
Reverend Insanity: The One and Only Great Love

RI fanfiction. …. Fang Yuan’s legacy as the Great Love Venerable faces unseen threats. As mysterious powers challenge his place in history. Who is Fang Yuan? Will he forget his goal and surrender? What will happen to the one and only Great Love venerable. … Advanced chapters at: patreon.com/false_truth

false_truth · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

To Kill or Not to Kill


Tian Ti Mountain

At this time, a brilliant white-gold light flashed, and from within the radiance, a red door, 30 meters tall, emerged. A rainbow-colored plaque adorned it, and pink clouds gathered overhead as rainbow light bathed Fang Zheng's body. In an instant, he vanished from his spot.

Sending blue charm lightning shadow out of the blessed land was hard on little Hu .But to transfer one Fang Zheng, it was very easy.

"He's in!" He Feng Yang's heart finally relaxed.

Just as a bolt of lightning descended from the sky, intending to enter the blessed land, the red door shifted away in time.

The blue charm lightning shadow's intention of entering the blessed land was obvious.



Fang Zheng's surroundings blurred, and when his vision cleared, the landscape had entirely changed.

He now stood on a vast grassland, surrounded by endless greenery. Above, thick, dark clouds churned in the sky. Nearby, several lakes shimmered, their surfaces rippling gently.

"I've arrived... Hu Immortal Blessed Land," Fang Zheng murmured, quickly realizing his Gu worms were sealed, just as they had been during the competition.

Before him, a smoky shadow condensed into a mirror-sized shape. Fang Yuan's figure materialized within the reflection, casually sitting back in his chair. His right leg crossed over his left, one hand resting on his knee, and the other gently supporting his chin. His black hair hung loosely over his face, partly covering his cold, calculating eyes. His posture was relaxed, yet an undeniable sense of danger radiated from him.

"My dear little brother, what a surprise to see you here in Central Continent," Fang Yuan spoke in a calm, almost lazy tone.

The voice was familiar, yet Fang Zheng felt a chill run down his spine.

Overcome with fury, Fang Zheng's body trembled. "Fang Yuan, you're nothing but a monstrous demon! You murdered our entire clan! I will kill you with my own hands!" he roared, rushing toward the image in blind rage.

But before he could advance a single step, he was bound in place, unable to move.

"Coward!" Fang Zheng spat. "You don't even have the guts to face me properly? Hiding behind your tricks like the lowly creature you are! You slaughtered our entire clan just to save yourself! Are you even human anymore?!"

"Hehehe…" Fang Yuan chuckled darkly, leaning back further into his chair. "Oh, my dear brother, they were going to die regardless of what I did. Actually, You should be grateful—if I hadn't fought back, do you think you would've made it to Central Continent? In a twisted way, I saved your life. You owe me thanks."

Fang Zheng's chest was moving up and down, his breathing was heavy as he stared at Fang Yuan's image with hatred.

"Well, it's not you I'm interested in talking to," Fang Yuan sighed. "Little Hu, unseal the Spirit Incubating Flea Gu inside my brother."

The Spirit Incubating Flea was a soul path Gu, used as a life extension method. It allowed a Gu Master to store their soul within the Gu after death.

For Fang Zheng, this Gu housed the spirit of Lord Sky Crane, his master who had supported him all these years.

As the Gu unsealed, Lord Sky Crane materialized, looking startled. "How… how did you know?"

Fang Yuan smiled coldly but didn't respond. "Does it really matter now?"

Sky Crane composed himself, attempting to regain control of the situation. "You could become an elder in the sect—"

"Stop." Fang Yuan cut him off, his voice sharp. "I've already seen the letter from Immortal Crane Sect. Don't waste your breath on these empty promises of making me an elder. However, I am willing to negotiate some deals with you."

Sky Crane frowned but nodded. "We can negotiate. We want—"

"But there's a problem," Fang Yuan interrupted again. "I don't trust your sect's sincerity. Sending Fang Zheng, knowing the hatred he harbors for me, what are your true intentions?"

