
Reverend Insanity Fanfic - Drafts

These are drafts and ideas accumulated from my attempts to write a script for a good Reverend Insanity Fanfic. There are several ideas and concepts centered on a specific theme, I want to leave them here as a way of showing my writing progress. If you happen to have some inspiration and want to continue any of these ideas, feel free to try. I'd love to see one of my ideas inspire someone. That's it, thanks for your attention and have a good read. Good luck on the battlefields and may God light your path.

PilgrimofWisdom · 書籍·文学
39 Chs

How Absurd

Chapter 1 - A Perfect Gift

The spring sun rose high in the sky and chased away the mist that hung over Qing Mountain.is in the morning.

A hundred young people between 15 and 16 years old gathered in a huge square in front of a pavilion. The pavilion had 5 floors in total, and the tiles had their tips angled upwards; The entire area was protected by a group of guards who seemed well trained and disciplined.

The huge pavilion was in the center of the village where the clanGu Yue resided, was a symbol of the clan's power and authority, is a place where each generation of the clan lives, and is also the place where the tablets of the clan's ancestors and leaders are kept.

It is also the place where the entrance to the clan's underground cave is located, in this cave is where the greatest asset that the clan resides.clã protects with tooth and nail - The spiritual source is also the place where the awakening ceremony is held each year.

A spiritual source can create primeval stones with its pure energy, and primeval stones are one of the main cultivation resources that a Gu Master needs, which is why it is considered one of the main assets of any mortal clan, as no clan can prosper without a spiritual source.

"Good, it's good that you guys arrived on time" The elder responsible for this year's awakening was the academy elderGu Yue Curved Ya, he has a noble and experienced face like a true elder, and he sported a long white beard that he constantly held with his hand, his robes were of refinement that only someone of his status could acquire.

"Today you will all go through the awakening ceremony, and I imagine your parents have already explained how the ceremony works, so I won't go on too long." Cong Ya waved his hand as if indicating for all the young people to follow him and left the pavilion towards the stairs that led downstairs.

After spending a while descending the stone stairs, they entered a huge underground space, with thick stalactites on the ceiling and some stone pillars that were clearly man-made that supported the massive cavern from the ground.

The most impressive thing about the cave was that it was not dark as expected from a closed cave like this, on the contrary, the cave was extremely well lit. and this was mainly due to the stalactites on the ceiling that seemed to be made of a special type of crystal that produced its own light in neon tones.


"Incredible, mom said I would be impressed by this place"

"Oh my, my, my, my!!!"

The young people were left murmuring, mouths open at the unique view they were having inside this cave. Among these young people, one stands out more than the others, as aheron in the middle of a flock of chickens.

He displayed a calm and composed smile with his hands behind his back, like a true arrogant young master, and his appearance only corroborates his arrogant attitude.

He could only be described as stunning by carnal standards. Her long black hair was tied into a bun that left only a small part of her bangs covering her forehead that highlighted the small red mark that resided between her two eyebrows.

But the most surprising thing was her dark brown eyes, they were stunning and attracted the attention of anyone who looked. His eyes gave the appearance that they could see everything, the cleverness that emanated from his gaze would leave any experienced warrior on guard.

He wore long black clothes of fine, exquisite fabric with red embroidered details, and a white robe that perfectly complemented the attire of a wealthy young master.

This dazzling young man was Gu Yue Yao Chen, son of the elder in charge of the Yao Medicine Hall.Ling. And at the same time young Yao Mei's older brother.

'I waited 15 years and today the time has finally come to awaken my openness.'Yao Chen He had a secret that he never shared with anyone in this world, he is reincarnated from another world.

15 years ago he was reincarnated as the eldest son of the medicine hall's rightful heir, Gu Yue Yao Ling, who is also the daughter of the esteemed elder Yao Ji who was the former leader of the medicine hall, but decided to retire and pass on the title for his only daughter.

At first he found everything confusing and strange, having to live another life with new relatives and teachings was more challenging than it seemed, especially the drastic clash of cultures. But over time he got used to his situation and integrated into the world.

Over time, he ended up discovering that he was reincarnated in the book 'Reverend Insanity', a book that he had read so many times that he could recite all of Ren Zu's poems and legends by heart.

And after some more research, he discovered that he was born 25 years before the beginning of the plot. He managed to discover this over time and by discovering more about the clan's relationships. Five years ago, he finally knew what time it was, it was when the Fang family's twins were born.

He was 10 years older than the original Fang Yuan, which gave him enormous leeway in his plans.

