
Reverend Insanity Fanfic - Drafts

These are drafts and ideas accumulated from my attempts to write a script for a good Reverend Insanity Fanfic. There are several ideas and concepts centered on a specific theme, I want to leave them here as a way of showing my writing progress. If you happen to have some inspiration and want to continue any of these ideas, feel free to try. I'd love to see one of my ideas inspire someone. That's it, thanks for your attention and have a good read. Good luck on the battlefields and may God light your path.

PilgrimofWisdom · 書籍·文学
39 Chs

HH - First Attempt

Chapter 1 - One Lives while another Dies!

The moon shone hungrily in the starry midnight sky, and illuminated the dense forest below.

Woshh! Woshh!

And along with it several other shadows were exposed below, many mysterious figures were running behind two other shadows.

Loose! Chat!

"Careful Young Master!" One of the two shadows running in front revealed himself as a middle-aged man with a long white beard and even larger eyebrows. The old man held the second shadow and pushed it forward with a powerful repulsion force.

In the place where the second shadow was, several roots and grass whips appeared trying to stab him from behind.

"Damn, the old man protected the boy. Come on boys, attack!" One of the shadows that was chasing the other two had his palms together forming some kind of special sign, it was obvious that he was the one behind the previous attack, but seeing that his attack missed he ordered the other shadows behind him.

The shadow that was protected by the old man fell forward, but quickly managed to regain his balance and see what had happened.

"Thank you for saving me, Uncle!" The second shadow was revealed to be a young man who appeared to be around 15 or 16 years old, he had long golden hair tied into a bun and wore traditional Chinese clothing that appeared to be very expensive.

"Don't worry about it, young master, I promised your father that I would protect him no matter what the cost." The old man gave the boy a gentle smile and continued running with him away from the shadows that were chasing them.

As they ran, they hit the surrounding trees and branches and were constantly stabbed by supernatural attacks from behind, some were flying blades, others were blasts of fire or lightning, and there were even animal-shaped attacks.

But fortunately the old man seemed to be someone powerful and very experienced, he managed to deflect most of the attacks away from them, and the ones he couldn't he simply took head on so as not to hit the young man he was protecting, and the attacks were stopped by a powerful golden shield that covered the old man's body.

"I don't understand why they are attacking us. Weren't we from the same clan? Why are they trying to kill us, uncle?" Breathing heavily, the Young Man asked the old man who protected him. he really didn't understand why this was happening out of nowhere to him, yesterday he was simply woken up by his father desperately asking him to run away, and until now he was running away.

The old man, seeing the sadness and tiredness on the young man's face, felt a strong pang of sadness in his heart, his nephew was the only family he had left, so he would do anything to protect him, but from the carriage's movement it seems that they wouldn't last long. He sighed and then began to explain what was happening now to the young man.

"Last month, when you awakened your Aperture, everyone was shocked. No one in the clan had ever seen someone with a talent as monstrous as yours." The old man began to remember the events of the past.

"Those who have an Aperture with 100% primeval essence are called supreme talents. they correspond to the ten sons of Ren Zu, each representing an extreme physique. the talent of someone with one of these physiques can defy heaven and surpass earth."


The old man redirected an attack that came her way and sent her back into the shadows that were chasing them. He sighed a little after that and continued the story.

"But unfortunately the heavens became jealous of these people's talent, and a terrible flaw was created for those who possess such physique." The old man stopped in the middle of explaining and picked up the young man and threw him on his shoulder with one hand and took a huge leap forward.


The old man and young man had just escaped a huge explosion caused by one of their pursuers.

"*Sigh*. An extreme physique has an absurd primeval essence recovery, and can cultivate at a frightening speed, but this is also their greatest weakness, as the pressure in their Aperture is very high and the higher their cultivation level, the greater the pressure they exert. the Aperture has to support it." The old man placed the young man on the ground and made him run with him before continuing.

"Over time the Aperture will no longer withstand the pressure and will explode. and once a Gu Master's aperture is destroyed he can already be considered a dead man. but an extreme physique does not simply die with the destruction of its aperture, it explodes and takes everything around it with it." The old man gave the young man a sad look.

"And unfortunately it is not possible to stop this process, no one knows a solution to this 'curse' that falls on extreme physicists. That's why the clan tried to eliminate you the moment they found out about you." The old man finished his little story.

The young man was left open-mouthed by this discovery, he had no knowledge about it. The moment he awakened his openness his father instructed him not to tell anyone about his aptitude, but at the time he didn't understand why.