Sky Crane looked speechless , he didn't even complete a sentence. But still replied "Then what is it that you want?"

"I want my dear brother to stay here," Fang Yuan's voice was calm, but his eyes gleamed with malice. "And I want your sect to expel him. Get rid of him so he doesn't cause any further issues."

Fang Zheng's face paled as fear gripped him, memories of the past flashing before his eyes.

Sky Crane's face twisted in anger. "That's impossible! Fang Zheng is a disciple of Immortal Crane Sect. We don't abandon our own!"

Fang Yuan was looking playful " no need to say such a righteous words, speaking of which aren't you planning to take over the body of Fang Zheng after destroying his soul."

Fang Yuan's smile was playful yet sinister, the corners of his lips curling up in a way that sent a chill down Sky Crane's spine. "No need for such righteous words," Fang Yuan's voice was calm, but it carried an unmistakable edge. "After all, aren't you planning to take over his body after swallowing his soul?"

Fang Zheng flinched, his mind racing with disbelief. "I can't believe this demon's words! Master would never do such a thing!"

Sky Crane faltered, a hint of panic flashing in his eyes before he regained his composure. "If I had wanted to do that, I would have taken over his body long ago."

Fang Yuan nodded slightly. "True, you didn't. But that's only because his body was your second choice. You've always wanted mine—after all, with my Rank A aperture and the heritage of some Rank 5 Gu Masters, not to mention the Blood Sea Ancestor's inheritance, who wouldn't want it?"

Sky Crane's calm shattered, his face paling as his mouth hung open in shock. "How… how could you know all of this?!"

Fang Yuan's gaze turned colder as he watched Sky Crane's disbelief. "I know more than you can imagine"

Sky Crane's spirit flickered, betraying a hint of fear. He couldn't comprehend Fang Yuan—how could this demon know everything? From the start, it seemed Sky Crane was merely a puppet dancing in Fang Yuan's hands.

Fang Zheng, equally shocked, struggled to accept what he was hearing. He turned to his master, his eyes pleading for an explanation, desperately clinging to the hope that Fang Yuan's accusations were lies.

"I'll make this simple for you," Fang Yuan's voice cut through the silence, calm but carrying an unmistakable edge of threat. "Fang Zheng stays and I can strike a deal, or I'll seal the blessed land permanently. At worst, I'll use my Fixed Immortal Travel Gu to disappear to a safe place, all while making sure Immortal Crane Sect's dirty schemes spread far and wide."

At this moment, Sky Crane's heart was filled by fear of Fang Yuan and he recalled He Feng Yang's cold instructions: "I understand the enmity between Fang Yuan and Fang Zheng. If necessary, we can sacrifice Fang Zheng. You will negotiate on his behalf!"

Guilt washed over Sky Crane. He truly cared for this disciple, and the thought of taking over Fang Zheng's body had been fading in his mind. Yet now, trapped by Fang Yuan's words and bound by He Feng Yang's orders, he felt cornered. His hands were tied, and there was no way to save Fang Zheng from this situation.

Avoiding his disciple's gaze, Sky Crane spoke softly, his voice heavy with resignation. "We can make a deal."

Fang Yuan's lips curled into a chilling smile. "Good choice. That's exactly what I was hoping for." His tone was light, almost mocking. "The details are in the letter. Return and let He Feng Yang see for himself."

He turned his gaze slightly. "Little Hu, send this letter Gu and the Spirit Incubating Flea Gu to He Feng Yang, the Rank 6 Immortal Gu Master waiting outside."

Little Hu, took action and the next moment a faint glow enveloped her small, fox-like body as she guided the letter Gu and Spirit Incubating Flea Gu through the air. In mere moments, the Gu worms passed through the blessed land's boundary, vanishing into the void beyond.

Fang Yuan leaned back into his chair, watching with a sharp, calculating gaze. "It's done."

"Now, let's deal with my dear brother"




Stay tuned for the next chapters, where the stakes get higher, and the game Fang Yuan plays unfolds in ways no one could predict…