
Revenge, of The Demon-Human Darius

Darius Lindon a man who had no distinct childhood memories, spent most of his life serving Mistress Isabelle as one her most reliable captains, where she is known as one of the six great generals under Demon King Lucious. Darius is tasked to kill Claire Tromair one of the human's great heroes, a warrioress that excels in both swordmanship and magic, but things aren't as they seem when he confronts her.

JuanOrt10410556 · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Darius Lindon

I look deep into Mistress Isabelle's icy deep blue eyes and ask curiously while bowing to her.

"you called for me, Mistress?"

still bowing and trying to keep eye contact with her as she stands up to walk towards me and while her light blue corset dress skirt flows smoothly behind her, she kneels right in front of me and rubs my chin seductively, while adjusting her dark blue sorceress hat that hides her short pointy horns and her shoulder length, curly blue hair, with her unoccupied hand.

"yes my dear Darius, I've got a task that only you can accomplish."

I then notice her giving our trusted Demon guards

a signal to leave us alone, and they quickly scurry out the meeting room, where me and my fellow captains strategize the Demon King's war effort to defeat the humans.

I raise my head slightly and respond.

"I'm honored that you think so highly of me that you've chosen me above my comrades."

she stands up and offers me her hand.

" would you please stand up and escort me to my bedroom, so that we can discuss this important task further? my dear Darius."

I take her hand, and kiss it.

"it will be my pleasure Mistress Isabelle."

after standing up, she leans in close to me and very captivating and mesmerizing fragrance comes from her, she wraps her arm into my arm and we begin walking out of the meeting hall together arm in arm, I try hard not be completely distracted by the current situation and nervously remark.

"things are finally our way, and soon we'll have those humans begging for mercy."

she giggles.

"there is no need to be nervous my dear Darius, I don't bite."

I understand what she means, but even still this is the first time Mistress Isabelle has ever invited me to her private quarters, and I know exactly what is going to happen next, I swallow nervously and think to myself while trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

"relax, Darius every accomplishment is finally paying off."

she notices my smile.

"oh someone looks happy."

I reply.

"of course, I'm walking right next to one of the most beautiful Female Demons."

she doesn't respond with words, but she answers with a playful giggle, I then remember my fellow comrade Captain Frautz who has been invited to Mistress Isabelle's bedroom numerous times, describing to me how amazing she is, I then shake my head.

"stop you can't have those kind of thoughts about her."

we arrive in front of the door of her bedroom and she asks.

"can you please be a dear and open the door for me?"

I respond.

"of course Mistress."

as I open the door, she places her finger on my lips and says.

"it is just Isabelle, for tonight you are forbidden to address me as Mistress or any honorifics."

I wonder in my thoughts.

"why would she make this kind of request? this goes against every etiquette training I've been doing since I was a child."

she takes off her sorceress hat and tosses it to side and says with seductive voice as she sits down at edge of her queen's size bed.

"why don't you take a seat next to me."

I reply nervously.

"yes mis-"

I stop myself and clear my throat to calm my nerves down a bit.

"yes Isabelle."

she smiles.

"that's more like it."

she pats the spot where she wants me to sit.

"now why don't you come join?"

I nod and after sitting down next to her, she asks me.

"so before you keep me company tonight, do you want to know what task I want done."

I respond swallowing nervously.

"yes Isabelle."

she asks.

"do you remember when you saved me from that vile Hero Claire who almost killed me?"

I clench both my fists in anger.

"of course I remember as if it happened yesterday."

I then begin to seethe as I remember Claire Tromair the human with bright blonde hair, towering over Mistress Isabelle who was on the floor sitting covered in blood and bleeding from the wounds she left her she places her hand on my lap, which causes my heart to ease down, and she whispers.

"calm yourself dear, I'm still alive because of you."

I apologize.

"sorry Isabelle, just remembering how bad she hurt you still makes me mad."

she leans close to me and kisses me on the lips.

"please relax dear."

the unexpected kiss manages to completely calm

me down, I then stutter.

"I-Isabelle that was my f-first k-kiss."

she smiles.

"I'm honored that I'm your first."

I shake my head.

"no I'm a no one, if anything I'm honored that my first kiss was you."

she replies as she pinches my cheek.

"aw how cute."

she gives me another kiss, but this time she keeps our lips locked a bit longer, and as she pulls away, I stare at her completely dazed like she casted a spell that causes your mind to go blank, I then shake the feeling seconds later and I ask nervously.

"I-Isabelle about the t-task you wanted m-me to d-do?"

she sighs.

"well when you saved me, not only did you manage to hold her off, I also noticed that you wounded her before you forced her to retreat."

I reply.

"well my priority was to save you from her, my mind wasn't on defeating her, but forcing her to retreat."

she reaches behind her and unzips the back of her corset dress.

"yes, but imagine if you take her on with the purpose of killing her once and for all."

as she begins to undress herself, I respond nervously.