"But daddy was the leader of the clan! Why did they kill him in cold blood then?" The young man asked with tears in his eyes as he remembered his father being torn apart alive while holding the clansmen back so he could successfully escape with his uncle.

"*Sigh*, you are still too young to understand the conspiracies that go on behind the scenes. Your father had great opposition against him since the day he was recognized as leader of the clan, many just needed an excuse to usurp your father's throne, and unfortunately you served their goals perfectly." The old man responded with hatred in his voice as he remembered his brother being killed in front of him.

While running for their lives they received a powerful surprise attack from a bird that came overhead. Not even the old man was able to notice the attack in time, all he could do was use his body as a shield and protect the young man.

Did! Bam!

"Blargh!" The old man vomited some blood when he was hit squarely in the back by the damned bird, but thanks to the powerful golden shield he was unable to pierce much deeper into the old man's flesh.

"Uncle, are you okay?" The young man was shaking and scared, the attack was very quick and all he could see was a red blur and the next thing he knew his uncle was already on top of him coughing blood.

"You bastards, how did you manage to get your hands on the burning light bird?" The old man ignored his nephew's question and slowly stood up while healing himself. He looked up and saw a beautiful bird with golden and red feathers flying high above with a light shining on its crest.

The burning light bird was a Mutant Beast King that lived near the Xiang clan in the southern border. The Xiang clan had to defend itself from this beast's attack every few years, and the clan managed to create great powers thanks to the constant fight against this beast.

Because even though this beast is strong and on par with a Level 5 Gu Master, they are still extremely competitive and arrogant, so they prefer to live alone and when fighting someone they consider weaker, they hold back and play with their prey.

For this reason, they are easy prey for people who are cunning enough, as the person only needs to use the beast's ingenuity and arrogance to deceive it and then win. and this beast refuses to learn his lesson even though he is beaten every time, but even an idiot knows when to fight back.

So when he is placed too far against the wall, he ends up using his golden crest and releasing a powerful light that devastates everything he touches. This is why this beast is highly sought after by Gu Masters of the path of slavery, because the moment they take control of this beast, it will no longer hold back with anyone and will be a frightening powerhouse.

"Heheh. Our lord obtained a Rank 5 enslavement path Gu Worm by luck, and used it to dominate Xiang Mountain." The shadow that seemed to be the leader and that controlled the bird spoke with a crooked smile on its face.

The old man had a serious expression as he looked at his enemies and assessed the situation. 'We can no longer turn our backs on our enemies and run away, as the bird will stop us, but we also cannot face this large number of enemies.'

"Xiang Yao!" For the first time since they left the clan, the old man called his nephew by name.

"What is it, uncle?" The Young Man heard his uncle's low voice and responded in the same tone.

"As soon as I give the signal, you should run over and activate the Gu Worm you received from your father, okay?!" The old man spoke calmly and with a determined look.

"What! But what about you, uncle? and the Gu Wormalso It can only take one person." The Young Man cast a hesitant look at his uncle, not wanting to follow that idea and leave his uncle behind.

"Don't worry about me, I'll catch up after dealing with these guys. you will only disturb me if you stay here." The old man tried to reassure the young man with some hopeful words.

"No,that. Please no, I can't lose you too." The young man couldn't help himself and started crying again, he knew that his uncle was lying and wouldn't be able to reach him later, it was obvious that his uncle planned to sacrifice himself to give him time to escape.

"Stupid boy, since when did you lose faith in your uncle?! I've never lost a battle before!" The old man smiled at the young man confidently.

"Here, take these things." The old man passed two Gu Worms and a small token to the young man and then began to explain his purposes.

"As soon as you arrive in the central continent, you must go directly to the Spiritual Affinity Sect and present this token to the refinement department's elder. he owes me a favor and will take him in."

"And the others are two Gu worms with my and your father's heritage, within them they have all the recipes, killer moves and methods to cultivate our way. This might help you when you enter the sect."

"The sects in the central continent are extremely powerful, so they might have the way to deal with your extreme physique." The old man finished his explanation with a little teary eyes.

Before he could say anything else, their pursuers began to attack them wildly. "What are you guys napping over there?!" The leader of the enemy group launched a huge fireball towards the two fugitives.

"Now! Go!" The old man shouted to his nephew and pushed him away from the fireball.

"Nooo!!! Uncle!!!" The young man screamed in despair as he saw his uncle being swallowed by the burning flames. He then shot a murderous glare at the leader of the enemy group with pure hatred.