Knowing that this world was cruel and full of hardships, he prepared as much as possible and studied like crazy, even being recognized as a future genius of the clan thanks to his incredible achievements.

He was living the life of a king, being constantly fawned over for his incredible talent and being extremely well looked after by his beloved parents. but this world always has a way of playing with your life, on one fateful day your father was killed by an ambush by the Bai clan.

That was the day he was slapped in the face by his own life, with that he felt firsthand what the author meant when he said that people's lives areral and fragile.

The father he became attached to and learned to love, the father who was always there for him, the father he couldn't have in his past life was simply killed like nothing more than a plant that is forcibly pulled out of the ground.

He was forced to be the man of the house from a very early age, thanks to this, he luckily had a more mature mind than he let on and acted as the emotional support for his mother and sister. It was a very difficult time, but they managed to move on.

From that day on he put 200% dedication into every action he took, the moment he decided to do something, he would do that thing with the greatest perfection and mastery possible.

He stopped trying not to mess with the plot of the work and gave the middle finger to destiny and his already pre-written story. He began actively hunting for the flower wine monk's treasures and also set out to make changes in this world to improve his own life.

For Yao Chen, the day of the ceremony was not only the day he would awaken to his openness, it was also the day his journey to become invincible would begin.

Clenching his fists tightly, Yao Chen closed his eyes and remembered the 500 year old demon who should be the real protagonist and thought in his heart. 'You may have more experience and be more cunning than I currently am, but I refuse to be a secondary character in the history of this world.'

'If the heavens are against me, then I will be against the heavens. And I will definitely achieve greatness in this world; Isn't that what you always preached in your story, Fang Yuan? Never give up on your purpose, even if it leads to your death! for I will do the same.' Yao Chen opened his eyes with a renewed flame of pure motivation igniting in his spirit.

(A/N: Ugh... I cringed while writing this paragraph. How embarrassing, but it's necessary: ​​I'm sorry to everyone who dies while reading this)

After a short walk, the colorful lights of the stalactites disappeared and were replaced by a faint blue glow that illuminated the young people's path: a huge river soon greeted them head on, the river flows from the bottom of the cave to the edge of where the young people they were.

The faint blue glow that illuminated the cave came from countless flowers planted at the bottom of the river, the flowers emit a faint blue light that made it magical - These are the Lunar Orchids, a type of plant created artificially by the Gu Yue clan over the years .

It was also one of the clan's special characteristics, along with the moonlight Gu worms that theclã produced.

"What cute flowers"

"Yes, they look like candles in the dark."

The young men marveled at the new sight, and each of them had a light of curiosity shining in the depths of their eyes.

"Very well, everyone pay attention. When you hear your names being called, I want you to cross the river from one bank to the other." The elder drew the young people's attention to him and explained.

"""Understood!!!""" All the young people responded together with a lot of excitement in their voices, it seemed like they wanted to start the ceremony as soon as possible.

The old man showed a discreet smile when he felt the enthusiasm of the young people and remembered that he had the same expression when he was young.

"Gu Yue Cai" The awakening ceremony officially began.

In the darkest part of the cave a group of elders gathered as they watched the ceremony being performed.

"Sigh. The clan's bloodline is actually getting weaker with each passing generation, almost 20% of the youths have already passed the ceremony and not even half of them have a C-Grade talent." One of the elders who spoke gloomily.

"It really is a shame the current state of the clan's talents" Another commented with his head down.

"You are right, but not all hope is lost. We still have the refining genius Yao Chen, he can still be a great talent." The elder tried to cheer others up with his words.

The other elders brightened their expression and agreed with the statement.

"Yes, and Elder Yao Ling's eldest son is a true genius chosen by the heavens. He was already reading, speaking and asking questions at 5 months. And created his own gu recipe at the age of 5, and managed to refine a WormGu aos 10 years, without even having an opening."

"That's right, the Stealth Scales Gu was an excellent Gu worm that helped the clan immensely in the last wolf tides."

"A talent for refinement like Yao Chen is not seen anywhere, even if he doesn't have a Grade A talent. His talent in the path of refinement can make up for it."

The elders nodded in agreement. They were willing to protect Yao Chen's talent even if he was a mere C Grade. Since it's not often that a young man without primeval essence can successfully refine a Gu.

"Speak of the devil. Look, now it's his turn." An elder who was paying more attention to the ceremony pointed at Yao Chen while drawing the attention of the elders around him.

"ToYue Yao Chen!" The old man read the name in his notebook and called.

