
Revenge: Queen of the Fashion World

Disclaimer: I don’t own the cover photo. Credits to the owner Jillian Rose Williams had it all. She was born in a good family with wealth and fame. She had a fiancee that loved her dearly. She was a princess. Until one day everything changed. The stepsister that she dearly love like a real sister betrayed her. “Dear sister. All you have will be mine.” her stepsister Julia said. Not only her wealth and fame but also the man she loved the most was stolen from her the day she died. But fate wasn’t unfair to her. She had survived her death. And after 8 years she had returned. “Now I’m back I will take everything that’s rightfully mine. I will have my revenge.” Jill has come back as Queenie Versales. The Queen of the fashion world.

Les01 · 都市
173 Chs

Let’s get the party started

It was morning here in N city. Andrea and I are riding the car heading to the venue where my debut event will take place in three days time. My debut will be a fashion show that will present my winter collection.

"Andrea, are the models for the runway already practicing at the venue?" I ask.

"Yes Queenie. They start practicing today as Mark has discussed to me in our last talk." Andrea answered.

I grinned. "So she will be there." I said softly.

"Are you planning something?" Andrea asked.

"Nothing much." I smiled.

After a few minutes we arrived at the venue. It was a well known building where big events are held. "Well let the party start." I say while smiling.

Inside I see people busy working. I can see them arranging lightings, sound systems and seats. Some are arranging decorations and such. At the center of the hall I can see runway stage. There I can see models practicing their walk. Mark is giving directions and tips to models.

"Okay girls, let's see that walk. You there straighten up. Okay next girl. Look at the way you walk. Next. Chin up girl, don't look down. Always feel proud while you walk." Mark instructs the models.

"You are a strict teacher." I say. Mark looks back at us.

"Oh, Queenie and Andrea you came." Mark said. He clapped his hands. "Girls come here. I want you to meet our guest of honor.

The models rushed up front. "Girls I want you to meet Queenie Versales, the fashion designer for Q.Versales collection line." Mark gestured to me.

The models have mixed emotions. Some are surprised, some are at awe and some are admiring. I can hear whispers from them of praise with me and my work.

"Good morning. It's nice to all meet you. Let's all work hard together." I gave a smile to them.

"Nice to meet you too." they greet me in unison.

"It looks like your star model is not yet here." I ask Mark while scanning the girls.

"Aww top models, well not all of them just some like this one. She's starting to give me a headache." Mark said while holding his forehead.

"Is she always this late?" I ask.

"Well most of the time. She's getting ahead of her self. Just because of being a famous top model here in N city. She's getting cocky." Mark answers. "Well speak of the devil."

Julia was walking our way taking her time. I look at her while she's coming near. 'Well she has a good figure and great walk. But the posture is a bit bad. If she was a model in Paris she won't even get a top model title with that posture.' I thought to myself. She was walking like she owns the place. Her PA at her back is trying to catch up with her while holding various things.

"Sorry for being late Mark." Julia said. "Oh Queenie your here."

I smile at her. "Please call me Ms. Versales at work Ms. Williams. I tend to maintain the respect in the work place. I am still considered as your employer here." I said sarcastically.

Julie was taken by surprise. She was not expecting me to be that straight forward to her in public.

"Well come now go at the back and start the rehearsal. We are going to practice the runway walk with music." Mark scolded her.

"Ah yes." Julia answered a bit surprised. She then walked fast. I saw her PA chuckled to herself.

'It looks like she's not used to being scolded.' I thought and smiled to myself.

"Music please." Mark said loud. Then the music started. I looked at the models walking the runway one by one. Mark is giving instructions and suggestions in improving their walk. I was also watching the models. 'Not bad.' I think to myself. Mark is a good choreographer. No wonder he became the director of fashion here at N city. Then I saw Julia's turn as she walked the runway.

The rehearsal finished with Julia. Mark looked at me. "So what do you think?" he asked while looking at me seriously. He is waiting for my input of the rehearsal if passed of not.

I paused for a bit before answering. "It looks good." I said. Mark smiled and was about to say something but I spoke first. "But 'good' is not a term for me. I need it to be the best."

So I told him to start the rehearsal from the beginning. While the models walk again I gave them my pointers for improvement. I have been choreographing my own fashion shows back in Paris. I was in charge of many top models that are known internationally. I myself have learned from the best of the best before becoming a fashion designer.

Then when it was Julia's turn she walked confidently. As if she never goes wrong.

"Stop." I shout.

The music stopped. Julia was stunned. She didn't expect herself to have any mistakes.

"The way you are walking is good but your posture looks horrible." I said. "Try to straighten up your body a little. And move your arms out to balance your figure."

Julia was staring at me in disbelief.

"Well you heard Ms. Versales. Do it again." Mark scolded.

"Ye-yes." Julian said. She ran at the back. The music played and Julia started to walk again.

"No, no. Wrong." I said. "Stop the music."

The music stopped again. I climbed the runway and come near Julia. At this time all the people inside the hall are watching.

"Straighten your body a little." I said while holding Julia's body to straiten it. "Then your arms has to be this way. There, remember that feeling. Try it again."

We were like this for a while. Julia walks, I let her stop then give instructions. She was starting to get anxious. I can feel that she is starting to get annoyed but can't do anything.

"Ok let me do it." I said. "Look at how I walk. Start the music."

I walked at the starting point then composed my self. I synchronized myself with the music then walked gracefully up to the front. While reaching the front I gave simple posed then turned then walked back to the staring point again. All of the people at hall looked at me with awe and wonder.

"Wow she walks really well." I heard one model say.

"Is she a pro top model before becoming a designer? She moves great." another one said.

I can hear the people praising me. Julia on the other hand is starting to boil with anger.

"Did you see how I walked?" I asked Julia.

"I don't understand. All of us has there unique way of walking. Of course we will differ. I become a top model with what I have done until now and I don't see what is wrong with the way I walk." Julia said starting to sound pissed.

I looked at her seriously. "Ms. Williams it is not the way you walk the problem. I am trying to improve your posture that will further improve the way you walk. I have worked with countless pro top models all over the world. And with the way you are now... you are very far from them. I don't know how you got your top model title honestly speaking." I said.

People started to chatter around us.

"Ms. Versales is right. Julia is just being cocky." a model said.

"Just because she is a top model here in N city she thinks she's better than others. She way beyond world class." another said.

Julia clenched her fist. Her face starts to get red with anger. She then stormed out and left the runway.

"Hey Julia where are you going?" Mark shouted. "Okay let's take a break."

"Sorry about that Queenie. Julia is just being a bitch. She's been on the top for far to long that she can't handle criticism well. Let me talk to her." Mark said. He followed Julia at the back stage

Andrea came close to me. "Well that went well." she whispered.

"Oh come on now Andrea. I was just bullying her. That's far from what I'm planning to do to her." I whispered back.

'That's a point for me.' I smiled wickedly for a second that no one was able to see. I composed myself and continued our work.


Julia banged the door open in her dressing room.

"Oh my gosh!" her PA was shocked. "What happen Julia? Why are you so angry?"

"GET OUT!" Julia shouted. "Get out NOW!"

"Alright, jeez what's your problem?" the PA said. "Bitch" the PA said internally without letting Julia hear. Then the PA went outside and closed the door.

"That bitch. How dare she belittle me in front of many people?" Julia said with rage. "I am Julia Williams. Top model of N city and heiress to the Williams group of companies."

"Just wait and see, I'll show her world class." she said with determination.