The leader of the enemy group laughed like crazy when he saw the old man who had given so much trouble being swept away by the flames. "Haahaha. That's what you get for going against us you old idiot. and now it's your turn, you brat."

The leader of the enemy group then lit another even larger ball of flame in front of him and prepared to throw it at the young man, but a powerful voice interrupted his movement.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO THREATEN MY NEPHEW!!!" From within the burning flames, came out a man at least three meters tall with a body shining in pure gold, he looked like a Buddha statue but was extremely muscular.

"Uncle!!!" The young man shouted with joy when he saw that his uncle was okay.

"COME ON BOY!!!" The old man's incredibly deep voice sounded and the young man simply nodded and began to run.

The young man turned his back on the battle and began to run desperately in a straight direction that was opposite the battle.

"Hmph! Did you really think it would be so easy to run away from us? Catch him bird of light!!!" The leader ordered and the huge bird that was flying over them quickly flew towards the young man while its crest shone with a strong light preparing a powerful attack.


But something unexpected happened, the huge old man in the shape of a buddha jumped up and grabbed the bird by the neck like a chicken going to slaughter.

"NOBODY WILL PASS ME!!!" The old man tried to strangle the bird but seeing that he couldn't, he simply threw it towards his enemies.

"Gah! run away, get out of the way!" The group became disorganized when they saw the huge bird being thrown towards them, they then began to run in all directions to escape the impact.


The bird fell to the ground and was dragged by the remaining force of the throw, it ended up breaking one of its wings and would not be able to fly for a while.

"Cough! Where did this bastard get so much strength from?" The group leader coughed out blood as he received part of the force of the impact.

The golden buddha then looked at the direction his nephew ran and thought in his mind. 'Be careful and good luck in your new life, my beloved nephew.' The old man then closed his eyes on a smallitem and turned his gaze to the enemies in front of him.

This great strength that the old man achieved was temporary and very dangerous, the longer he remains in this form, the greater the consequences. The longer he stayed in this form the more powerful he became, but this came with the price that once he exceeded the time limit he would transform into a huge golden Buddha statue and lose his life.

It was practically a suicidal move that could only be used in extreme cases. But he no longer cared, as long as he could protect his only remaining family member, he would sacrifice his life without hesitation.

In this world where snake eats snake and everyone is waiting to stab you in the back. a person like the old man who cared so much about his family was rare, so he deserved all the respect for not allowing himself to be corrupted by the world he lives in.

The young Xiang Yao who was running until now did not look back at any point, and was completely focused on activating the Gu worm that his father gave to him.

This was a rare space path Rank 4 Gu Worm that could allow the user to travel great distances. but what made this Gu worm so special was the fact that it did not use primeval essence, but rather soul force.

The name of this WormTo it: 'Space Leap Gu', as the name suggests, this Gu worm's ability is to allow the user to make a spatial leap at the cost of their soul force. it was the best movement Gu worm at Rank 4 and surpasses even some Rank 5s.

Xiang Yao then focused his will on activating the Gu worm, and then suddenly a huge attraction force pulled him in as the space around him was bent, he felt as if someone was pulling him into a portal and taken to another place.

Looking around he realized he was in a completely different place than before even the sound of fighting had completely disappeared. but his soul was absurdly weak, he felt like he could faint at any moment.

Space Leap Gu consumes the user's soul depending on the distance he wants to travel, and Xiang Yao wanted to go as far away from the battle as possible, so he almost completely used up his soul strength, and would have to wait for it to recover.

"Ugh! I have to look for a safe place to recover." Xiang Yao then looked around and after walking a little he saw a small cave, using his investigation Gu worm he realized that there was nothing inside.

He then stumbled into the cave, but before he even thought about relaxing he made some traps and preparations in case an intruder appeared.

After properly preventing himself, he activated his healing Gu worm and began to stabilize his soul's condition. Over time he lost consciousness to the point where he fell into a heavy sleep, after all he had been running for his life for more than a day, tiredness caught up with him the moment he relaxed a little.

"Ugh! faster Nexus, thebeasts They're catching up to us!" In an environment of existential emptiness, much like the space of the universe, but without stars or anything else, in it a ball of white light with a golden core traveled in an undecided direction.

The environment they were in was strange as it was darkness everywhere, without any sense of direction or time available to them, it didn't even seem like they were moving if it weren't for the weird beasts chasing them relentlessly.

