to start paying.

"Apple Pay received - fifty thousand dollars!"

"Help yourselves to snacks and drinks, Xanthe is treating everyone today, don't be shy!"

At the moment when the electronic sound announced the arrival of fifty thousand dollars at the cashier.

The whole place was dumbfounded!

It seemed that no one had expected Arthur to actually take out a "fifty thousand dollars" sum just because of Xanthe's words and freely treat everyone to snacks and drinks.

Of course, if it were a second-generation rich kid who brought out this money, perhaps everyone wouldn't be so surprised.

But the key point was that this guy was Arthur!

The famous backup of The University of Chica.

A backup spending fifty thousand dollars to show off, just to get Xanthe's WhatsApp, was he crazy?

Moreover, even if you show off with this, she might not have any favorable impression of you.

This showing off was a bit low-grade.

At this moment, even Xanthe was a bit surprised.

The guy in front of her with a messy hairstyle didn't seem like someone who could bring out fifty thousand dollars.

But his indifferent demeanor suggested that fifty thousand dollars really meant nothing to him.

"Now, can I add you on WhatsApp?"

"What's the rush? Today's activities have just begun, follow me!"

Thirty minutes later.

Arthur and Xanthe arrived at a shopping mall.

"Let's go, I've recently set my eyes on a Gucci bag, I hope you don't mind buying me one!" Xanthe smiled and asked.

"I don't mind!" Arthur answered with the same smile.

How could he refuse such a good opportunity to spend money!

As soon as they entered the Gucci store, Arthur unexpectedly encountered an acquaintance.

"Stan, how does this bag look on me?" Una was holding a new Gucci bag and looked at herself in the mirror repeatedly.

"Sure, it looks good," Stan casually promised. "But Una, lately my dad has been cutting down on my allowance, thinking I'm spending too extravagantly. He's only giving me less than a hundred thousand dollars a month now. My days are quite tight. Shall we go somewhere else first? Don't worry, I'll definitely buy it for you next time!"

Although he spoke with determination, he never intended to buy it in the first place.

He wasn't like those losers who scrimped and saved just to buy luxury bags for girls, or iPhones. Isn't it enticing to package yourself with that money? When you're a second-generation rich kid, girls are willing to spend money on you too.

"But... But I really like it!"

"Una, I really don't want my girlfriend to be someone who values material things. I want her to like me for who I am, not for other things. Do you understand what I mean?" Stan suddenly became serious, his tone heavy.

"Okay, okay, forget it. I don't want it then. I'm not that kind of materialistic girl!" Una looked at Stan with a pleasing expression and reluctantly put the bag down.

As soon as she finished speaking, Arthur and Xanthe entered the Gucci store one after the other.

Their eyes met.

Una was stunned for a moment.

"Arthur, why are you following me? I've never seen you so persistent before. I've already said I don't like you. You're really making me sick!" Una's words dropped.

Arthur was suddenly filled with anger. Even a clay figure would feel some heat. Una, aren't you going a bit too far?

I've spent three years, treating you like the apple of my eye.

And you treat me like a dog.

Just because I like you, does that give you the right to trample on my dignity?

Recalling everything, he felt it was really not worth it.

"I'm not following you. I'm here with Xanthe to buy a bag. Since we're done, I don't need you to interfere with anything I do!" Arthur retorted firmly. From this moment on, he never wanted to have anything to do with Una again.

But at that moment, another system notification sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Backup operation initiated!"

Name: Una

Age: 21

Height: 163cm

Weight: 48kg

Looks: 7.8 points

Affinity towards the host: -10 points

Bound as backup number two. When the affinity of this woman towards the host exceeds 95 points, the comeback will be successful, and the roles will reverse. The other person will become the host's backup.

Comeback completed, reward: 10% of backup spending funds.

Enhancement points reward: 20 points (Enhancement points can enhance the host's physical attributes, including physique, mental state, talent, strength, perception, etc.).

Arthur never expected to see Una again, and yet she had reestablished the backup relationship.

Is it that deep down in my heart, I still hope to make a comeback with Una?

Damn it! I'm such a despicable bonehead!

But making a comeback with Una earns a whopping 20 enhancement points, four times more than Xanthe.

This clearly indicates Una's exceptional position in Arthur's heart.