
Reverend Insanity Fanfic - Drafts

These are drafts and ideas accumulated from my attempts to write a script for a good Reverend Insanity Fanfic. There are several ideas and concepts centered on a specific theme, I want to leave them here as a way of showing my writing progress. If you happen to have some inspiration and want to continue any of these ideas, feel free to try. I'd love to see one of my ideas inspire someone. That's it, thanks for your attention and have a good read. Good luck on the battlefields and may God light your path.

PilgrimofWisdom · 書籍·文学
39 Chs

Chat Group


Just a warning!

I didn't drop this novel.

The reason it took me so long to post a new chapter is that I was playing Bioshock (Just as I warned you that I would stop posting for a while to focus all my attention that this beautiful game deserves)

Returning to Novel

Which world should be the first mission?

I already wrote up to chapter 13 and plan to do the first quest in chapter 14.

1 - Bioshock 1

2 - Pathologic 2


The monkey king cried in pain as his camouflage was exposed.

Its appearance was the same as a normal stone ape, but its body size was three times larger, and at the same time, its eyes glowed with a bloody red light.

A long, deep wound stretched across his chest, purple blood continuing to ooze.

The stone monkey king lay on the ground; he had become a statue and was already dead.

At this time, a Gu worm slowly floated from the stone monkey king's corpse, flying in a random direction to flee.

"Do not even think about it." Xiang Yao was faster and caught the Gu worm in the air. This Gu looked ordinary, like a gray rock, with an uneven surface that was neither square nor spherical. If this Gu were thrown onto the road, no one would notice based on appearance.

Xiang Yao scanned the Gu without waiting too long and gave it to Fang Zheng – "Take it; you said you wanted it for yourself." Xiang Yao handed over Gu Stealth Rock and drew a Gu Fishscale into the system for Fang Zheng to refine into Rank 2 Stealth Scale. (A/N: The Mc can now choose to scan the Gu worm to add it to the shop instead of having to sell it)

"Thanks! This Gu will be very useful," said Fang Zheng as he instantly refined the Gu with the help of Xiang Yao's Spring Autumn Cicada aura.

Xiang Yao and Fang Zheng returned to the cave's center, again arriving at the giant pillar.

As he approached, he found a cave below the rock pillar.

The cave was small, and a few stone stairs led into darkness.

It was completely dark underground, and even the fire torch could only light five steps ahead. Fortunately, Xiang Yao was prepared and brought the Rank 1 Gu Amulet of Light.

Activating the Gu, the environment suddenly lit up, showing all the way ahead; step by step, they walked for a long time before reaching the end of the stairs.

A rough artificial stone door was in front of him, with some characters carved on the stone door. They said: "The cave of the Golden Centipede is precarious; Earth Communication is the way to avoid disaster."

"Our! What a clumsy thing." Fang Zheng said, reading the sentence.

"I agree! What a shameful thing to read, like those old men who pretend to be wise and speak strange words." Xiang Yao agreed with Fang Zheng's remark.

Xiang Yao crouched down, touched the ground, and picked up the Gu that was stored in the treasure flower of the earth.

This was a special Gu.

It looked like a human ear but much smaller. It was yellowish brown and looked shriveled and dull.

He felt it in the palm of his hand; it was wilted like marinated radish and carried some heat. Like ginseng roots, dozens of roots grew from the sides of it.

This was a Rank 2 Gu Grass - Earth Communication Ear Grass.

Xiang Yao quickly scanned it and gave it to Fang Zheng; "Take it; this one will be useful for you too; if you can't find a better tracking Gu, use it.

Xiang Yao also planned to use it, so he bought one at the store; "Let's go back, then we're done exploring the heritage for today; that's enough." Xiang Yao spoke with Fang Zheng

"Alright, I will also need your help to use Earth Communication Ear Grass." Fang Zheng replied in agreement.

The two planned to use Earth Communication Ear Grass tonight, so they planned to help each other through the process.

The snowflakes were calmly falling, like pure white fur that floated slowly.

The light from the setting sun turned the snow to a golden yellow.

Flake by flake, the snow fell on the heads and shoulders of passers-by.

In the distance, the village of Gu Yue stood on the waist of the mountain, silently keeping watch.

"Go fast!" Qing Shu called out to his group members.

"Yes, senior!" the members replied as they ran after him.

It had been more than three days since Fang Zheng and Xiang Yao had left to hunt the Monkey King, and now they were heading to the battlefield; it turned out that a small sea of ​​beasts was occurring out of nowhere.