"Here elder." Yao Chen stepped forward and cordially introduced himself to the elder.

"Hmm. Go, walk as far as you can to the other bank." The old man nodded and pointed the pen he held between his fingers at the river in front of him.

'And thereHere we go!'Yao Chen he nodded and took the first step towards the river. As soon as he touched his feet in the river water, he felt pressure over his body pushing him down.

He had already been informed of this before so he wasn't scared. he raised his other foot and began to take his steps towards the opposite bank.

Quickly, several lights began to come out from within the orchids thatrested underneath the river. These lights surrounded Yao Chen's body and relieved his pressure.

These lights were the Hope Gu, a Gu worm essential for awakening the openness of young people. There was even its own folklore in this world about this Gu, it was written in the book 'The Legends of Ren Zu'.

According to the story given in the book, the Hope Gu was one of the essential Gu that helped humanity's ancestor survive against thepredicament.

Ren Zu ended up giving his youth and middle age to Strength and Wisdom Gu, but in the end these abandoned him when he was cornered by thePredicament. how much he had already given up and surrendered to the inevitable.

A faint ball of light appeared to him and offered a deal. 'Offer your heart to hope and I will help you against thePredicament.' when the ancestor of humanity accepted the deal, he managed to fend off allPredicament and was able to move on.

Since then, Hope Gu has served as a symbol of overcoming for humanity, proof that no matter how difficult your problems are, as long as you have hope, you will be able to overcome them.

Yao Chen continued to take his steps, with each step he took Hope Gu entered his body, soon it seemed like a flood of fireflies attacked him and were chasing him.

The pressure increased with each step Yao Chen took, and over time the Hope Gu began to converge in one direction, they gathered just below his navel in what many would describe as the Dantian.

The pressure decreased with the Hope Gu and increased with his steps, it seemed like he was fighting a tug of war to see who could last the most, but the Hope Gu's resistance soon weakened and he felt the pressure begin to increase.

'33, 34. come on, I'm doing good. 35.36' Yao Chen counted the steps in his mind, he was already happy that he had at least a decent talent, but he wanted to go even further.


With every step he took it felt like another stone was added to his back, he felt like his body would collapse at any moment from the intense pressure that the spiritual source emanated.

"38!" With his last remaining strength, Yao Chen took the last step. he looked like he had just run a 50km marathon without stopping. his body seemed ready to crack at any moment.

But as if to congratulate him on his efforts. a sudden 'Boom!'he was heard inside his body, as the light gathered and formed a thin membrane that protected a green liquid from leaving the ball that now resided inside his body.

Looking into his aperture with his consciousness, he saw that his primeval sea was covering 75% of his entire aperture; he had successfully awakened his aperture.


[Energy Detected!]

[Activating Multi-System]

[Drawing two random functions for the system…]


[Functions drawn:

Function: Infinite Inventory

Function: Life Simulator]

[Implementing functions…]


[Functions implemented!]

'What?!' Was all Yao Chen could think when he heard the sound and saw the floating message box in front of him.

"You can continue?" The elder asked worriedly when he saw Yao Chen standing without doing anything in the middle of the river.

Yao Chen threw the doubts to the back of his head and decided to think about it later, he then turned around and returned to where he originally came from.

"Our! 38 steps, is the biggest talent this year."

"Sure enough, Young Master Yao Chen is amazing!"

"Amazing, his talent is greater than Mo Zi and Chi Hua."

'Yao Chen eh… The greatest talent in refinement I have ever seen in my life. What a shame, if he had accepted the marriage agreement, we would have been one of the most powerful factions in Qing Mountainis, I'm sure I'll be one of Southern Border's greatest refinement path Gu Masters one day.' Chi Hua sighed.

Chi Hua was the youngest daughter of the faction elderSpend, she has always demonstrated great intelligence and wisdom from a young age. She was promised to be one of this year's top talents along with Yao Chen.

She always showed interest in the clan's political affairs and showed great insight into the most diverse administrative matters. Her wisdom was such that the faction leader himself granted her a small inn for her to manage.

She is also one of the greatest beauties in the clan today, with beautiful pink skin like a ripe peach, full red lips that attract any man's desire, blue eyes like sapphire crystals that perfectly match her long red hair like color of fire.

Not to mention their incredible body proportions that attract the deepest lust of any young woman with their hormones raging.

'I remember he was fond of materials and wormsGood luck, even going so far as to try to sneak into the clan's treasure room just by an ordinary Gu worm, just because he had never seen it. Maybe I can use his curiosity to my advantage.' Chi Hua rubbed his chin as he came up with plans in his head.