The most peculiar thing about these beasts was their constantly changing shape; they looked like a moving mass of darkness and rot. sometimesassumed the shape of a deformed octopus and others in flying eyeballs, and they kept changing into increasingly strange and grotesque forms.

[I found a peculiar signal in the void sir!]

"What! how is this possible? Maybe it's another trap from these beasts?!" The white light immediately became suspicious about this signal in the void, nothing could exist in the existential void, and if anything manages to survive in that place, the dimension itself creates beasts to hunt them down and eliminate them from existence forever.

[It doesn't seem like that, sir. The signal is very distinct and special, and we won't be able to escape for much longer, so I recommend we take a chance]

"Tsk! Alright, let's follow that sign!" The light then changed direction and increased its speed, soon they arrived at a strange place in this space, a strong blue light called them closer, but the most impressive thing about this light was that it managed to drive away the beasts from the void.

[Sir, the blue light is slowly closing in and it seems like it cannot last long in the void, you have to make the choice now!]

[We enterin that portal or not?]

The light was apprehensive and in doubt about what to decide. that portal could very well be his final death, but it also had the possibility of being his only salvation. he had already survived for so long in this hellish place and enduring all kinds of torture.

So he refused to die in this purposeless place, he swore that he would find a way to get out of here, but now that such an opportunity appeared for him, doubt and uncertainty attacked him.

"Damn, I've been through too much to give up here, Nexus let's go in and face whatever is on the other side of this portal." She has already endured more than anyone could handle and it won't be now that he loses his determination.


The blue portal was already closing, so the ball of light concentrated at one point and quickly shot into the portal.

As soon as he entered the portal, the blue light disappeared and closed the portal and all the beasts that were behind him simply turned around and left the place as if nothing had happened.

Chapter 2 - I am the Herald of the Heavens!

"Oh! Uff!" Xiang Yao suddenly woke up sweating tremendously and with an apprehensive face. he then looked around him reflexively and realized that he was in a dark and somewhat damp cave.

"What place is this-" Xiang Yao started to speak but stopped mid-sentence as soon as he heard his own voice.

"Wait! Is that my voice?!" Xiang Yao touched his throat and smiled in surprise.

"hahahaha, I have a voice, hands, feet, mouth. I have a body!!!!" Xiang Yao began to touch himself excitedly, it had been a long time since he had a body and now being able to talk and move freely was very liberating.

He then got up from his sitting position and started running and jumping inside the cave like a child who was very happy.

"Incredible! This body is unique, hahaha. Aaah Cough!" Xiang Yao held his own cheeks and put his own finger down his throat, but he ended up choking and coughing a little.

"Nexus, I have a body now, see?" By sheer force of habit Xiang Yao called out to his friend who always helped him in 'that' place, but he didn't receive an immediate response as he always did.

"Nexus…? are you there?" Xiang Yao started to feel worried and apprehensive.

[I'm here sir!]

[I was just organizing the information I got from crossing over to this world]

"Aah… Good, for a moment I thought you were gone." Xiang Yao collapsed in relief upon hearing the familiar formal butler voice that Nexus simulated.

[Don't worry sir, I will always be here to serve you]

Nexus was a force of nature created by accident by Xiang Yao when trying to manipulate the energy of that strange dimension. When trying to use the energy to defend himself from the beasts, he ended up splitting his own being in two and creating the Nexus.

The Nexus functions as a special entity that represents all of Xiang Yao's learning capacity and all of the power to devour the energy of that dimension, it is like an extension of Xiang Yao's existence.

"Tell me what you achieved when we crossed over to this world" For a short period of time Xiang Yao became serious and began to organize himself. he hoped Nexus had gotten some good information from this new world.

"No, first compile the memories of this new body and send them to me" On second thought Xiang Yao decided that it would be better to familiarize himself with the memories of a native of this world to have a broader basis when judging his situation.

[Immediately Sir!]

Nexus then began to quickly organize the memories in the body's brain and passed them on to Xiang Yao's consciousness safely.

Xiang Yao closed his eyes and saw 15 years of memories flashing by in the blink of an eye, and after going through this entire experience that would make anyone dizzy or even delirious, he simply said one word – "Damn!"

"Ah… Of all the places I could end up, this is where I landed?!" His tone of voice was a little strange for his speech, as he didn't appear to be disappointed or angry.

"Hehe, 'Reverend Insanity'. A very cruel and savage world, where the father kills the mother and the son kills the father for benefits." Even though he said that he still had a silly and innocent smile on his face, as if this was simply fun and funny for him.