Now and then, a group of belts or six would appear passing by, heading in the same direction.

Xiang Yao's group was organized with Qing Shu at the front. Yao Hong was at the back of the sides and had two more Gu masters; one focused on investigation and the other on logistical support. And in the center were Fang Zheng and Xiang Yao.

"Leader, there's a group of Iron Sting Bees ahead." Investigation Gu master said as his eyes changed appearance, resembling those of an Eagle – this was Rank 2 Eagle Eye Gu.

"Dodge!" Qing Shu ordered as he headed to the right avoiding this group of bees.

They continued like this until they got close to where the small sea of ​​beasts was happening; getting there, they saw a small group of lightning wolves.

"Yao Hong, come with me and help me deal with them; Xiang Yao and Fang Zheng attack together; as for the two of you, be ready to step in at any time to help." Qing Shu immediately issued his orders to the group.

"Understood!" everyone answered in unison and went to their seats.

Xiang Yao charged at the wolves with Fang Zheng at his side. While Fang Zheng used mid and long-range attacks, Xiang Yao directly went into close combat.

Woof, woof...

The wolves howled in pain as Xiang Yao's punches and kick hit them while Fang Zheng launched moon blades as support from a distance.

Qing Shu and Yao Hong dealt with the bigger and stronger wolves while letting the weaker ones pass so that Fang Zheng and Xiang Yao could gain more experience and satiate their fighting spirit.

But even so, the two couldn't get enough, so they began to circle the entire battlefield with incredible synergy; as if they had fought together for years, they hunted all the wolves that appeared before them, and soon the other groups saw it too.

Everyone was amazed at how well they fought together; soon, they earned the nickname 'Black and White Hunters' from the groups that saw them fighting.

Shortly after, the clan sent more reinforcements and calmed the situation. Qing Shu approached the duo and started praising the synergy they had been fighting together.

"Very good indeed; you fight very well together." Qing Shu was full of praise towards the two.

When the mission ended, everyone returned to their homes; Fang Zheng went to Xiang Yao's home to finally unlock his group chat system.

"Here, take this." Xiang Yao said as he handed a small translucent sphere to Fang Zheng.

"And what is that exactly?" Fang Zheng took the sphere and watched it in doubt and curiosity.

"This orb contains the 'Master' Attainment level in the Path of Refinement; it will help you refine a Rank 2 Gu more easily; with this, you will be able to unlock your system later today." Xiang Yao answered his queries.

"you can start by trying to refine the Stealth Scale Gu, you already have the materials here, and it is a simple Gu to refine." Xiang Yao said he prepared the extra materials in case the refinement failed.

"Alright, let's go." Fang Zheng took a deep breath and absorbed the attainment of the path of refinement.

Fang Zheng commanded the Stealth Stone Gu and the Fishscale Gu to merge, after which a ball of energy formed around them as they swirled.

As the refinement continued, Fang Zheng started throwing primordial stones at the energy ball; with each rock thrown, the ball decreased in size. Fang Zheng increased his concentration and continued the refinement.

The energy ball was already the size of a fist; when Fang Zheng reached the last stage of refinement, Xiang Yao said, "Okay, you're almost there now, just be careful and follow the recipe."

The refinement was already at the end when it exploded, and the two Gu flew to each side; the two Gu had died, and the refinement had failed - "Damn it! When it was almost over, I did everything right; I'm sure I didn't miss any part of the refinement." Fang Zheng complained.

"Turns out, even if the refinement is perfect, it still has a chance to fail; that's how this world fucks you up." Xiang Yao shrugged and passed other materials for Fang Zheng to try again.

"Sigh! You're right; you can be sure that I'll be out of this shitty world as soon as I unlock my system." Fang Zheng sighed in frustration.

"It's not for that; this world has its wonders." Xiang Yao responded by trying to calm his friend down.

"Don't get me wrong, Danton, but I mean it when I say I'm going to get the hell out of this world as soon as possible." Fang Zheng spoke seriously to Xiang Yao.

"What! But why? You just got here; you want me to be here alone in this world where I can't trust anyone without getting stabbed in the back?" Xiang Yao asked, frustrated and sad.

"Look, there's nothing to worry about, I'm sure you'll find someone you can trust in this world besides me, and I also have a Group Chat system so we can keep talking even without being in the same world." Fang Zheng comforted his friend.