Everyone was looking at Yao Chen as thebajulavam constantly. In the darkest part of the cave where the elders were, they were also having a heated conversation.

"Congratulations to Elder Yao Ling on her son's talent." An Elder clasped his fists and congratulated the beautiful woman who was watching the ceremony as well.

Yao Ling is a 30-year-old woman who is absolutely fit. With long obsidian-colored hair, light brown eyes, and an incredible bosom that seemed to have its own center of gravity.

"He certainly has the attitude of a truehero."

The surrounding elders congratulated Yao Ling without stopping. Even the elders who had some disagreements with her were soft-spoken. The clan's medicine department is highly appreciated and recognized by everyone, no one wanted to get on the bad side of the leader of such a faction.

And the fact that the successor of this faction is a talent of Yao Chen's caliber leaves all competitors at risk. They don't want to be on the hook that will lead to their death, so they will definitely try to gain some points with Yao Chen's faction.

"Ara. I thank everyone for their greetings." Yao Ling supported his face with his hand and thanked him sweetly while smiling, which caused some less discreet elders to swallow saliva.

Returning to the ceremony below, elder Cong Ya called out to Yao Chen and measured his primeval sea before announcing. "Gu Yue Yao Chen, Grade B talent"

He spoke of Yao Chen's talent, but did not say the percentage of his primeval sea. he just wrote it down in his notebook and called for the next young man.

Yao Chen accepted his classmates' flattery and chatter easily and waited for the ceremony to end.

After managing to get out of the wave of children praising him, he stood in a discreet corner waiting to see the end of the ceremony.

'System. What are its functions?' Yao Chen took the moment to learn more about his newly acquired system, he already had an idea of ​​how it works from its name, but he wanted to be sure.

Outside of his expectations, the system did not respond as he expected, but a wave of information suddenly flooded his mind, teaching him everything he needed to know about the system's functions.

'Ugh! Why did it have to send all the information into my head at once?!' Yao Chen grunted as he held his head in pain.

'But the functions of this system are almost the same as I thought. The name also made things much clearer.

'O The system has only two functions, the first is an inventory where everything that is placed in it is infinite, for example; If he put a primeval stone inside the inventory, then he would have an unlimited supply of primeval stones. The Second function is quite interesting and operational too, once every 7 days the system allows me to simulate my future life.' Yao Chen rubbed his chin thinking that this system might be much more OP than he previously thought.

'This Cheat is ideal for a refinement path enthusiast like me, a system that allows me to gather absurd amounts of materials and with the possibility of testing everything with a simulation.' Yao Chen mentally smiled as he thought about the infinite possibilities of this system.

At this moment the young people around him began to react, the crowd was buzzing with conversations.

"What? Has anyone walked more than 40 steps?"

"Another B-Grade Genius?"

"Unbelievable, it's a Grade A talent!"

A commotion broke out from the crowd of young people.

Yao Chen looked at the lake and saw Chi Hua returning to the shore with a proud smile on her face, where she gently greeted the audience around her. "Then you really have a Grade A talent." Yao Chen thought in his mind calmly.

He was not unfamiliar with Chi Hua, as they had gotten into some trouble when they were young. Most of the time they fought like cats and dogs, but in some moments they alreadythey were as close as if they were brothers or even a couple.

Their relationship was strange, but not insoluble. Chi Hua looked more at profits and planned for a great future, and Yao Chen was someone who lived in the present and didn't get too attached to the material, so he didn't plan too much when it wasn't necessary.

That's why they fought a lot, but at the same time they respected each other as geniuses on the same level. Especially Chi Hua who was more direct and shameless, she even proposed a marriage union between them.

She said that a marriage commitment would benefit both of them, Yao Chen with his talent for refinement, and Chi Hua with her talent for business and planning. Yao Chen declined the offer, as he wanted to focus solely on the path of refinement.

And also because he was going through a difficult time at the time, as it was the time when his father died and he decided to be more active with his actions. But he also didn't deny the romantic spark that existed between them.

Soon after, it was the turn of other young people, but Yao Chen had no interest in that. After everyone went through the ceremony, Elder Cong Ya dismissed everyone with notice of classes starting the next day.

Chapter 2 - Using your Gift well

After the ceremony Yao Chen went directly home. Upon arriving at a luxurious mansion in the center of the village, he entered without hesitation.

