
Chapter2: "It's That Bitch again!!"

The entire abyss heard Adam's scream. Kevin who got annoyed by his scream , gave him a nice whack on his head.

"Do I really have a chance to become powerful like you? " , Adam replied with pitiful eyes.

"To be frank You will be more powerful than me, infact most powerful in this world if you take me as your master"

"Sure!!! It'd be my honor sensei", "but I really want to ask you what are your 5 chakras powers ,I heard you have 4 chakras"

"Listen carefully in this World , Do you know what is the most dangerous thing?"

"Women!!!" , replied Adam without any hesitation.

"No, It's jealousy. Mainly it's the nobles and aristocrats who want their family to be powerful , take in a lot of powerful warriors , If these warriors reject them ,they'd go to any means to kill or subdue them , I am indeed a living example of it."

"HOW? sensei!!", asked Adam with puzzled expression.

"I loved a women from a big aristocrat family , she loved me too and promised to marry me if I become a god stage , So in order to marry a commoner like me I swore myself to become powerful and on my journey to become god stage I crossed many hurdles and finally entered god stage in 3 years from foundation stage. "

"What in 3 years you went from foundation to god stage!!, Where'd you train?"

"Where do you think ?,here in abyss time flows differently and it is one of the reasons why I chose Abyss as my training ground, It took me almost 3000 years and this spirit beast helped me a lot , It's my only friend in the entire world"

"So What happened after you reached god stage?, Did you marry her?"

"No, After I reached the peak of God stage , I went to her for her hand in marriage. Just then the Dark continent invaded , so I have no choice to kill them , While killing them I broke through the god slayer stage , After the retreat of Dark forces , My soon to be fiancee with her family poisoned me , The sole reason being I rejected to join her clan . Thinking that I'd be a threat to her family they poisoned and started torturing me on how I became so powerful in 3 years and they sealed all my powers with chains and tortured me to find out my secrets, especially my fiancee she was merciless. It is that moment I realized not to trust anyone"

"How did you end up in abyss?"

"It was thanks to my spirit beast who smelled my blood and assuming that I'm in danger , she came and attacked the family , after releasing my chains we together annihilated her family and as a revenge I crippled her , and after the reinforcements came , my spirit beast took me to the abyss and that's how I ended up here. "

"Then being God slayer why can't you go take revenge"

"I was poisoned and I can't live for a long time, even if I fight I might end up dead, Instead of dying there It'd be nice if I be dead here along with my spirit beast here"

"Sensei, If you don't mind can you tell her family name?"

"It's LYTH and her name is Sana Lyth"

Adam became silent after listening Kevin.

"It's that bitch again, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", shouted with anger.

"Do you know the lyths?"

"Yes , the reason I am in abyss is because of them", holding his fists firmly he told the entire back story.

"Like mother, like daughter haaa, what do you wish to them "

"Of course! I want to have my revenge , so please help me become stronger"

Kevin was surprised with the look on Adam's face . It was full of determination and anger.

" I will teach you , but before Strengthening your body , you should learn how to seal your chakras so that no one can find it , So first I will help you open all 11 chakras"

It took Kevin 1 month to open all 11 chakras. Kevin was surprised on Adam's talent and even though he's not well he continued giving Adam his energy in order to open his chakras, the spirit beast made sure that Kevin is not exhausted and supplied him with spirit blood and spirit fruits.

After opening the chakras they took a break and after taking a week break Kevin started learning the concealing art of chakras.

It took Adam just a day to learn it.

Kevin was quite surprised and told Adam "Now, it's time to practice your first chakra and get a new element, Which element do you like to learn first "

" POISON sensei", replied Adam with a strong determination in his eyes.


---------Thank you for Reading and I appreciate for encouraging new writers-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------