"What else did you get Nexus?" Shaking his head Xiang Yao placed his hands behind his back and asked lightly.

[As we crossed into this world, I felt a small spark of an unknown power trying to communicate with us through his soul, I managed to establish a secure connection and acquire some information]

[What sent out the signal and drew us to this world is an entity known as 'Heaven's Will', it drew us here for a purpose that is a little unclear from my point of view]

"Oh?! What is the purpose of that manipulator?" Anything turned Xiang Yao off at this point, but being set up by the biggest manipulator ofReverend Insanity o left him a little more excited than usual.

[She considers him a better pawn than her current one and plans to use him to complete her plan]

[She even gave us a safe passage out of the void and completely paved our way to this body safely]

"Oh! And why does she consider me better than the famous demon Fang Yuan? I believe he surpasses me by a lot." Xiang Yao may be a little silly and innocent but he is not an idiot at all, he knows that there is no point in heaven's will to bet on an uncertain future with him when he has already prepared his pawn for so long.

He could only think of one fact that might make him better for her plans than Fang Yuan, and that would be the Nexus - "Don't tell me she knows about your Nexus existence?"

[Not exactly sir, she interprets us as one being]

[Thanks to the fragment of this world's power that came into contact with us, I managed to discover that the will of heaven is like a management entity like me]

[But our goals are different, mine is to help you unconditionally on your journey, but hers is to protect and expand this world as much as possible]

[That's why she works as an entity in a state of information, and can sense anyone who has knowledge about her nearby, apparently she sensed their knowledge about the book and attracted him to her world]

[She sees it as a way to expand her influence across other dimensions and worlds. she then proposed a deal with us, in her words she said - 'I will provide all my help and assistance that you need, but in return I want you to help me expand and strengthen']

Xiang Yao was silent for a while and didn't say anything, he was thinking about all this information that was suddenly dumped on him. he had no reason to doubt Nexus' words, but he also had no reason to believe the words of heaven's will.

"Do you trust her words Nexus?" He then got straight to the point and asked his friend for advice.

[Sir, Actually we don't have much of a choice right now, we only managed to enter this world because of the help of heaven's will, and going against it might not be the best idea since it could expose us at any time now that we are in your territory]

[And I believe that she has no reason to lie to the point of contacting us directly, and even giving us this ideal body]

"Ideal body?" Xiang Yao raised his eyebrow upon hearing what Nexus said.

[That's right, sir. this body seems to have been molded perfectly for you, it perfectly accommodates your soul, even possessing a great latent potential and powerful protection within it]

[It's as if your new body had been chosen as the main protagonist of this world and was safeguarded by it]

"So you recommend I take the deal?" Xiang Yao sighed, and confirmed with Nexus his previous question.

[Exactly, Sir!]

"Alright then, what exactly does Heaven's will want me to do, or was it not specific?" Xiang Yao asked. He actually didn't even care much about working for the will of this world, as long as he can enjoy his life, he won't complain too much.

['Live and Evolve', that's what she said. I can interpret this as a way of asking you to cultivate and expand the Dao of this world by creating new Gu or creating new ways to interpret cultivation]

[And when you are ready enough, she plans to help you travel between dimensions so that you can serve as her herald in other worlds]

[But she also made it clear that the moment you refuse her offer, she will do everything to expel you from her world, so the moment you accept, you will have to accept the role of being the new protagonist of this world ]

"So she wants me to take on the figurehead role, I get it. but what will happen to Fang Yuan, has she at least told us what timeline we are in?"

[She wants you to take Fang Yuan's place and destroy Fate Gu]

"I see- wait! What?! Does she want me to destroy her best way of controlling the world?" Xiang Yao didn't understand why this decision was made by the will of heaven.

[Fate Gu was taken over and manipulated by other forces a long time ago, and now it has become an obstacle in the path of Heaven's Will, so she wants you to eliminate this nuisance for her]

"Ugh! so many problems… I just wanted to live again and not have to constantly run away from the beasts of the void." Xiang Yao had tears in his eyes as he bit his robe.

Sighing he took his clothes out of his mouth and left the cave. Outside he saw that it had just dawned and the sun was shining on the huge trees that surrounded the cave.

As soon as he stepped outside the cave, a group of small blue-colored birds took flight in front of him, and other small animals were triggered by the birds' flapping wings.

A symphony of sounds was heard by Xiang Yao, calming his heart, it was a truly beautiful and special scene.