""Good morning, Young Master!"" The two guards guarding the front gate of the mansion greeted him politely and opened the door for him to enter.

"Hm…" Yao Chen simply nodded and entered his clan compound.

The Yao clan compound was huge and had several separate compartments and areas, the main courtyard was decorated with a huge cherry blossom tree in the center, and three circular gates, each leading to a different place.

The one on the left led to the clan's medicinal hall, where all the Gu and materials needed for the department to function properly were kept.

The middle one was the central area of ​​the clan, where the current leader's residence was and where the clan's most precious treasure room was located.

The one on the right was the clan's residential area, where clan members stayed, and alsoand the area wherehe is the training yard.

Yao Chen took firm steps and headed towards the central entrance, towards his home, he lived in the leader's area, together with his mother and sister.

Entering the house, Yao Chen first passed through the reception room and then headed towards his bedroom.

"How was your ceremony brother?" Before he could enter his room, he was greeted by a very cute girl with her hair tied into a single big braid. She had a face very similar to Yao Chen, but with fewer complexions.

She wore a light pink dress that adorned her young and immature body. She was small and cute like a bunny. Her face showed an energetic and trouble-making young woman, with one of her fangs sticking out of her mouth in defiance.

"Well, your brother is officially one of the clan's top talents right now." Yao Chen smiled upon seeing his little sister and patted her head as he calmly responded.

"Wow. I knew big brother would do well." Yao Mei didn't move Yao Chen's hand away from her head, on the contrary, she moved closer.

"So how was the ceremony? tell me!" Yao Mei asked energetically, she was very eager to know more about the ceremony since hers was next year.

"Hmm. come, I'll tell you how it happened." Yao Chen nodded and invited his little sister to the room so they could talk better.

Upon opening the bedroom door, Yao Chen saw a huge mess. There were some gu materials spread out on a table in the corner of the room, countless papers with various formulas and theories scattered around, and a very cute little animal lying on the bed gnawing on a primitive stone.

"Lady D. What is this mess?" Yao Chen saw the mess and directed his gaze towards the little animal that was focused on devouring the primeval stone in its hands or paws.

Lady D. is the abbreviation of the full name that Yao Chen gave to his pet thathe adopted a few years ago, her full name is: Delilah, but Yao Chen affectionately calls her Lady D.

Delilah is a 'Three-Tailed Cat' cub, it is a rare beast that can grow to the level of a beast emperor if it lives well.

Yao Chen was lucky to find this cub and raised it from a young age, and studied it. Three-tailed cats are rare beasts of the space path that can make dimensional leaps at will. Because of this, they have almost no predators, as they can flee anything that threatens them at will.

Each tail represents a certain level of power for these felines, one tail means they can teleport freely, two tails mean they can use their claws to attack regardless of distance. and the third tail means they can become intangible for a short period of time.

It is one of the rarest and most special beasts of the space path, it is said that it was created by the Thief of the Heavens himself to enter anywhere they want without being noticed.

They are quite passive and almost never attack anything, but if they feel cornered or threatened they will fight back with everything they have and then flee without a trace.

They tend to be quite vindictive against those who have angered them, they lie in wait and wait for the right moment to steal a precious item from the target or hinder them at an important moment.

Their main food is primeval rocks, so they are most commonly found in places with large amounts of marks.Dao do space path with a nearby spiritual source.

"Meow!" As if to respond, Lady D. finished devouring the primordial stone and teleported to Yao Chen's shoulder then meowed like a domestic kitten.

"Don't 'Meow' me. I want to know why you made such a mess?" Yao Chen jHe had been fooled by Lady D's cute and innocent face many times, so he wouldn't be fooled again.

"Moeow!" As if realizing that her move didn't work, she rolled her eyes and teleported away as quickly as possible.

"Your…! No food for you today!" Yao Chen was unable to scold his kitten before she could run away.

"haha. Lady D. made quite a mess." Yao Mei smiled as she helped organize things.

"Ugh… You don't need to do that. Let me fix it myself. sit on the bed while I talk about the ceremony" Yao Chen sighed and began to organize his things carefully while talking to his little sister.

After talking to his little sister for a while, he dismissed her from his room and then locked the door and closed the windows while he opened his newly acquired system.

He took a primeval stone from a bag near the head of his bed and held it in the palm of his hand. He then opened his inventory and activated the scanner function, that's right, the item didn't need to be deposited directly into the inventory, he could scan anything within 1 meter away and add it to the inventory's infinite supply.

