
Revenge Therapy: Needed

Vierra was a girl who killed for a living. When the person who raised her suddenly appeared in front of her one day, she was furious. She wanted revenge. He betrayed her so it was only fair, right?

RattleSnake_Taurus · 若者
2 Chs


Vierra's 2 year old birthday came quickly. She was a strong, short, energetic, and very cold girl. Her eyes were a frosty violet color and her hair was black and long.

She looked like a copy of her father but with her mother's beautiful cupid lips.

When her brother, One, got visitors he would shove Vierra into her room and lock the door. Afterwards he would tell her it was for her own safety.

Vierra could just barely talk and was really pretty. She knew how to get what she wanted, when she wanted it.

Xavier, who wanted to train Vierra immediately, could not wait for her second birthday. When it finally came, he immediately dragged her outside and set her in the training arena.

Xavier taught Vierra how to do punches correctly and pretty soon she had it down perfectly. He then taught her how to kick people. Though she could only reach One's thigh when she kicked One was still satisfied.

Over the years he taught her to use guns and knives and once Vierra turned four years old, One let her go on her first assassination attempt.