Xiang Yao then enjoyed the beautiful scenery for a while, after feeling comfortable enough he took a deep breath and filled his lungs with air.

He then released all the air that had accumulated in his lungs with a powerful scream into the sky. "II ACCEPT!!!!!!!"

As soon as he said these words to the sky, the clouds gathered in the sky into a vortex and released a powerful beam towards him. The lightning was so fast that it couldn't even make a sound.


After a few seconds a huge boom was heard throughout the surrounding area, the powerful lightning fell directly onto Xiang Yao's head. but surprisingly he felt no impact or injury, and the lightning disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"*Gasp, Gasp.* What was that that happened Nexus?" Xiang Yao asked while breathing heavily.

[The field of probability is being converted and bent in your favor, Lord!]

[It seems that heaven's will truly considers you its main champion]

Xiang Yao touched his forehead where he was hit by the lightning and didn't feel anything, but if he had a mirror he could see that between his eyebrows there was a red mark very similar to a small graph with two points on each side pointing upwards with a half wavy pattern.

The sign looked majestic and gave off a small aura of good luck and virtue. It really looked like a birthmark to outsiders, but a person with good eyes can realize how mystical this sign is.

And his huge hair that was once golden like the sun changed color, was now a deep black like the deepest abyss, but it still shone like a waterfall of stars as it reflected the light.

But the scariest thing was his eyes, they were deep white, it even looked like he was blind. But anyone who looked directly into his eyes for too long felt a deep, primal fear emerging from their soul, as if his existence was being questioned and being erased.

This was the consequence or benefit of surviving so long in the void, he spent so much time in that dimension of nightmares that he ended up passively absorbing the energy of that dimension and it ended up infiltrating his soul, he was now like a predator of all living existence or dead.

This was also one of the main reasons why the will of heaven was so interested in him, his connection with the void became so high that he could enter other worlds without being noticed and more easily devour the power of that world.

That was why she made a mutually beneficial deal instead of doing the hidden manipulation she always did. Xiang Yao may not know the extent of his potential, but the will of heaven does, and she knows that an existence like him cannot be underestimated like this.

So she planned to build a good mutually beneficial relationship with such an existence to be able to surf the waves that this huge predator can cause in existence.

"Thank you very much for the ride." Xiang Yao said goodbye to the mortal who guided him to the nearest village, the mortal shook his head and ran away almost immediately after Xiang Yao got off his cart.

"What a facestrange…" Xiang Yao said as he saw the old man run away, it became even stranger when he remembered the time he asked him for a ride, it seemed like the old man was seeing a ghost or even a demon.

[Sir, I believe this reaction is due to your new appearance now!]

"Appearance? What happened to my appearance? According to my memories, this body is actually quite beautiful." Xiang Yao didn't think his appearance could scare anyone.

[After you were hit by lightning from the heavens, your appearance was a little more refined and underwent some changes]

"What! Nexus, astral project my current appearance and show me." Xiang Yao wanted to see what changes happened in his body to the point where he scared people just with his presence.

[Immediately, Sir!]

Xiang Yao then saw his new appearance and started touching his face as he spoke. "That's it…? My hair, eyes and even this mark. What does all this mean Nexus?"

[According to the knowledge I currently have, the mark on your forehead is where the entire field of probability gathers, in short it is where your body absorbs luck]

Xiang Yao touched his forehead in an attempt to feel the mark that resided between his eyebrows. "What about my eyes and hair?"

[O her darkening hair connects to the fact that her eye has changed as well. Apparently this has nothing to do with the will of heaven, but only with the energy that already resides within your soul]

"Energy within my soul? …Wait! Is it that energy?" Xiang Yao was in doubt for a moment, but an idea suddenly crossed his mind.

[Yes sir. We were impregnated by the energy of the void, and it appears that it caused some kind of mutation in your soul over time. But this only became more apparent after acquiring a body]

"Yes, I understand that part. But why have my eyes changed?" He understood his circumstances and could already form an idea of ​​what was going on, but he still wanted confirmation from Nexus, as he has more freedom to do this type of research and searching.

[A mutation of your soultranspired directly to your gaze and became the rules of this new world. Your eyes are now literally the window to your soul]

[And their hair changed to dark due to a change in brandsKnife in your body. The previously Extreme Physique 'Great Verdant Sun' has mutated and its markingsKnife of the space path were reordered]

"So does that mean I lost my extreme physique?" Thinking logically about the change of his Dao marks, Xiang Yao assumed that this was what had happened.