Yao Chen was quite excited, but he controlled himself and began to take out several primeval stones from his inventory. 1, 5, 11, 24, 50… soon his bed was filled with primeval stones.

'Hahaha, it really works, now I have infinite resources.' he.

"Now I can complete my research of the Nine-leaf Gu Vitality Grass." Yao Chen had been trying to create a refinement recipe to improve thisEssential Gu for the field of medicine.

But due to lack of resources and inspiration, he was forced to take a break from his research, but now that he had two perfect tools to research, he was confident of being able to create this recipe in at least 8 years.

Looking at his inventory he felt satisfied, he already had two wormsGu dentro From his inventory, the first one was the Gu he had planned to use as his vital Gu, the Bronze Cauldron Gu.

Bronze Cauldron Gu is one of the best refinement path Rank 1 Gu worms, and over time it can be refined into the Rank 5 Cauldron of Five Refinements Gu.

The second gu worm is the one that gave him the title of genius in the village, the Sneaky Scales Gu. he had one with him since the day he refined it, he always used it to study Gu worm recipes.

'Okay, now all that's left is to try using the simulation function.' Yao Chen opened his system and activated the life simulation.

[Start life simulation?]

[Yes No]

As soon as Yao Chen clicked 'yes' another screen quickly replaced the previous one.

[You participates in his clan's awakening ceremony, and ends up being recognized as a powerful Grade B talent.

You also realized that your rival Chi Hua is a great Grade A talent, and strangely you were happy for her. As soon as you got home you did tests on your infinite inventory and were happy to have infinite resources]

[The next day you wake up early andtake a filling breakfast before saying goodbye to your mother and sister to go to the gym.

As soon as you arrived at the gym you were surrounded by young people wanting to get closer to you, Chi Hua was sitting next to you with a haughty smile on her face.

When the class ended you were approached by Chi Hua who invited you to visit her inn, you said you would try to go next Sunday.

When you returned home you continued to study Gu refinement]

[The academy elder's explanations are not very useful to you who have spent your life studying, so you spend your day nourishing the walls of your aperture.

At night you continue the study in refinement]

[You wake up early and sneak out of the village, you walk a little around the outskirts of the village and find a slope with a small cave entrance in the mountain, you go in and get the liquor worm. you are happy to finally get your hands on this inheritance, you who already knew everything about the inheritance, completely cleaned the cave.

You left the cave with the first three inheritance Gu Worms - The Liquor Worm Gu, White Boar Gu, Jadeskin Gu]

[A week after the awakening ceremony was the day to choose your firstdon't give Gu, you were the second to enter the Gu room after Chi Hua. Upon entering you didn't even blink before activating the scanner in your inventory, after scanning all the Gu worms in the room you take a Moonlight Gu and leave.

Returning home you start the refinement work, with the inventory you have infinite primeval stones and you don't care about the expenditure of primeval essence when refining the Bronze Cauldron Gu as your vital Gu]

'Interestingly, it appears that the infinite inventory still works in the simulation. This definitely greatly increases my possibilities with the simulator.' Yao Chen scratched his chin in appreciation.

[You go to Chi Hua's inn and spend the day talking to her about worldly matters. You appreciate the time you spend with her, and she seems to feel the same]

[Days Afterwards, you had already refined your vital Gu a long time ago, but you chose not to receive the reward as it would be of no use to you.

You discover that any Gu Worm taken from your inventory is absent of any will and can be refined quickly, taking advantage of the fact that you don't need to worry about feeding your Gu Worms, you assemble a small set of Rank 1 Gu Worms]

[Chi Hua snatched the first place reward in refining her vital Gu, you found out that she chose the Accelerating Thoughts Gu as vital Gu and thought it made sense]

[Some Days after everyone refined their vital Gu, the academy's classes finally returned to normal and officially began teaching how to use their Gu worms.

With a ridiculous amount of resources, you train day and night using your Gu worms]

[As classes martial combat officially begins.

You and Chi Hua have a fierce dispute in martial combat, and after a few blows you realize that Chi Hua is much more experienced and skilled than you in hand-to-hand combat so you were inevitably defeated. Upon returning home you feel like you need to train more martial combat, so you hire a senior to teach you]

[A incredible fight between you and Chi Hua He motivated all the students to train more in martial arts, which made the teacher happy.

You return to fight Chi Hua again after training for three days non-stop with a private instructor. You manage to last a few moves but it looks like Chi Hua is also training hard, so she knocks you down]

[You fight Chi Hua again and this time you manage to make her retreat and feel more of the impact of your blows, but she still beats you by hitting your blind spots.

