
Revenge of the Reincarnated

The song of a stuck clock ticking again, a clock that was supposed to be stuck forever ... a clock that normally indicates the return of a dreaded killer, a mad investigation into a reincarnation and the revenge of reincarners

Valman · SF
2 Chs


a long time ago, in a very distant time there existed a king and a killer who lived together, the king and the killer loved each other more than all in the world even if they all separated them

The king being called Sundays and the killer called Blood-Reding, the two vowed to stay with each other forever even though they were caught paying their own deaths.

They waited a few hours before getting to people who will kill them and the clock then stopped working, the cursed clock made by her husband Blood-Reding and offered for her husband Sundays then awakening the curse of the couple who will meet in another date