[Not exactly sir. Its aperture still contains 100% primeval essence, and it still contains a large amount of space path Dao marks. but the way these BrandsKnife organize themselves and act has changed a little]

[You still have an extreme physiqueof the way from space, but it seems to have some functions that I haven't been able to decipher yet]

"I see…" Xiang Yao sighed, he barely arrived at the first village in the new world and already has to deal with such problems.

"Sigh! So that was why that old man was so scared, the void energy invokes a primal fear from within the being, no wonder he was so pale. I can't go around showing those eyes, I might end up in unnecessary trouble. Do you have any Nexus solutions?"

[You can use a blindfold or simply close your eyes]


Xiang Yao was expressionless upon hearing Nexus's recommendation. "Ugh. And how will I see with my eyes covered?"

[I can transmit the environment to you by scanning the surroundings]

"And since when can you do that?!" Xiang Yao raised his eyebrow, because it was the Nexus that saw the world through him and not the other way around.

[I couldn't, but now after studying your new Dao marks a bit, I have enough confidence to carry out such an act]

"These Dao marks are truly mysterious, and what have you learned from it that allows you to accomplish this?" Xiang Yao knew of Nexus' innate ability to adapt and update itself to the environment it is placed in, but this was still too fast even for him.

[I haven't finished my research yet, but from what I've learned - Your space Dao Marks synchronize with the environment and allow you to passively sense the environment with them]

[For now you can only access this ability through me. but with enough training and time you can accomplish this passively]

"So it's like a spiritual sense? something like passive observation haki?" Xiang Yao really found this world more and more incredible.

[Exactly. but without the future visions]

[…at least for a while]

"All is well then. we will try!" Xiang Yao closed his eyes and waited for Nexus to perform the procedure.

In an instant, Xiang Yao's sense began to expand and he began to sense his surroundings as if he had his eyes open. It was actually better, he could feel it from the smallest ant crawling across the ground, to even the bird flying in the highest sky.

Your 'vision' seemed The palette of colors and tones that he could see had been enormously increased, he could see in the dark, separate the world in infrared and much more. He could feel the flow of Dao Marks from the surroundings, his vision seemed like a kaleidoscope of infinite colors swirling throughout the surroundings.

"Is this what you were seeing so far Nexus? It's incredible!" Xiang Yao looked around and was more than awestruck by the sight. Fortunately Nexus was filtering much of the information and vision to allow it to adapt to the enormous increase in vision.


Xiang Yao soon got used to this sight and moved forward on the clay road. In time he arrived in front of a wooden gate with a small wooden wall around it, he spoke to the guards and entered the village. Looking around he realized that he was in some kind of market, with shops spread out everywhere, and with people screaming like goats to get the attention of pedestrians.

"Wow, there are so many people here." Xiang Yao was feeling somewhat nostalgic as he looked at all the places, shops, bars and even brothels, all of which gave off an air of human civilization that he hadn't felt in a long time.

Walking through the market he stopped at some places to observe and sometimes he even bought some delicacy that looked interesting on the stalls.

"Hm~ How delicious, how good it is to finally be able to taste something." Xiang Yao was eating a skewer of what looked like a roasted lizard, he bought it using the primordial stones he found in his Primal Elder Gu that his father had given him before.

His bag was so full of primeval stones that the smile on the face of the old man who stood at the primeval elder could not have been greater.

Over time he arrived in front of a small inn in the middle of the village, upon entering the inn he observed that the dining room was on the first floor and the bedrooms were on the second and third floor.

"Excuse me, I want to rent a room for one night." Arriving near the counter, Xiang Yao asked the beautiful girl who was serving at the moment.

"Oh! Clear- Of course, it's 8 primitive stones per night with dinner and breakfast included." The girl blushed a little when she looked at Xiang Yao's smiling face and was confused by her words.

"Here they are." Xiang Yao found the attendant's reaction amusing and took out the primeval stones to pay for the night while receiving direction to the room.

"Do you want me to bring your dinner to your room?" The attendant asked meekly with a slightly suggestive look.

"Oh, no need. I already ate, I just want to get some rest now." He saw the attendant's look and immediately understood her hints, but he didn't feel like carrying out this act right now, so he dismissed her amicably.

Xiang Yao didn't let her continue and simply went up the stairs towards his room, arriving on the second floor he saw a long corridor with rooms on both sides, he then went to the last one in the right corner and entered it.

Closing the door behind him, he then approached the bed and sat comfortably on it.