When you finish classes, Chi Hua invites you back to her inn, you accept and there she shows you some Gu materials that you have never seen and awakens your curiosity. you spend the day with her talking]

[You spend the day cultivating diligently…]

[You study refinement all day long…]

[A The merchant caravan arrived in the village, and you took the opportunity to obtain various resources with the scanner in your inventory.

After scanning everything possible, you went to Rochas' game tent. You saw that they were already picking out some rocks, you were quick and scanned all the rocks before anyone managed to take out a Gu worm]

[You used your inventory to find out which rocks had Gu worms and which were empty, luckily you got 12 rocks with Gu worms inside.

Of the 12 rocks, 8 were Rank 1 Gu worms that you had already scanned in the clan's Gu room. and the other 4 were: Rank 2; Plunder Gu/Rank 2; Clearing Heat Gu/Rank 2; Crocodile Strength Gu/Rank 3; Wolf Soul Gu]

[No Next day Chi Hua invites you to tour the caravan and you agree. You enjoy a moment with each other and you end up buying her a hair detail made of green jade.]

[Days After the merchant caravan leaves, Chi Hua reveals his intermediate stage cultivation.

You feel your opening and know that you have also advanced to the intermediate stage thanks to the liquor worm, but you decide not to show it yet.]

[You ranked second in the advancement assessment rankings.

Chi Hua becomes the new class president and the title of vice ends up falling into her hands.

After finishing classes you spend the day with Chi Hua again, this time you show more initiative and invite her to enjoy the moonlight and stars tonight.]

[Your mother talks to you about your close relationship with Chi Hua and supports him, but she still said to be careful with the elders of the Chi faction, as they didn't let their number 1 genius go to another faction.

You consider your mother's reaction to make sense and agree with her.]

[You study and train diligently…]

[You have a small breakthrough in your refinement research]

[All students were instructed to get their second Gu worm, you look around the Gu room and find some new Gu and scan them with your inventory. You then take a Wolf Skin Gu and leave]

'Hmm? Wolf Skin Gu? Why would my simulation self choose such a Gu for defense, when there are much better ones out there?' Yao Chen was in doubt when he saw the content of the simulation, he then began to review the previous texts trying to understand the reason for the choice in the simulation .

After spending a few minutes rereading the previous texts and thinking a bit in his head, he finally came to a plausible conclusion.

'I understand! So that's why I made such a choice. Since I have infinite inventory, I have no shortage of resources, and luckily I got a Wolf Soul Gu from the rock game, and with that I can strengthen my soul, so I could become a Gu Master of the path of enslavement without having to worry about the livelihood of the animals.'

'I would definitely be one of the most powerful Gu masters of the path of slavery. I just need to find a way to get a Wolf Slavery Gu and I would definitely have great success in that way. And I'm sure the clan must have one or two of these Gu in the treasure room.'

Yao Chen was really excited about the future possibilities, with the help of the simulator and the inventory he wouldn't have to worry about not having the resources or time to follow a specific path, he could follow multiple paths at once without worrying.

'This is becoming more and more interesting.' Yao Chen thought as he turned his attention to the simulator.

[You have finally finished using the White Boar Gu and now have the strength of a boar in your body, you end up beating Chi Hua in direct combat for the first time.]

[After cultivating a lot and spending a lot of resources, you were the first to advance to the upper stage, surpassing even Grade A talent Chi Hua]

[O The day of the mid-year competition arrived, and you formed a team with some acquaintances to hunt wild boars, with their help your team was among the first.

You heard that Chi Hua managed to hunt a wild bear by herself, you are surprised and worried at the same time. But relax after seeing that she is completely fine.]

[You feel some advancement in your research and create a prototype of a breakthrough recipe for the Nine-Leaf Vitality Grass, but you still feel like something is missing]

[To try to complete your research more quickly, you show the prototype of your recipe to the clan and ask for resources to help with the research.

The clan ends up seeing that the potential of this recipe can be very beneficial for the clan, so the clan decides to lend its resources to help in its research]

[Because of your inventory, the resources that the clan deposited in you were not wasted and you were also able to greatly expand your refinement knowledge thanks to the huge expenditure on research]

[You had a sudden epiphany while observing the workings of a Gu worm called Gu Energy Breath.

