
Reverie: Us

The mysteries of the abandoned forest, Nellie Livesy was blamed for her older sister and her friends sudden disappearance after a one night camp in an abandoned forest, half of the people in their small town suspected her a murderer as she was the only one who wasn't missing after that one night camp. A year later, the friend who went missing suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was chasing Nel, blaming her and continuously bullying her for revenge causing more problems for Nel.

11 Chs

Chapter 11: Stalk

"What exactly, do you want from me?", I asked and pleaded desperately.

"To be free'd", he said though, I didn't understand exactly what he meant from that, he bought out a cigar and started to smoke.

"Free you from what?".

He never answered my question, he stayed silent, he only smiled again. Everywhere in Theon's side, I was seeing many blue glowing butterflies that was surrounding him. This was a sign that it was another dream again, I fell asleep and woke up again at my bedroom, the dreams were appearing everyday without any warnings. It keeps on messing with my head, how exactly can I live like this?.

With a stressed mind, I heard my phone ringing loudly with notifications that was unsual since I was never active in using it, I looked at it only to see being tagged at the video that Aubri spread on the internet, everyone was sending threatening messages in my account that I barely used, this really have to stop. I used technology to look for things, I stalked Theon's social media account, their was nothing out of the ordinary, Theon has parents, he came from abroad but her mothers old instagram account shows that Theon was born here in our town, they lived here when he was a child. This proves it, Theon isn't an unknown entity, he also has an identity, maybe he's just some assh*le or pyscho who wants to ruin me.

That night, I thought about it deeply, if I really should go against him or to his plans but I was really determined to end this sufferings. I went to his house and visited his kind and generous mother, I knocked at their door, thankfully, she happily greeted me and invited me to her cozy home even if she saw the video of me harming Theon. She wasn't one sided, she always listens to the truth and explanations before judging a person who committed a mistake, this was an advantage to me. Before Theon would come home early, I was brainwashing her mother into believing that everything that happened in the video was Theon's idea, I convinced her that Theon was suicidal and that he was convincing me to also jump with him, he was forcing me to jump so I defended myself by kicking him off the beam he was sitting on.

Of course, the mother will always believe her child, so I used my tears to deceive her more, I cried in front of her and kept on saying warm felt words. I kept on apologizing and kneeling to her saying I blamed myself for the way Theon acted, I kept on saying that he was close and kind hearted friend of mine, I made myself a victim. Thankfully, she easily believed me and she keep on comforting me. Theon finally arrived and saw us, he asked what was happening but his mother bought him to the table too so we can have a fully understanding and apologize to each other.

The tree of us were sitting in one table, facing each other as I smiled at Theon. His mother suggested to fix our fight, Theon realized his situation and was admiring what I had planned for him, he sincerely apologized to me and promised not to do it anymore, his mother was happy to hear it. I asked permission to leave early since it was already very late in the middle of the night, Theon suggested that he wanted to escort me home.

"I'll take her home mom since, she's my close friend, I wouldn't want to lose her". He said, as he touched my shoulders like we were really close.

On the way home walking, my phone received a notification. I bought it out to see it and I saw Theon's mother tagging me in a post, she fixed the problem that Theon made, she explained to everyone that what happened was just a prank and a playful thing. She didn't add the part that I mentioned that Theon was suicidal, until the end, she was protecting him. On the other had, I kept on laughing and mocking Theon for solving the problem, he didn't care about it, he just smiled like he was happy with what I did, he wasn't even mad with every lies I fed to her mother, at that time I was with him, I didn't feel threatened. Arriving at my house as I was busy playing my phone the whole time I was with him, before going in the house, Theon pulled my hand and whispered something in my ears.

"Everything that had happened in the bridge was all of Aubri's idea not mine", he left me shocked and angered in front of my house, the last laugh was his. All this time, I thought Aubri was just an accomplice and just keep on following Theon's orders, never thought that she was the mastermind.