

Erica witnesses the murder of her entire pack after her father refuses to hand her over to the ruthless alpha. She wants blood and she goes to the council hoping they will help her. But their leader Alpha Sev is headstrong and doesn't want to involve himself in a feud between the two packs. Not caring that she is his mate. The elders decide to force them together hoping to show his gentler side but the only way she will agree is if he will help her own plan in return. They decide to attack him only to uncover something much bigger: a trafficking ring that he is involved in. Once he is down it isn't over as they must bring down the entire organization. Which is spearheaded by Council member Fay. In their journey, they expose the corruption within the council and find love in each other. Once it is all done a new council is established with the leaders being the trustworthy friends they encountered on the way.

DaoistEmeCER · 若者
49 Chs


She felt a figure come to stand beside her. His warmth was one that she welcomed and she couldn't say that it didn't provide her with some comfort. She turned up towards him and she couldn't help but grin when she looked up to find that it was Adam.

"What are you doing?" she asked him and she watched as he shrugged his shoulders at her in response. "I am here to be your guide. Wouldn't want the Luna to get lost. Now come on, let's go." He said to her.

He begs her to take slow steps towards the forest and she was cautious as she follows slowly behind him. They had the eyes of the pack still trained on them  but she couldn't help but giggle at the thought of what the Alpha would think if he were to see them like this. She knew that it was unlikely that he would appreciate their close proximity.