You feel that there is very little left to complete the recipe and you do not spare resources or time]

[You cultivate and study all day long…]

[You managed to successfully advance to the Peak stage, but unfortunately Chi Hua had already managed to take first place]

[You try to advance hard to Level 2, but end up failing and take it as experience]

[They inspected everyone's cultivation and Chi Hua was declared to be at the initial stage of Level 2]

[No End of the year day you have been paired up to fight Mo Zi, and you easily crush him. You went on to defeat most of the challengers, even beating the clan leader's faction heir who was personally trained by him.

But he still ended up losing to Chi Hua at the end of the tournament because he ignored his training and spent most of his time studying Gu worm recipes]

[You join the medicine faction's special team and carry out your first mission, which is to hunt a bad tooth bear. Thanks to teamwork and instructions from the team leader you can easily finish the first mission]

[You excuse yourself from the group leader and try to advance to Level 2 again, and this time you succeed and manage to advance]

'Mm, almost a year to advance to level 2, this is slower than I planned, but it could also be because of my studies on refinement.' Yao Chen spent a lot of time just silently observing the simulation analyzing each point.

[One Small-scale beast tide has formed on the outskirts of the village, and you and your team have been called in for support.

You and your team eliminate some old and crippled lightning wolves and manage to suppress the beast tide with the help of the clan elders' teams]

[You focus on refining your Gu worms to Rank 2, because of your infinite inventory and resources, you are not afraid of failing refinement]

[You keep refining Gu]

[You spend the day refining more Gu]

[You can refine a complete set of Rank 2 Gu worms for yourself]

[While receiving the reward for completing a mission in internal affairs, you end up seeing Chi Hua completing amission with your team,You they greet each other and promise to meetwhen have free time]

[Finally After much study and an almost supernatural expenditure of resources, you can create a complete recipe for the advancement of vitality grass.

Before showing the recipe to the clan, you plan to first try refining the Gu]

[After After a few days of fighting, you finally manage to refine Gu Worm. The benefits of advancing grassvitality for Rank 3 was much higher than you previously thought.

The vitality grass has evolved and now it does not produce a lower rank Gu, but it simply creates a small fruit the size of a cherry that when eaten has the function of healing and restoring part of the fatigue, and the healing effect was also very improved when compared to the previous one]

[You hand over the recipe to the clan along with the Gu you have successfully refined. The clan is extremely happy with your contribution and gives you a special token that gives you enough authority to request resources for your future research]

[O clan then collects all the grams of vitality from the village and gives them into your hands to level them up. After advancing all of them, the clan makes a contract with the former owners of the grass, taking 20% ​​of the profits they make from the sale of the small cherries]

[The clan offers you a share of the winnings, but you deftly refuse. in return you only ask that the clan supports your research, the clan was overjoyed and praised you like a hero.

You have gained a good reputation throughout the clan and have lost nothing in return]

"This was faster than I thought, less than 2 years was enough for me to create a complete recipe for a Rank 3 Gu. It seems that I stillyou underestimate the synergy that my talent in refinement and infinite resources would have."

Yao Chen couldn't help but contemplate upon seeing the floating text messages, achieving such a feat without even being a refinement path Master is very good. It could be said that the synergy of their gifts created a terrifying monster on the path of refinement.

[The merchant caravan arrived early in the village, and you took advantage of this to scan as many of the caravan's resources as possible. you managed to get your hands on many rare Gu worms like; Revert, Avid Reader, Black Boar, Green, Red and White Relics and many others]

[With With the help of the Red Steel Relic Gu, you have successfully advanced to the peak of level 2.

It was almost the day of your sister's awakening ceremony, and you prepared several Gu worms for her, Liquor Worm for cultivation, Jade Skin for defense and the Black Boar for attack among others that will help her]

[Because you had already prepared in advance, you had all the materials needed to refine the Four Flavor Liquor Worm.

You didn't really need it now that you had the Gu relics, but you still treated it as an experiment and refined the Gu worm successfully]

[You focus your attention on trying to advance to Level 3, and put studying aside for a while]

[You hear news that the River Swallowing Frog has appeared near the village, Chi Shan and his group are sent and try to wake the frog, but they ultimately fail.

Finally the clan chooses to give this chance to Fang Yuan, you are curious to see a real Gu Rank 5 worm and go too, when you get there you scan it with your inventory and see Fang Yuan fend off the frog with the help of Chi's group Shan]

[You feel confident and try to advance to Level 3, unfortunately you still lack experience and you end up failing]

[You spend the day training while fighting the constant packs of wolves]

[Because of your complete set of Gu worms, you can be considered one of the strongest Rank 2]

Chapter 3

[The year passed quickly and the three clans came together to make the alliance official.]