"You're right; sorry to get so worked up. It's just that I didn't expect you to hate this world so much." Xiang Yao replied in resignation.

"It's not that I hate this world; quite the contrary, I love it. But I prefer to enjoy this world from a safe distance; I like this one, but I would never choose to live here. You are the only Reverend Insanity fan I know, whoever wanted to come into this world." Fang Zheng answered Xiang Yao honestly.

"Haha, you're right; I love this world with all my might." Xiang Yao sighed and responded by laughing. His joy gradually returned.

"Anyway, we fly to continue the refinement; we still have a long way to go." Fang Zheng said and started preparing to refine the Gu again.

And so they kept trying; Fang Zheng failed refinement twice until he finally achieved Rank 2 Gu Stealth Scales. A floating screen appeared before him as soon as he completed the refinement.

[Enabling Group Chat System]

[You have become the Chat Group Administrator]

[You can send 5 invites across the multiverse]

Fang Zheng was immediately happy with this notification; without waiting any longer, he sent the first invitation to his friend beside him; "Send an invite to Xiang Yao from Reverend Insanity."

Xiang Yao, who was at the side, heard his friend talking and immediately knew his system was activated. A short time later, a notification appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations! You have been invited to join the Group Chat]

[Do you want to accept?]

[Yes No]

Xiang Yao immediately accepted the invitation.

['Administrator' entered the Chat Room]

['The Traveler' entered the Chat Room]

Fang Zheng smiled at Xiang Yao, then said, "I'll send out the other invitations now. Who will accept?"

"Wait! Let me familiarize myself with that system first and see what we have here." Xiang Yao said as he scanned the chat system.

['O Viajante' changed his Nickname to 'Heavenly Dream Immortal Venerable']

As soon as he saw the new notification, Fang Zheng looked at Xiang Yao expressionlessly – "All this so that in the end you change your name to this?" Fang Zheng grumbled at Xiang Yao.

"If I'm going to have to join a Chat Group, then I want to join as an Immortal Venerable." Xiang Yao shrugged at Fang Zheng.

['Administrator' changed his Nickname to 'Celestial Blade']

"Hypocritical!" Xiang Yao looked at Fang Zheng as he smiled.

"Cough cough. Whatever, I'll send out the other invites now." Fang Zheng said as he tried to dodge the subject.

But the system showed another notification before Fang Zheng could send out the invitations.

[It is detected that the user 'Heavenly Blade' lives in the same world as 'Heavenly Dream Immortal Venerable.' The purpose of the system is to interact with people from different worlds; the fact that the User lives in the same world as a member goes against the system's main purpose.]

[User has two options now]

[1 - Stay in the same world you are currently in and decrease the number of members that can be invited at a time]

[2 - Go to another world with the help of the system and get a special system bonus]

Fang Zheng stared dumbfoundedly at the new notice; he quickly read it and informed Xiang Yao of the message shortly after that.

"Go!" Xiang Yao encouraged his friend to accept the system's offer and leave this world. Xiang Yao knows his friend prefers different worlds, so he supports him.

"Thanks! Thank you, my friend." Fang Zheng said as he hugged his friend.

"Wait a minute there. And what will happen to Fang Zheng from here? If you disappear suddenly, I'll take all the blame, and the clan chase me." Xiang Yao said to Fang Zheng with concern.

"I hadn't thought of that." Fang Zheng said as he started thinking of a solution, but appearing before him took a little while.

[The User doesn't need to worry about this when the system teleports him to another world, it will only take his soul and leave his body behind]

"Having a dead body here doesn't help much." Xiang Yao blankly replied to the system.

[The system can leave a small artificial intelligence to manage the body temporarily]

"Wait! I have a better proposal. Transform this body that will be left behind into my clone and leave it to me." Xiang Yao seized the opportunity that the system left.

[Application Accepted]

The system responded as I felt information entering my head; it was a technique to create a split soul, similar to Spectral Soul's killer move.

"Thanks! But there's a problem, I don't have any Gu worm to perform the technique, and I don't even have a high enough soul base." Xiang Yao reported the problem to the system.

[Don't worry about it, this divided soul will be the responsibility of the system]

Hearing this from the system, Xiang Yao calmed down and looked at his friend at the side.

"Good luck in your new world, my old friend." Xiang Yao said as he extended his hand toward his friend.

"To you too." John Lockhart responded as the system carried away his conscience.

At the same time, Xiang Yao felt his soul was being ripped in half.