"Ah… What a day" Xiang Yao stretched out on the bed and looked at the ceiling while thinking. 'I still have a lot of things to do, first I need to find the direction for the Spiritual Affinity Sect, then cultivate and then fix this extreme physique.'

"...Ugh. so many things to worry about…" Xiang Yao was really tired from the long day and simply closed his eyes to rest.

Chapter 3

The was born from the east and woke up all the daytime life forms that were resting, the birds sang their melody as if they were giving a performance, others neighed, cackled. But everyone was awake for the new day that had arrived.

Xiang Yao who was sleeping peacefully on his bed in the inn was woken up by the sound of dawn, he calmly got up, made his bed, stretched his muscles and then took out the materials to perform his morning routine from inside his storage Gu worm.

He brushed his teeth with a plant with soft fibers, the plant looked like a willow branch, but for some reason it looked more like a modern toothbrush than a tree branch.

He then took out some water from the storage and finished doing his morning chores.

With nothing else to do in the room, Xiang Yao went downstairs and had breakfast before continuing his journey.

"Now! Good day sir. Did you sleep well?" The young attendant who was already serving some customers said as she saw Xiang Yao walking down the stairs with a smile on her face.

"Ah… Very well, I haven't had a good night's sleep in a long time, this was definitely one of the best I've had." Which was true, since it was the first time Xiang Yao had truly slept since arriving in this world, in fact, it was the first time he had slept since he was trapped in that dimension.

"I'm glad to hear this. Do you want me to make you breakfast?" The young woman delivered the last orders and approached Xiang Yao to find out about her order.

"Yes, I'll have a filling meal." Xiang Yao said as he sat down at a nearby table.

"Do you have any preferences?" The young girl asked gently.

"Whatever you recommend." Xiang Yao didn't exactly have a preference, he just wanted to try different things.

The young woman nodded and calmly left to prepare her order or deliver it to the cook.

It didn't take long for the same young woman to return with a plate full of food, the young woman placed the plate on Xiang Yao's table and left soon after so as not to disturb the customer's meal.

Not long after, Xiang Yao finished eating, but he didn't leave his table or leave. He waited for the young woman to return to collect the dishes, and as soon as she arrived to collect the dishes, he asked for directions.

"Do you know how I can get to the Spiritual Affinity Sect faster?"

"Spiritual Affinity Sect? Hm… If you want to join the sect you can wait for the recruitment that the senior disciples of the sect do every year, or you can follow the next caravan, they will pass by the sect and you can enjoy the safe journey with them." The young woman thought for a while and responded calmly.

"When and where do senior disciples recruit?" Xiang Yao asked.

"Every year in mid-spring, some disciples from the sects come down the mountain andlook for for talents to recruit them. They pass through some towns and cities recruiting. You're in luck, according to routine the Spiritual Affinity Sect always stops by in the last week of April."

The young woman explained everything very calmly and knowledgeably, it seems like she is used to passing on this information frequently.

"I understand, thank you!" Xiang Yao thanked him and left.

'On what day and month do wewe are Nexus?' Xiang Yao confirmed a data.

[April 25th, Lord!]

"Sigh! What do I do? If I go with the caravan now, I can reach the sect in less than 2 days, but I will have to pay dearly to travel with them and as a mere level 1 Gu Master, it is very likely that they will try to trick me."

"But if I wait for the sect disciples, they might arrive very late or not at all, and I can't miss the opportunity to get some company to help me on the trip, after all, it's almost impossible for a Gu Master Level1 how can i get it survive alone on this path."

Xiang Yao was quite doubtful, he would rather go to the sect with the disciples as it would be safer, but if the disciples didn't show up, he would end up losing the caravan and wouldn't be able to have a safe way to the sect.

It was a dilemma, either he would go with the caravan and he was guaranteed to go there, but with the risk of being robbed by his own companions. Or wait for the disciples who might not even come to this place, anything could happen, what if something unforeseen happened and the disciples couldn't come to this village this year?! It would be a big problem for him.

"Ugh! Let's go with what is guaranteed, I just need to keep a low profile when entering the caravan and not attract anyone's attention" Xiang Yao made up his mind, he would rather choose an option that is more dangerous but has a greater chance of success. than a safe possibility with less chance of success.

Xiang Yao then headed towards where the caravan was parked, he arrived at the outermost outskirts of the village and saw several stalls and Gu houses arranged around the environment, with countless people milling around while doing their shopping and selling.