"I think I can pull it off, if I was given the chance."

she stands up and is now in front of me in nothing but her blue bra and panties.

"and you will get the chance later tonight."

I regain my focus and stand up.

"then I must send a messenger to recall the other captains and our army immediately. "

she shakes her heads.

"no, because if you do then we will lose our chance to take her on when she isn't surrounded by the other heroes."

I ask.

"what do you mean?"

she smiles.

"how about you undress and then I'll reveal the plan I have in store for you."

I take off my armor, and my clothes but leaving my drawers on, she then answers me.

"I found out that we had a spy in our a rank."

I asked annoyed that someone betrayed Mistress Isabelle.

"was it one of the Demon-Humans you recently gave your demon blood to?"

I've seen this process many times, where demons give humans their blood, turning them into Demon-Humans, she replies.

"correct, but I already dealt with that spy."

I sigh in relief.

"good, traitors deserve to die."

she continues.

"but before killing the spy, I sent some false information to the Hero Claire that I would be left alone with none of my captains and only a few guards."

I ask.

"is that why, I'm here?"

she takes off her bra, revealing her beautiful breasts, and she caresses my cheek.

"I took you in when your parents abandoned you, and raised as if you were my own son, and it brings me much joy to see you grow into a very strong and capable Demon."

she then rubs my forehead where my horns used to be.

"even though your large horns, made you into an unwanted Demon left abandoned, I saw something special in you."

I stare at her small pointy horns the signs of strength amd power and then I reminisce about the times I was a child, and was mistreated by every other Demon for having large horns, the sign of a weak demon, but not when I first Mistress Isabelle, she showed me kindness to hideous creature such as myself, that I've never experienced before, in which I devoted my life to serve her, she then says.

"I removed the horns you had, so the other Demons wouldn't persecute you."

she embraces me and finally answers my question.

"yes that is why you are here."

she takes off her panties and lies down on her bed on her side and says.

"tonight you will make me yours and then you will kill that reprehensible Hero Claire."

I respond.

"I'm happy that you believe in me Isabelle."

she waves to come lay down next to her.

"are you going to leave me laying here naked alone, or you going to join me and make me yours?"

I take off my drawers and lay down right next to her and say nervously.

"I don't h-have a-any experience in this."

she puts her hand on my chest and straddles me.

"don't worry your handsome little head about it, I'll take good care of you."

she leans in close to me still straddling me and kisses me but this time she uses her tongue and all I do is follow her lead, she then pulls away and says.

"now let me give you something you won't forget."

after incredible twenty minutes with Mistress Isabelle she falls asleep snuggled into my arm, but I can't do the same, since I'll be fighting the Hero Claire when she shows up, I sigh and get up trying not to wake up Mistress Isabelle, I then look at her sleeping in peace and think to myself.

"don't worry I will make sure that the Hero Claire is dead tonight."

while putting on my clothes and armor, I think to myself.

"I should check in on some the guards and also warn them about potential intruders."

I then put on my leather belt, that carries my sword, around my waist and think my first encounter with the Hero Claire.

"she has probably improved since that time, but it doesn't matter, I'll come out on top in the end."

I leave her bedroom quietly but quickly notice that

all the lanterns the lit up the hallway were off, I then go into high alert and think to myself.

"Claire came with human assassin's since they always dispell any illumination magic before they attack their target."

I slowly walk down the hall to reduce sound of my metal greaves clanking, while having one hand on the hilt of my sword, I then notice a body laying on the floor at the end of the hallway where it turns into a corner, I grip the hilt of my sword ready to quickly unsheate it, I get closer to the body and quickly realize that it is one of Mistress Isabelle's guards, I inspect the body and see the deep cut across his neck and think to myself.

"the assassins are already here."

in that moment my Demon sense kick in and I feel a figure behind me, and without any hesitation I unsheate my sword and slice whoever was behind me in half with ease, I look at the human with the organs spilling out and think to myself.

"since these assassins don't usually wear armor, they shouldn't pose a problem for me."

I turn the corner of hallways and continue thinking to myself.

"but I don't think Claire would be foolish enough to wander around Mistress Isabelle's castle alone."

I notice one assassin peeking inside one of the rooms and make a split second decision and dash towards them while throwing my sword at them, they notice me and turns at my direction but they quickly fall to the floor as my sword pierces through their heart, I pull my sword from the body and think to myself.

"this is too easy, but I can't let my guard down or Claire will get the jump on me."

I continue walking down the hallway, taking out more assassins that encounter, until I reach the double stairway that leads to back of the castle, I lean over the railing and see the Hero Claire talking to another assassin, I take a deep breath and think to myself.

"I guess it's time to confront her."

I jump over the railing with my sword aiming down, I then land on the assassin with my sword piercing through them, The Hero Claire who is in

the same armor she wore when we first fought, she stares at me with her helmet hiding her bright blonde hair but not enough to cover her fierce light blue eyes and she says with a surprised voice.

"well I guess there was a mistake in our intel, one of the captains is still in the castle."