[Sending the User to a new world]

[Creating a Heavenly Dream Immortal Venerable Split Soul]

After that, Fang Zheng's body fell to the ground before getting up as Xiang Yao's newest clone.

"How do you feel?" Xiang Yao asked his clone.

"A little sore still, but other than that, I'm fine." Xiang Yao's clone responded as he adjusted to his new body.

After waiting a while, Xiang Yao finally received the notification of his friend calling him to the group chat room.

Soon afterward, John Lockhart and Xiang Yao found themselves in a dark foggy room with a circular table in the center with five seats. You couldn't see anything but the table in the room; the darkness and fog prevented you from seeing anything else.

Xiang Yao moved closer to John Lockhart to see his new appearance. As he got closer, he saw his friend's unique appearance.

"You got your old looks back." Xiang Yao said while talking to John Lockhart.

"Yes. That was one of the system's benefits; I got my body back." John Lockhart said as he smiled.

John Lockhart appeared as a grown man with a chiseled face, his dark skin contrasting perfectly with his white hair. There was a diamond-shaped mark in the space between her eyebrows. He wore loose black and white clothes exposing his well-trained body.

"So that means you've been sent to the world of Marvel!" Xiang Yao said while talking to John Lockhart.

"And not only that, but the system also gave me the experience of the Blade God." John continued talking about his new world and the benefits it gained for Xiang Yao.

They talked for a while longer before choosing a chair to sit on. As soon as they sat down, another system notification popped up.

[Sending invites...]

[Invitations Sent Successfully!]

['The Divine Heavenly Demon' entered the chat room]

After the notification appeared, a male figure appeared in the room, he seemed scared and confused, and when he looked around, he saw two other figures sitting at a table; suspicious of the recent event, he immediately raised his guard.

When he was about to speak, another notification popped up for everyone in the room, and other figures appeared.

['Legendary Mechanic' entered the chat room]

['Heavenly Emperor' entered the chat room]

['Sweet but Psycho' entered the chat room]

The system's voice could be heard once more as soon as the four entered the room.

[Welcome everyone to the Chat Group]

[The main purpose of the system is to promote social interaction between all conceivable universes]

[You were chosen as the first five members of the group]

[For those who are still in doubt, information about the purpose of the system and its functions will be sent directly to your head]

Shortly after, everyone held their heads as they received much information.

"So that's how this 'system' works; very interesting, so you mean you're all from different universes?" The Divine Heavenly Demon was the first to break the ice.

"This is crazy stuff! If it weren't for all this information the system gave me, I would never have believed this." Heavenly Emperor spoke, looking at the other shadows in the room.

"Why don't you all calm down and sit down somewhere?" Xiang Yao spoke with all the group members.

Everyone looked at the shadow that had just spoken and saw a name floating above its head; it was written; 'Heavenly Dream Immortal Venerable.'

Noticing this, they saw that everyone in the room had a title floating over their head; some were visibly surprised after seeing their titles, and others were surprised to see others' titles. After checking themselves, they relaxed and looked for a seat.

As soon as everyone sat down, the room suddenly lit up, and the fog disappeared, thus showing the faces of all those present.

"Now that everyone can see what each other looks like, it's only fair to introduce ourselves, right? I'll start by getting ready." Xiang Yao got up from his seat and introduced himself to everyone in the room.

"I was a person from planet Earth until I was pulled or reincarnated into the world I am currently in; now, I am Xiang Yao, a Level 2 Gu Master of the Path of Dreams and a Southern Frontier Gu Yue clan member. If you want more information about my world, ask the system; it has all the necessary information." Xiang Yao made a simple introduction and sat down shortly after.

Right after that, a sheet explaining everything about the world of Xiang Yao appeared in front of all the members; the sheet informed everything from basic knowledge like language and environment to more complex things like cultivation levels and how they work. Next to another stationary explained the circumstances of Xiang Yao's transmigration - how he was a person from planet Earth until he was taken to the Gu world; it also told the basics about his life story.

"The same applies to me, but I didn't reincarnate on another planet; I was transported to a world exactly like my old one. My name is John Lockhart, a specialist in the use of the Blade; I am from the Lockhart family of entrepreneurs from New York on planet Earth, and in case some of you doubt my world too, juk the system for more information." John said he gave a small bow and sat down again.

After John's presentation, the same sheet appeared in front of everyone, explaining everything.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

PilgrimofWisdomcreators' thoughts