
Reverend Sovereign

“Remember my name. In me, shadows of obscurity give way to the light of enlightenment. I am the whisper that will grow into a roar, the flicker that will blaze into a conflagration. From an unassuming nobody, I shall rise.” In a world where magic is the essence of life and one's social standing is determined by their mastery of mana, a young man named Klaus awakens with no memory of his past. Dungeons and dimensional gates dot the landscape, spawning fearsome creatures that pose a constant threat to the magical realm. Society thrives on the power of mana, yet Klaus finds himself an anomaly in this world, unable to harness the mystical energies that others control so effortlessly. Fate, however, has greater plans in store for Klaus as he embarks on a journey to uncover the truth of his origin. Witness Klaus's meteoric rise as he emerges from the shadows of obscurity and ascends to the pinnacle of power. From an unassumed nobody to the Reverend Sovereign.

AshenShade · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Garden of Serenity: Unveiling Technique

The transition in Keira's expression was swift, her face blooming into a visual symphony of surprise and curiosity upon hearing Klaus's unexpected request.

Her brows knitted together as she responded, her tone tinged with curiosity, "Is there a particular reason why you're interested in learning how to fight?"

"And even if there is, I believe my aunt would be far more adept at teaching you than I could ever be," Keira added, her face reflecting a perplexed expression.

Shaking his head gently in response to Keira's words, Klaus proceeded to recount the events that had unfolded in the room earlier, leaving no detail unmentioned. As he concluded his narrative, Keira's mouth hung slightly ajar, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and thoughtfulness .

She took a deep breath, her gaze seemingly lost in a world of its own. After a long, contemplative silence, she nodded, a decision made. "Alright, I will train you."

A profound sense of relief washed over Klaus's features upon hearing Keira's acceptance. His mouth opened slightly, poised to express his gratitude, but before he could utter a single word, Keira interrupted him.

"But I have one condition," she declared, raising an eyebrow as Klaus's curiosity piqued. Without leaving him in suspense for long, Keira swiftly continued, her words laced with intensity. "I want you to beat the living hell out of her."

A flicker of rage etched itself onto her features as she thought of Valeria. Keira's hand clenched into a tight fist, leaving no doubt that her relationship with Valeria was far from amicable.

"I will," Klaus assured her, his voice tinged with a quiet resolve.

Keira nodded repeatedly in response, a smile gracing her lips as she began walking toward the door. However, her steps came to an abrupt halt, and she turned to face Klaus with a piercing gaze. "What are you waiting for?" she demanded, her eyes fixed unwaveringly upon him.

Observing the bewilderment etched onto Klaus's face, Keira shook her head, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Didn't you ask me to teach you how to fight? Come on, let's go," she urged, her voice infused with a playful tone.

Without a moment's hesitation, Klaus hastened his steps to keep pace with Keira, their shared destination beckoning them forward.

After a few minutes of traversing through the house, their journey led them to a resplendent garden. Stepping foot into this verdant sanctuary, Klaus's gaze was immediately captivated by the ethereal shimmer of a protective shield enveloping the garden.

His eyes lingered on the shield for a fleeting moment before wandering to the other facets of the garden. Inhaling deeply, he felt a gentle breeze caress his skin, infusing him with a profound sense of tranquility. For the briefest of moments, he found solace, liberated from the burdens and worries that had plagued him.

Noticing the serene expression adorning Klaus's face, Keira's smile deepened, her voice barely above a whisper. "The garden possesses the ability to transport one into a state of serenity and peace. It is one of its remarkable gifts," she divulged, her words carrying a subtle sense of reverence.

Keira's smile widened, radiating a sense of anticipation. "This is merely a glimpse of what the garden is truly capable of. You will witness more, don't worry," she assured Klaus, her voice filled with excitement.

As they made their way toward the garden's center, Klaus couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. He turned to Keira and inquired, "What kind of training should I expect?"

In an instant, the atmosphere shifted. Keira's countenance underwent a startling transformation.

The once gentle and tender demeanor dissolved, replaced by an icy coldness that seemed to emanate from her very core. Her gaze, fixed upon Klaus, held a penetrating intensity, and it felt as though she had become an entirely different person. Every ounce of emotion seemed to have been drained from her being.

Klaus swallowed hard, a flicker of unease creeping into his thoughts at the sight of this sudden change in Keira.

"Hahaha! Gotcha!" Keira's voice pierced through the tense air, accompanied by a light, playfully mischievous smile. "I was just pulling your leg," she admitted, her words laced with amusement. "Since you have yet to harness mana, your training will focus on physical conditioning and combat techniques."

Keira noticed a flicker of disappointment on Klaus's face as her words sank in. Determined to boost his spirits, she gently placed a hand on his arm. "Don't lose hope, Klaus. Not being able to harness mana isn't the end of the world," she reassured him.

"You possess a remarkable ability to disarm even those who wield mana effortlessly. And on top of that, the body training techniques I will be teaching you are truly unique."

Curiosity sparked within Klaus, his interest now fully piqued by Keira's mention of the distinctive nature of the body training techniques he was about to embark upon. He couldn't help but inquire, "How is that so?"

Keira nodded slowly, her smile widening as she sensed Klaus's growing interest. "The body training technique I will impart to you is a legacy passed down from my grandfather, the first King of Arvandor Kingdom." she divulged, her voice carrying a hint of reverence.

Instead of elation, Klaus's lips curled inward, his expression etched with genuine concern. "But isn't that going to be considered a crime or something?" he said.

Keira dismissed Klaus's concerns with a casual wave of her hand, her tone assuring him, "Consider it a secret that remains hidden. The chance of Margaret allowing you to meet my father is practically zero, so there's truly nothing to worry about."

"Okay, then," Klaus replied, his apprehension easing in the face of Keira's confidence.

A gentle smile graced Keira's lips as she moved to stand behind Klaus. Her voice, calm and soothing, filled the air. "The techniques I will teach you encompass both body training and meditation," she explained, her fingers lightly touching the side of Klaus's head as she spoke.

"These techniques are divided into three stages, and I will impart the first stage to you now. It should equip you well enough to deal with that arrogant brat," she muttered.

Klaus braced himself, mentally. As the soft murmurings from Keira reached his ears, he began to close his eyes, surrendering to the rush of information flooding his mind. With a gentle touch, Keira placed two fingers against the side of his head, anchoring him to the present moment.

Time seemed to suspend as Klaus delved deeper into the realm of knowledge, his consciousness expanding with each passing minute. Minutes stretched into eternities, and the world around him faded into obscurity. Keira's murmurs guided him, infusing his consciousness with the essence of the technique.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Keira withdrew, her movements deliberate and measured. She inhaled deeply, beads of sweat glistening upon her forehead, evidence of the energy she had poured into this profound exchange. Approaching Klaus, she watched with anticipation as his eyes sprang open, his voice escaping in a hushed utterance.

"Titan Sutra."